We're in for sunny days after today I see Keith! :woohoo:

I'm thinking one of mine will be done by next weekend. The other will go to the end of the season. You getting close on any? How's your pistil production doing? The one getting close is slowing on some buds and not others now. I'll see how the rot is then and have a decision then.
My apple fritter is really close I am hoping for next week and my pistils are turning brown to orange in color.
Your green house is much larger than I would need as I only grow 3 plants any more than that and I would not be able to handle them.
Your three would basically fill that greenhouse hate to tell you, lmao.

You're reporting on what's going on with your grow. I commend you. Many probably wouldn't even take the time to update so often if they were going through your weather conundrum.

BTW, your next grow, the one after that and the one following that one, should not be called your "First Plant." :p
Well said GDB! Not to mention that many are only going to share their triumphs and their good stuff. The best share their trials and tribulations and challenges. Like you do real well Keith.
@KeithLemon, I have a suggestion for you, said with a smile, and designed with your smiles in mind.

We see how you encourage people to vote in all the contests. You came at that with a lot of confidence and conviction! It was awesome! You have confidence in how you feel!

I would suggest that you can apply this same attitude to your grow and know confidently that you’ve done a great job, attended to what would be disastrous to many and even cause a small percent to abandon the grow. learned so much your head is probably spinning, and did it all with grace and thanks to all who helped you out.

You’re doing everything right buddy. Know it!

Did it work? Lol!!!

:rofl: :green_heart: :thumb:
@KeithLemon, I have a suggestion for you, said with a smile, and designed with your smiles in mind.

We see how you encourage people to vote in all the contests. You came at that with a lot of confidence and conviction! It was awesome! You have confidence in how you feel!

I would suggest that you can apply this same attitude to your grow and know confidently that you’ve done a great job, attended to what would be disastrous to many and even cause a small percent to abandon the grow. learned so much your head is probably spinning, and did it all with grace and thanks to all who helped you out.

You’re doing everything right buddy. Know it!

Did it work? Lol!!!

:rofl: :green_heart: :thumb:
My plants did great considering what they have been delt. I have learned a lot from this also. Mother nature decided it was going to be a wet summer all I can do is make the best out of it. I will not give up on my plants I will still feed them and do whatever I can to keep them alive and take them to harvest. I may not get much weed from them, but I will enjoy what I get even more. I will be doing things different next year starting in what I grow. I will pass on the long Sativa's and go with indica dominate plants. Not saying I cannot grow sativa here it just is not as easy do to time and weather in these parts. Look at StoneOtters plants he did it right had the supported right and his are beautiful. I can do that just not this year.
My plants did great considering what they have been delt. I have learned a lot from this also. Mother nature decided it was going to be a wet summer all I can do is make the best out of it. I will not give up on my plants I will still feed them and do whatever I can to keep them alive and take them to harvest. I may not get much weed from them, but I will enjoy what I get even more. I will be doing things different next year starting in what I grow. I will pass on the long Sativa's and go with indica dominate plants. Not saying I cannot grow sativa here it just is not as easy do to time and weather in these parts. Look at StoneOtters plants he did it right had the supported right and his are beautiful. I can do that just not this year.

I can do that just not this year.

Looks like this if you zoom in:

I can do that just not this year.


I just cut a lot more rot. I was afraid to look this morning but finally broke down and went out with my cutters and it was bad, but I still have bud, so we are still in the game as long as I have good bud I am doing ok. Got to be honest it is getting hard to say this. My plants were very nice looking at one time, and I would have thought about entering them in POTM but not now. I will just keep going and salvage whatever I can. I wish this on no one. But anyone that has been growing for anytime has probably delt with it. Maybe I will have some pictures this afternoon.
I just cut a lot more rot. I was afraid to look this morning but finally broke down and went out with my cutters and it was bad, but I still have bud, so we are still in the game as long as I have good bud I am doing ok. Got to be honest it is getting hard to say this. My plants were very nice looking at one time, and I would have thought about entering them in POTM but not now. I will just keep going and salvage whatever I can. I wish this on no one. But anyone that has been growing for anytime has probably delt with it. Maybe I will have some pictures this afternoon.
Hang in there man.
You'll get some tasty buds. Maybe not pounds but several ounces for sure.
Hang in there man.
You'll get some tasty buds. Maybe not pounds but several ounces for sure.
Thanks Grateful I should get some just got to hold out for the finish. Even with all this rain it has been a good year with all that I have learned and watching all the great grows here at :420:All the beautiful plants and knowledgeable growers always willing to share their knowledge. This makes it all worthwhile.
Stone what do you do if it all doesn't come at once?
I try for the best overall outcome Keith. This is my 4th outdoor grow so not a lot of experience. Most often I waited for the rot to accelerate to where I can't accept another day of loss and take them down. Some years are better than others.
I try for the best overall outcome Keith. This is my 4th outdoor grow so not a lot of experience. Most often I waited for the rot to accelerate to where I can't accept another day of loss and take them down. Some years are better than others.
Thank you, Stone that is, what I am going to do. I will take it as long as I can and then harvest what I can save. My thought has been the longer I can wait the better along the bud will be. To be honest with myself I have at least 2 weeks left so I am going to get as close to that as I can. I took a little tester yesterday and she is not ready. Cutting too soon is just as bad as the rot itself. If the bud doesn't get you high, it just a waist to cut it. I am gambling on it making it. Thank you, brother.
It's not looking like the citric acid is any match for the constant rain (if it were going to do anything at all), but rather than wonder how far along you are, take a tester flower from the middle or down low and quick dry for an idea of what it would be like if you absolutely had to cut it down now.

I quick dry with a toaster canoe:

Don't walk away if the buds are small as they can dry pretty quickly there.
It's not looking like the citric acid is any match for the constant rain (if it were going to do anything at all), but rather than wonder how far along you are, take a tester flower from the middle or down low and quick dry for an idea of what it would be like if you absolutely had to cut it down now.

I quick dry with a toaster canoe:

Don't walk away if the buds are small as they can dry pretty quickly there.
Wholly fuck that looks as dangerous as fuck:eek: :nervous-guy:
It only takes a bit of foil to touch element and shit gets ugly, you might be aware but others reading this may fk up
I find it a little disturbing
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