Hello, I bought some foxfarm tiger bloom because I do not have enough PB for all my plants. My issue is feeding. They say to feed 10-15 ml per gallon every other watering. I do not feed like that I feed every day as needed and do not water alone. Can someone advise me what to do in this case. Should I start watering every other day. This will be different for the PB and to be honest it will be a pain in the ass. If anyone is familiar with foxfarm I would appreciate any advise. I also bought a bottle of big grow but they say not to use it during flower so I figure cool I will save some $$. The feeding schedule does not make sense with the way I learned how to feed.
Okay, first off, the Tiger Bloom alone won't get you to harvest, and neither of those products has a lick of calcium in it, nor sulfur, so you will need to add something with Ca and probably epsom salts. What brand of cal-mag do they have?

Also, do they have DynaGrow? @Preston9mm has great success with it.
Okay, first off, the Tiger Bloom alone won't get you to harvest, and neither of those products has a lick of calcium in it, nor sulfur, so you will need to add something with Ca and probably epsom salts. What brand of cal-mag do they have?

Also, do they have DynaGrow? @Preston9mm has great success with it.
Shedster 🦸‍♂️to the rescue 🛟 of plants 🪴 everywhere! CL🍀. :thumb: :cheer:

Confirmed coming early to the Lemon household this year!
Okay, first off, the Tiger Bloom alone won't get you to harvest, and neither of those products has a lick of calcium in it, nor sulfur, so you will need to add something with Ca and probably epsom salts. What brand of cal-mag do they have?

Also, do they have DynaGrow? @Preston9mm has great success with it.
I have never used cal-mag and DynaGrow is not available locally. I can get some different nutes I will need to order it and that was not what I really wanted to do. I can get the cal-mag locally so I need to return the grow big and pick up something with Ca. I do have epson salt. They do have FF cal-mag it is called Bush Doctor cal-mag. Thank you Shed I really appreciate the help.
I have never used cal-mag and DynaGrow is not available locally. I can get some different nutes I will need to order it and that was not what I really wanted to do. I can get the cal-mag locally so I need to return the grow big and pick up something with Ca. I do have epson salt. They do have FF cal-mag it is called Bush Doctor cal-mag. Thank you Shed I really appreciate the help.
You won't need any Calmag outdoors with Dyna-Gro. It's a complete plant food. "Calmag" is generally only needed to buffer coir.
You won't need any Calmag outdoors with Dyna-Gro. It's a complete plant food. "Calmag" is generally only needed to buffer coir.
Thanks Wastei I wish Dyna Gro was available locally. I do have one more place I can try and it is the grow shop in the next town over Southwick Ma. I will give them a call easy is what I am looking for.
Midget phobia. Serious affliction.
Oh balls Jon. Just balls. I'd like to see how you react in a dark room with a contortionist midget and his midget friends with their little hands and sharp nails caressing your face in a scary Jefferey Dahmer way.....bet you'd run too!
When I get stoned, I do stupid shit.
Don't we all?! Just make sure you buy the right feed supplements!!
Some pictures










Oh Hiiiiiiii there Keith!!!! Damn if I were that bitch Kevin, I'd never square up to you and I'd be giving you $40 bucks instead of the $20 I owed you.
I saw him but he can run fast.
Yea but you're tougher!
If my 83 year old mom can grow them I 'm sure you can
1st entry
Potting soil, compost, worm cast, a bit of tomato fert & water
Came from my lineage
Oh your Mama! She is a special lady!!!!
I will postulate that this plant in particular is going to need support. Ay caramba! This buds are HUGE! Like Shed said, great job negotiating all the rain. What a grow.
Madone!!!! Big is an understatement
Some morning pictures









These plants are just sooooo thick and lush and huge and tall and just everything I want to see in my future outdoor growing endeavors.
Just got home from a John Fogerty concert and it was great. He played for 2 hours straight, no stopping.:peace:
Glad you got time for yourself and are able to enjoy some yummy tomatoes because you deserve it! You put in the work to get these plants to where they are now and it shows!!
Oh balls Jon. Just balls. I'd like to see how you react in a dark room with a contortionist midget and his midget friends with their little hands and sharp nails caressing your face in a scary Jefferey Dahmer way.....bet you'd run too!

Don't we all?! Just make sure you buy the right feed supplements!!

Oh Hiiiiiiii there Keith!!!! Damn if I were that bitch Kevin, I'd never square up to you and I'd be giving you $40 bucks instead of the $20 I owed you.

Yea but you're tougher!

Oh your Mama! She is a special lady!!!!

Madone!!!! Big is an understatement

These plants are just sooooo thick and lush and huge and tall and just everything I want to see in my future outdoor growing endeavors.

Glad you got time for yourself and are able to enjoy some yummy tomatoes because you deserve it! You put in the work to get these plants to where they are now and it shows!!
Thank you Krissi I went to the grow shop and came home with something different than I originally planned on. But still got the Dyna-Grow.
I got the Dyna-Grow and also got some General Hydroponics MaxiBloom. I guy at the store swears by it and it is easy and cheap. Now I have to research it to find out a little about it. It is powder and very soluble. I love those stores and the knowledge they have to share plus it is close by.
New nutrients to try I think I will use the MaxiBloom never used dry powder before

I thought that stuff was just for hydro? But if it works for you then cool 😎. I never used it so I don’t know anything about it. CL🍀
Thanks Jon I have some foxfarm to complete the grow on my little sour diesel plant.
You might be wise to add up the numbers on what you’re feeding her now with the PB, and compare to the prescribed numbers on the FF. I don’t know how they compare but you’ll obviously have to figure out the right FF feed, right? That might be a start?
Thank you, West Hippie. They are a bit large, and I hope I make it to harvest in about 6 more weeks. If all goes well I should have a good amount of weed. :thumb:
Good amount of weed. Yeah. That’s fair.

Okay, first off, the Tiger Bloom alone won't get you to harvest, and neither of those products has a lick of calcium in it, nor sulfur, so you will need to add something with Ca and probably epsom salts. What brand of cal-mag do they have?

Also, do they have DynaGrow? @Preston9mm has great success with it.
I hadn’t gotten this far Shed, but knew you’d be on this! This is what I was referring to Keith. Shed knows.
After reading what Shed told me I dropped the FF as it is no longer as easy as I would like it to be. I picked up some General Hydroponics MaxiBloom and for soil it is 1-2 teaspoons of powder per gallon water. I think I will start with 1 teaspoon per gallon it has the Cal-Mag and sulfur in it, the NPK is 5-15-14 should be a stand-alone for flower, they have a bloom booster, but I was told it is not needed. The Ca is 5.0% and Mg is 3.5% and S 4.0% Now I do not understand what all these do but was told it was enough to cover the bases. I also got some Dyna-Grow I will keep for another grow. For $17 a 2.2lb bag it cannot get cheaper and 1 teaspoon per gallon every other day. straight water in between feeding. f w f w I can do this. I will see how it works and for less than $25 I got both Dyna-Grow and the MaxiBloom enough to get me through the harvest. The best thing is I now have a grow shop close to me that has anything I may need.
The Dyna-Gro as @Preston9mm uses it is more than one bottle, but I ran a calculation on the two products you have there and came up with this mix/gallon:

Dyna-Gro Grow: 6ml
MaxiBloom: 4g

That comes to 163-131-189 with Ca at 85, Mg at 45, and S at 42.

That's more P than I like, but per @Jon's suggestion, here is what full flower PB mix gets you (5-10-10-5-5-5):

132-84-241 with Ca at 107, Mg at 67, and S at 82.

Of course, that mix showed an N deficiency so the higher N above would be better as well as the lower K.
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