Good morning 420 magazine It is another beautiful day on store. My plants are doing ok I did not find any rot this morning. Thats a really good thing. Got a question I have been spraying citric acid every day is this too much or is it safe to spray every day. My plants are nice and dry, and I hope they stay that way for as long as possible. Just finishing week 8 of flower or it may be week 9 as I started counting when I was at full flower. I know the week does not matter much as they are done when they are fully matured, but it gives me a time when they should be close. Hopefully 2 more weeks. The apple fritter should be done in the 2 weeks if not sooner. The clock is ticking and the sooner the better I bought one of the scopes from Ebay, but it did not come with the attachment for my phone so in will not work. I contacted the seller to see if they can send me the attachment and hopefully so. Plants have been feed their morning feed. I have been using MaxiBloom by General Hydroponics on my small sour diesel and it has been working good so far. I feed every other day as the instruction call for. If I run out of PB then that will be what I use on the other 2 plants. Well enough for now everyone have a great day and happy growing. Stay safe.
I have been spraying citric acid every day is this too much or is it safe to spray every day.
You're in uncharted waters! I've never seen anyone spray that often since PM doesn't need to be attacked with that kind of frequency.

Thanks for being the guinea pig! :high-five:
I have been using MaxiBloom by General Hydroponics on my small sour diesel
Just the MaxiBloom or combined with the DynaGro like this:
Dyna-Gro Grow: 6ml
MaxiBloom: 4g

You're in uncharted waters! I've never seen anyone spray that often since PM doesn't need to be attacked with that kind of frequency.

Thanks for being the guinea pig! :high-five:

Just the MaxiBloom or combined with the DynaGro like this:
Dyna-Gro Grow: 6ml
MaxiBloom: 4g

I am using it just the way you told me MaxiBloom with 6 ml of Dyna-Grow. and it seems to be working great.

Could be that or could just be the sun on the wet pistils in the morning. Either way, better brown pistils than rot if it's helping!
It seems to be controlling it. I still have a lot of buds so hopefully I will not end up cutting them all. Cool thing the buds I did the back building on are fine and have repaired them self and gotten bigger just like they said they would. Another lesson learned. As for the pistils it is like you said better brown pistils than gray fungus buds. I am going to keep spraying and see where it leads too.
I was just thinking about something Shed was talking about. My tomatoes so I looked up botrytis on tomato and sure as shit I had it on my tomatoes, and I think that is how I got them on my plants. Not all of them just some the older ones I left on the vines. I see it on my tomatoes before on my plants. I thought they were just rotting, and they were from botrytis.
I was just thinking about something Shed was talking about. My tomatoes so I looked up botrytis on tomato and sure as shit I had it on my tomatoes, and I think that is how I got them on my plants. Not all of them just some the older ones I left on the vines. I see it on my tomatoes before on my plants. I thought they were just rotting, and they were from botrytis.
Most veggie gardeners call it blossom end rot, if it starts on the flower end. Blight if it has black spots all over. Clean up that garden, tomatoes have lots of diseases & should not be planted in the same spot next year
Good morning  :420: More rain today and tomorrow, I just cannot catch a break! Just when my plants get all dried out it starts raining again. Can't fight mother nature, I have one thing in mind, and she has something else. I hope everyone has a great day and a safe one too.
Good morning  :420: More rain today and tomorrow, I just cannot catch a break! Just when my plants get all dried out it starts raining again. Can't fight mother nature, I have one thing in mind, and she has something else. I hope everyone has a great day and a safe one too.
Sending positive Vibes & crazy low RH love from Tejas brother.

Hope Mother Nature gives you a break soon; she seems to be in full c**t mode right now.
Thanks Preston I can use all the good vibes I can get. I hope all is well for you and yours It has been a tough summer. You have one lucky homie getting 2 of your beautiful plants.
I still think you should invest in a greenhouse 😊 it will stop your plants getting wet ,one that the roof opens to let heat out through summer 😉
We are all wishing you good vibes 👍
Hang in there Keith!
You are getting close to harvest. You may end up trashing some more buds - no way around that. But you'll still get a big bag of primo buds off them.
Good luck my friend.
Hang in there Keith!
You are getting close to harvest. You may end up trashing some more buds - no way around that. But you'll still get a big bag of primo buds off them.
Good luck my friend.
I hope so this rain we are getting now is taking a toll on the plants. I almost do not want to look at them tomorrow.
We're in for sunny days after today I see Keith! :woohoo:

I'm thinking one of mine will be done by next weekend. The other will go to the end of the season. You getting close on any? How's your pistil production doing? The one getting close is slowing on some buds and not others now. I'll see how the rot is then and have a decision then.
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