They are to tall for me to get anything over them and I would crush the colas. nice idea wish I could.
Ive seen growers use 2X4s or t posts staked into ground with clear plastic or tarps to cover plants in severe weather at this time of year.

Il try and find some photos for ya. Great thing about that is you can adjust how tall it needs to be might be something to think about?
How about a wind driven ventilation (non electric) fan next year? Stuff they put on top of buildings - wondering if they amplify the natural available wind?

Ive seen growers use 2X4s or t posts staked into ground with clear plastic or tarps to cover plants in severe weather at this time of year.

Il try and find some photos for ya. Great thing about that is you can adjust how tall it needs to be might be something to think about?
Thanks Newb I may just try this. I need to try something. I cannot quit now.
How about a wind driven ventilation (non electric) fan next year? Stuff they put on top of buildings - wondering if they amplify the natural available wind?

I do not know about that. Next year smaller plants with more indica in them so they flower faster, it takes to long for these sativa plants to finish. Shed told me to do this last year but I had the sour diesel seeds, so I ran them. The plant my brother-in law had he cut already what a waste. Not sure how the other two are doing in Washington. They are in 5-gallon buckets, so they are a lot smaller than mine. This makes them easier to deal with. I do like em big.
I love the looks of Sativa's, but the flower time is to long 10-12 weeks. I am on week 7 or 8 maybe a little closer as I called it in flower when I had good size flowers. We will see I am going to take them thru to the end. I honestly thought about chopping them down, but I have too much invested in them.
Brad just contacted me and said he chopped his big sour diesel and it was ready he must have got a 8-week harvest. Some of the sour diesel strains do say 8-10 weeks flower. I can only hope my plants mature early but they are not ready yet I am at least a week behind him.
If you decide to do it, you still can if do it slowly. At this stage it's probably not a good idea to take so many fans at once that the plant decides to grow more in response. That would mean less energy for flower development.
I cut some larf from the bottom of the larger sour diesel and will take a few from my little one tomorrow. I still have the fans and they are not going yellow. I never take fan because I thought they never regrow, and I would need them later in late flower. I can and will take more on Saturday. The fans on the apple fritter are yellowing a little but have stayed the same amount of faded. I gave it a little more PB core B quite some time ago it did nothing, so I stopped. I do not think I would do that now because I am in flower. I was thinking about something you were talking about months ago checking the THC level of the small larf buds below along with the larger bud up top to see if there is a difference. I have a good plant for that. actually, I have two plants for that. You still thinking about it. Thanks, Shed
Good morning :420: The sun is out and it will be a nice day today and the dreaded rain tomorrow and Sunday. I will feed and spray citric acid in a little while. I will have pictures later this morning. Hopefully I fine no rot as I left it yesterday it looked like I had the rot under control, but I know this will not be the end of it. I will hang in there and fight to the end of the grow. It would be easier to cut the plant down and call it quits but I will not do that as I still have a lot of good buds left and I still have hope this is going to be some really good weed. Thanks for following my journal with me. Have a great day and stay safe. Happy growing.
I just caught up @KeithLemon. Ugh. Bud rot eh? Reasonably predictable with growing in a monsoon. But still Ugh. Sorry to hear it. You seem to be managing so far. How far away are the buds on the plant with rot and what plant is it? Everyone has already offered great advice, I will focus on potential ideals for the future.

Pop up? You know those pop up tent things that only have a roof and are telescopic? They’re pretty inexpensive. The size you’d need for beasts grown that way would likely be prohibitive. But - I would guess that with one simple topping of the main, keeping the plants more like 6 feet tallish, the pop up would function as a very effective umbrella for the entire plant. You’ve learned more than enough to have a handle on how you could make those same plants be lower. The top once and get less tall thing would seem to maybe be a good idea in general, as regardless of what you end up using as a cover, you’ll have more options with less tall plants.
I just caught up @KeithLemon. Ugh. Bud rot eh? Reasonably predictable with growing in a monsoon. But still Ugh. Sorry to hear it. You seem to be managing so far. How far away are the buds on the plant with rot and what plant is it? Everyone has already offered great advice, I will focus on potential ideals for the future.

Pop up? You know those pop up tent things that only have a roof and are telescopic? They’re pretty inexpensive. The size you’d need for beasts grown that way would likely be prohibitive. But - I would guess that with one simple topping of the main, keeping the plants more like 6 feet tallish, the pop up would function as a very effective umbrella for the entire plant. You’ve learned more than enough to have a handle on how you could make those same plants be lower. The top once and get less tall thing would seem to maybe be a good idea in general, as regardless of what you end up using as a cover, you’ll have more options with less tall plants.
Jon next year I am going to grow shorter plats and go with indica plants to cut down on the flowering time. I would fell a lot better is I only had a couple weeks left in flower, but I still have a least 4weeks to go. I appreciate the advice on things you have given me this year. A bit more trimming would have helped, and you have been telling me this all along during this growing season. Next year I will do a much better job on this in my future grows. Have a great day.
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