Same situation here locally. It's been raining all summer and RH been way higher than normal and it keeps being that way as we get closer to autumn. 90-100% RH as intake air is not fun to work with. I love winters for the cold and low humidity.
The only problem with winter for me is I cannot grow. I never tried to grow indoors.
I don't count flower days at all since the plant is done when it's done.

Yes, I'm aware you only grow outdoors! My point was only that people growing indoors count weeks from flip because that's how the breeders will spec it out, but for outdoor grows they usually give a harvest month. Indoor growers are at 12/12 from the day they flip, whereas yours didn't get to 12/12 until yesterday. Completely different flowering times indoors and out.
All the strain reviews I have read call for October both early and late October. If you do not like what you read in one review just read another and it tells you something else, so I hope early October. The apple fritter will go first I pretty sure as the pistils are already changing ever so slightly.
Not a possibility I have been removing the whole bud but not anymore, I think I wasted a few good buds. But now I know Thanks Stone. I should have asked this some time ago, but would you rather be called Stone or Otter.
Call me anything but late for a toke! :)
My guess is you'll have ripe plants, some anyway, in two weeks. Maybe three for the holdouts. They're going to make it and in good condition for the most part. That's my guess and I'm sticking with it.
Call me anything but late for a toke! :)
My guess is you'll have ripe plants, some anyway, in two weeks. Maybe three for the holdouts. They're going to make it and in good condition for the most part. That's my guess and I'm sticking with it.
Thanks Stone I do have a lot of buds. My small plant shows no bud rot at all yet.
Not a possibility I have been removing the whole bud but not anymore, I think I wasted a few good buds. But now I know Thanks Stone. I should have asked this some time ago, but would you rather be called Stone or Otter.
I’m in love with you @KeithLemon. Not like that, lol. You are so on point it’s scary.
I hope my make shift cover will work it’s micky mouse but better than nothing at all

It would be better open at sides to let air flow around plant, it might get to damp/humid wrapped up like that
It would be better open at sides to let air flow around plant, it might get to damp/humid wrapped up like that
Thanks, Asorber I took it off after all the replies saying it was not the best idea. Lesson learned.
I don't count flower days at all since the plant is done when it's done.

Yes, I'm aware you only grow outdoors! My point was only that people growing indoors count weeks from flip because that's how the breeders will spec it out, but for outdoor grows they usually give a harvest month. Indoor growers are at 12/12 from the day they flip, whereas yours didn't get to 12/12 until yesterday. Completely different flowering times indoors and out.
Yes, because of the fall equinox. This week and next buds will get ripe. Come Friday Oct.6 I'm cutting something. Probably.
Thanks, Asorber I took it off after all the replies saying it was not the best idea. Lesson learned.
I may have mentioned before how when one has a massive immovable plant and rain keeps getting ya down, you can get a kiddy pool, flip it upside down, and rig it to some tall poles. Think about it like a plant umbrella. Rain usually falls straight down, and if you get it sturdy enough you can keep a plant pretty damn dry. Kiddy pools are pretty cheap this time of year at the Dollar Store.
OK she is open again and it is only drizzling out. I will just have to see what happens. Although the sour diesel is not wet just damp and the breeze is moving the air around it pretty good.
Hey keith sorry havent been around past couple days. How did you find tarping the plant like that.

My only concern with wraping the plant is it traps all the moisture into the plastic and the plant. I noticed a client do the same thing and could see all the water and moisture trapped and was dripping down. It was noticeably moist.

Curious to hear hows it worked for yourself though?
Hey keith sorry havent been around past couple days. How did you find tarping the plant like that.

My only concern with wraping the plant is it traps all the moisture into the plastic and the plant. I noticed a client do the same thing and could see all the water and moisture trapped and was dripping down. It was noticeably moist.

Curious to hear hows it worked for yourself though?
I have no way of tarping the plants.
No I unwrapped it. It is still raining out so the rot is going to be bad 3 days of rain.
Ok il find ya something you can base it off of if you still wanna try and cover it.

I was also looking at some canopy tents like the one i posted a pic over my last years plant and there pretty cheap can get one for under 100 bucks and prob can put it under at least 2 of the plants with one tent

Heres a video on a guy building his own. That were more permanent for a heavy storm
Ok il find ya something you can base it off of if you still wanna try and cover it.

I was also looking at some canopy tents like the one i posted a pic over my last years plant and there pretty cheap can get one for under 100 bucks and prob can put it under at least 2 of the plants with one tent

Heres a video on a guy building his own. That were more permanent for a heavy storm
Those are good covers but I cannot get one right now. When I can I will.
Does anyone know if it is OK to spray citric acid when it is raining a little outside. My plants are all wet, but I am not sure spraying citric acid will do anything when the buds are wet.
Probably won't reach the plant. Just sit on the water and wash off.. if it does reach the plant would be further diluted so my guess is it will be a waste
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