Hello, all Hope everyones day was great. I had a pretty good one I spent it cutting rot, but it was ok as now I know what I am going to do as I said earlier Friday is cut day for the large sour diesel right now, I am sitting in the house and all I can smell is weed and it smells great. Everyone have a good safe night.
Good evening :420: Looks like I have to cut tomorrow because it is going to rain on Friday. I am telling you the rain is just fucking with me now. I will be busy I have to cut and hang it. I am going to hang it down cellar not sure how it is going to work out, but I will figure it out. I really do not think I am going to get much and that is fine with me. Even the top colas have rot so I will take what I can get. Everyone have a great night and happy growing.
Good evening :420: Looks like I have to cut tomorrow because it is going to rain on Friday. I am telling you the rain is just fucking with me now. I will be busy I have to cut and hang it. I am going to hang it down cellar not sure how it is going to work out, but I will figure it out. I really do not think I am going to get much and that is fine with me. Even the top colas have rot so I will take what I can get. Everyone have a great night and happy growing.
Good luck Keith!
Happy trimming Keith hopefully its all positive
Good morning 420 I am waiting for the fog to clear up than it is chop time. Changed my mind I am going to hang my bud in the attic as it is drier up there the cellar is to damp. I will be surprised at whatever I get but I do not have high hopes for a lot of good bud, we will see.
Good morning 420 I am waiting for the fog to clear up than it is chop time. Changed my mind I am going to hang my bud in the attic as it is drier up there the cellar is to damp. I will be surprised at whatever I get but I do not have high hopes for a lot of good bud, we will see.
🤞🤞 for you bro
I lost the whole plant; the only good bud was too small to save. This is a bad year for me but next year I will do a lot of things different. I will not plant them so close to each other and I will grow indica. The other two plants are not in good shape either. I may cut my apple fritter today and see if I can save some of it.
Lost the whole plant to rot


sorry to hear that Keith, you did such a awesome job with those plants to have it come to this but hopefully you can get some from the 2 you have left, sometimes learning curves suck, try some autos indoors & you'll be smoking by Christmas
I lost the whole plant; the only good bud was too small to save. This is a bad year for me but next year I will do a lot of things different. I will not plant them so close to each other and I will grow indica. The other two plants are not in good shape either. I may cut my apple fritter today and see if I can save some of it.
Ive very sorry to hear that keith i hope your apple fritter makes it.

Mother nature can be very cruel sometimes.
Damn I'm sorry to hear that Keith. :( I've never seen a plant without something salvageable, but if you can't be bothered to go flower by flower to sort the good from the bad I can certainly understand that. :goodluck: with the next two.
I’m a little bit surprised that as big as it was that nothing was salvageable. But I’m not there and you know what you are dealing with. Sorry about the loss but just know that you grew a beautiful plant. CL🍀. :thumb: :cheer:
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