Personally I think this is worse than letting it get rained on unless it's only on there when it's actually raining and off right before and after.
no air flow at all needs to open up the bottom a bit or put in breathing holes 1/2 way up
Personally I think this is worse than letting it get rained on unless it's only on there when it's actually raining and off right before and after.
Thanks for the input Shed I just do not know what to do. I thought keeping the rain off would help and the bottom of the plant is open. I just am at a lost as to how to control the rot I think I had it before the rain came again.
The bottom is open just that one spot is taped up. I cannot win for losing
yeah with plants that size with out a frame around it would be hard to protect/cover from the rain but atleast you can improve for next year
I have mildew/mold and started vinegar and water spray and if that is not bad enough it rained all morning. I cannot have my plant go bad I have too much invested Time, Heart and soul I love this plant.
I had the same thing brother. I tried it all. It kept coming back and it will spread to your other plants if you have any close. Just saying harvest what you can. Sorry 😟 bro. Good luck.
I had the same thing brother. I tried it all. It kept coming back and it will spread to your other plants if you have any close. Just saying harvest what you can. Sorry 😟 bro. Good luck.
Harvest is 4 weeks away. If I get lucky maybe a little earlier. I do think I called it in flower a little late so that could help.
I just went back into my journal and found where I called flower on July 30 so that would give me another week of flower. That would put me at week 8 tomorrow. If I was right I could have only 2 weeks left, that's if they are mature in 10 weeks. It is just a thumb suck.
I just went back into my journal and found where I called flower on July 30 so that would give me another week of flower. That would put me at week 8 tomorrow. If I was right I could have only 2 weeks left, that's if they are mature in 10 weeks. It is just a thumb suck.
Is that for plants grown indoors or out? I can't recall seeing weeks listed for outdoor grows as outdoor harvest time is usually listed by month.
Those are some mighty big plants remember friend....I know you're picking pieces of bud rot out every day but in retrospect, it's really a minute amount when compared the harvest you will have. You know, this outdoor growing is so stressful. I really want to grow huge plants outside one day but man oh man, I will not lie and say that I wouldn't be more than comfortable just keeping on keeping on with my tent grows. Looking for bugs every day, worrying about rain and mildew and rot, the entire environmental unknown...just all of it, makes me so leary...I admit I have not truly "enjoyed" this Bubblegum grow outside because I have been filled with anxiety since I put her outside.....just stay positive brother. You can't let some isolated botryitis take away from the splendor that is your garden
Brilliantly post and damn do I ever feel the same. I’m almost scared of it.
I just went back into my journal and found where I called flower on July 30 so that would give me another week of flower. That would put me at week 8 tomorrow. If I was right I could have only 2 weeks left, that's if they are mature in 10 weeks. It is just a thumb suck.
Remember @KeithLemon , at the time you took my advice on pistils to make that call. But many don’t call flower till they see budlets, I believe Shed is one of them? If that’s true to my memory, I’m suggesting that may have been a bit premature in your case with the photos outside. I wouldn’t be surprised if you have at least that extra more week or so.
Hey, do you have one of those kerosene powered torpedo heaters by chance? This things blow tons of air even if it’s warm. I just don’t know what other fan type thing you could put out in all that rain. But that could be covered and doesn’t depend on electric. Maybe if it was far enough away? I feel for you on the rain buddy. And good job on opening that cover bag. That was going to accelerate your bud rot if it wasn’t opened up.
Hey, do you have one of those kerosene powered torpedo heaters by chance? This things blow tons of air even if it’s warm. I just don’t know what other fan type thing you could put out in all that rain. But that could be covered and doesn’t depend on electric. Maybe if it was far enough away? I feel for you on the rain buddy. And good job on opening that cover bag. That was going to accelerate your bud rot if it wasn’t opened up.
Thanks Jon but I do not have one of those heaters. I will just keep spraying with citric acid and see where it takes me. I was looking back in my journal, and I cannot believe how much rain my area has had this summer. I have had no PM this far and I hope I did not jink myself by saying that. As a matter of fact, I think I will go and spray some now even if it is wet out.
I hope my make shift cover will work it’s micky mouse but better than nothing at all

Why not run clothes line on 2 sides but not level so the rain pours off a tarp. Anchor it with alligator type clothes pins maybe 🤔? It would be long enuff to cover them all with a big tarp. I’m not saying it would be perfect but it might work. CL🍀
Hi Keith. So looking at the cut off buds Shed commented on back a page or two for not seeing rot I want to say I want to say you may be taking off more than you need? On close inspection I'll take my fingers or the scissor tip and make my way through the individual nugs that make up the bud, find the brown and cut only that out leaving the rest to watch ripen. It's possible you're removing more than needed. Know what I'm saying?
Thanks Jon but I do not have one of those heaters. I will just keep spraying with citric acid and see where it takes me. I was looking back in my journal, and I cannot believe how much rain my area has had this summer. I have had no PM this far and I hope I did not jink myself by saying that. As a matter of fact, I think I will go and spray some now even if it is wet out.
Same situation here locally. It's been raining all summer and RH been way higher than normal and it keeps being that way as we get closer to autumn. 90-100% RH as intake air is not fun to work with. I love winters for the cold and low humidity.
Is that for plants grown indoors or out? I can't recall seeing weeks listed for outdoor grows as outdoor harvest time is usually listed by month.
I only grow outdoors. I know I am just wishing for a speedy harvest. It will be Oct. I just hope it is early October and not like last year which was late October.
Why not run clothes line on 2 sides but not level so the rain pours off a tarp. Anchor it with alligator type clothes pins maybe 🤔? It would be long enuff to cover them all with a big tarp. I’m not saying it would be perfect but it might work. CL🍀
Good idea but I have nothing to anchor it to, but if I did it may just work.
Hi Keith. So looking at the cut off buds Shed commented on back a page or two for not seeing rot I want to say I want to say you may be taking off more than you need? On close inspection I'll take my fingers or the scissor tip and make my way through the individual nugs that make up the bud, find the brown and cut only that out leaving the rest to watch ripen. It's possible you're removing more than needed. Know what I'm saying?
Not a possibility I have been removing the whole bud but not anymore, I think I wasted a few good buds. But now I know Thanks Stone. I should have asked this some time ago, but would you rather be called Stone or Otter.
But many don’t call flower till they see budlets, I believe Shed is one of them?
I don't count flower days at all since the plant is done when it's done.
I only grow outdoors. I know I am just wishing for a speedy harvest. It will be Oct. I just hope it is early October and not like last year which was late October.
Yes, I'm aware you only grow outdoors! My point was only that people growing indoors count weeks from flip because that's how the breeders will spec it out, but for outdoor grows they usually give a harvest month. Indoor growers are at 12/12 from the day they flip, whereas yours didn't get to 12/12 until yesterday. Completely different flowering times indoors and out.
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