Your plants are looking fantastic, Keith!
Definitely Plant Of The Month contender.

What are you spraying for bugs?
I was using neem during veg I also have Bt. Thanks for the kind words.
I was using neem during veg I also have Bt. Thanks for the kind words.
Suggestion if I may.

I thought I saw chew marks on one of the leaves. Grasshoppers are devastating. You might consider spraying castile soap once per week, and bt twice per week. Are you planning on doing a bud wash after harvest? It is highly recommend when growing outdoors.

I also spray neem around the bottom of the plant only - not on any flowers. My thinking is this will get rid of any crawlers down low. Be ready to do battle. I lost a crop in late flower to pests and it sucked. Aphids exploded everywhere in a matter of days.

It is go time! Good luck!
Suggestion if I may.

I thought I saw chew marks on one of the leaves. Grasshoppers are devastating. You might consider spraying castile soap once per week, and bt twice per week. Are you planning on doing a bud wash after harvest? It is highly recommend when growing outdoors.

I also spray neem around the bottom of the plant only - not on any flowers. My thinking is this will get rid of any crawlers down low. Be ready to do battle. I lost a crop in late flower to pests and it sucked. Aphids exploded everywhere in a matter of days.

It is go time! Good luck!
Thanks, Grateful I have never seen a grasshopper or caterpillar here, but my tomatoes did have aphids early this year I sprayed them with neem and Bt. It killed them all and I have not seen any sense. I have been lucky this year and last year with no bug problems. Last year I did have a PM problem and learned an important lesson. Do not spray neem during flower. I turned my pistils brown. Not this year, I have been watching for PM and if I see it, I will spray with citric acid the mix I got from Smoking Wings 1 1/4 tsp citric acid to 500ml distilled water.
Ladybugs are back two of them










You outdoor folks amaze me with the sheer size of your plants!

Looking forward! :Rasta:
Good afternoon all :420:The day started off with rain but now it is sunny and warm. My ladybugs are back, and I love seeing them. The buds on the apple fritter are getting bigger I like seeing them first thing in the morning. There is a nice breeze that is drying the plants off nicely. I wish you could smell these plants. No matter where you are in the yard you can smell them. The sour diesels are budding up nice fully too. From what I have read about the sour diesels they are going to get really smelly as they bud up. The apple fritter is already getting pretty sticky all the buds are getting a nice sugary coating on them. I need to find a better camera for pictures as my phone is a little blurry. Hope everyone is having a great day.
You outdoor folks amaze me with the sheer size of your plants!

Looking forward! :Rasta:
Thanks, GDB I am looking forward to the next 6 weeks of flower. Hopefully they will only need 10 weeks and not something like 11 or 12 weeks. I am betting on 10 weeks. The hell with betting I am praying.
Good afternoon all :420:The day started off with rain but now it is sunny and warm. My ladybugs are back, and I love seeing them. The buds on the apple fritter are getting bigger I like seeing them first thing in the morning. There is a nice breeze that is drying the plants off nicely. I wish you could smell these plants. No matter where you are in the yard you can smell them. The sour diesels are budding up nice fully too. From what I have read about the sour diesels they are going to get really smelly as they bud up. The apple fritter is already getting pretty sticky all the buds are getting a nice sugary coating on them. I need to find a better camera for pictures as my phone is a little blurry. Hope everyone is having a great day.
I wish I could smell them too Keith!

You tickle me complaining about that phone. Most of your pics are very nice. A lot depends on when you take them. I don't think there's anything wrong with you phone cam. Hmm. What else could it be? :)
I wish I could smell them too Keith!

You tickle me complaining about that phone. Most of your pics are very nice. A lot depends on when you take them. I don't think there's anything wrong with you phone cam. Hmm. What else could it be? :)
I get it.
Are you Murican, Keef?
Yes I am an American and I like the Keef it's what I was called as a kid and that was a long time ago. I am not a redneck or a hillbilly well some times I am a hillbilly.
Evening report This is freaken amazing. I can see the difference in the bud from morning to evening. This is the best of times and the scariest of times. These plants are doing everything they are supposed to do. I was out there with my glass checking them out and the breeze starts blowing. What do I think, they are going to break but no they are not going to break. I am looking at all the white pistils. What do I think, they are going to get bud rot. If they do that is part of growing. Now I am going to smoke some more. I love these plants.
I will spray with citric acid the mix I got from Smoking Wings 1 1/4 tsp citric acid to 500ml distilled water.
That made me do a little math: Google says that 1.25tsp of citric acid weighs 6.125g.
If you mix 6.125g of citric acid in 500ml of distilled water you get a spray that's 1.23% citric acid, which is higher than my old recommendation (to which I believe Smoking Wings is referring).

Better to go with my new recommendation of a .25% solution, which would be 1.25g of citric acid in 500ml of distilled water.

I mix mine 1500ml at a time in a pump sprayer with 3.75g of citric acid.

Don't forget to add a few drops of dish soap (or some yucca powder) to make the spray stick to the leaves. In 1500ml of water I add less than 1/16th tsp of RAW brand yucca powder and that's plenty!
That made me do a little math: Google says that 1.25tsp of citric acid weighs 6.125g.
If you mix 6.125g of citric acid in 500ml of distilled water you get a spray that's 1.23% citric acid, which is higher than my old recommendation (to which I believe Smoking Wings is referring).

Better to go with my new recommendation of a .25% solution, which would be 1.25g of citric acid in 500ml of distilled water.

I mix mine 1500ml at a time in a pump sprayer with 3.75g of citric acid.

Don't forget to add a few drops of dish soap (or some yucca powder) to make the spray stick to the leaves. In 1500ml of water I add less than 1/16th tsp of RAW brand yucca powder and that's plenty!
Thanks, Shed That is what I had written down in my notebook. I will need to change it before and if I need it. Nothing against Smoking Wing I must have written it wrong.
Good morning all I just feed my plants a gallon each and will give them another gallon in a little while. I cannot say it enough I love the smell of the plants. I wish I could bottle it and the apple fritter is sticky as hell. I will have some pictures a little later. Have a great day.
Good morning all I just feed my plants a gallon each and will give them another gallon in a little while. I cannot say it enough I love the smell of the plants. I wish I could bottle it and the apple fritter is sticky as hell. I will have some pictures a little later. Have a great day.
Someone needs to make aftershave that smells of different weed .
I'd buy it 😃
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