Thank you, Capt., I thought that was the way to go. They should tell me if I feed too much. :thanks: I appreciate all your help.
The plants will tell you. They’re so big @KeithLemon, you’d be hard pressed to overfeed them as long as you stick to the PB schedule.
Excellent point. I couldn’t agree more. Growing this clone has rekindled my love for soil. I’m enjoying building her roots out. I forgot how easy organic soil is! It’s like zero work!
Again, the apple fritter is a clone and has been fairly easy to grow.
Thanks Jon the apple fritter is my favorite.
I see why! I also see she’s stacking very similarly to mine in terms of your internodal. I think you’re going to have gigantic colas you can’t imagine. Which one you gonna make PLOTM?
I was thinking the same thing Capt. But I need to wait a while before removing any more. I want the nutrients to go for the good buds and not the ones that will amount to nothing. The middle of the apple fritter is open, but you cannot see that in the pictures. The sativa sour diesels have plenty of open space but there are more little buds at the bottom of the plants. The buds at the top of the Sativa's are pretty much open up. I believe I am starting week 4 of flower on the apple fritter and week 3 of the sour diesels. Thanks Capt. your input is always appreciated.
Just to add to Captain’s point - you are in the exact right time frame when taking out flarf is optimal. This is the time to do it. Nice job.
I see why! I also see she’s stacking very similarly to mine in terms of your internodal. I think you’re going to have gigantic colas you can’t imagine. Which one you gonna make PLOTM?
I do not know about POTM.
If you go back for more I would suggest plucking only larf buds off the stems and leaving all the remaining fans (unless they are leaning on another leaf). As the plant ages it's better for them to have a lot of fan leaves to soak up the sun as well as using them if they're running short on one nutrient element or another.

This is all I took off Grandpa's Moonshine yesterday on flip day 26...just larf:
Doggone it @InTheShed, you’re right on again. I just “learned” this (put into action for the first time). Before, I’d take the fans wherever I took flarf. This time I tried it this way (well, closer to this way, it was a first try), and I am literally shocked at the low amount of flarf I have. Bravo! Again…. Lol.
I do not know about POTM.

Seriously? It’s the no brainer of all no brainers! These plants are off the charts!!! Or you don’t like having a real legit chance to win a contest??
I am really glad to hear that.
Traditional thinking says to do it in the third week of flower. By then you can pretty much see what’s what. After that it’s the maintenance plucking that Shed showed you.
Here are some morning pictures hope you like them. Looks like a beautiful day. The sun was a problem with the pictures this morning, but I will not complain about the sun. I will take sun instead of rain any day. All 3 plants have been feed I gave them a gallon each so I will be giving them another gallon in about an hour. Hope your day starts as nice as my day has been.
Here are some morning pictures hope you like them. Looks like a beautiful day. The sun was a problem with the pictures this morning, but I will not complain about the sun. I will take sun instead of rain any day. All 3 plants have been feed I gave them a gallon each so I will be giving them another gallon in about an hour. Hope your day starts as nice as my day has been.
Curious keith on a feeding day how much do you normally feed for those 25 gallon pots?
Got the porch guys here again today and it is coming along good, they are jacking up one end of the porch 1 inch and they jacked up the other end 4 inches. hopefully they will finish soon. I have good people doing the work all this work is done on a hand shake the price is on a 2x4. Morris is a good man, and he did the porch 30 years ago. Man, I was a lot younger then and was able to jump in there and help now not so in fact Morris does not do the work anymore his two sons do it. They are both go kids they grew up straight and did not get in trouble as kids. Morris's sons and my boy used to party down in the field up the road.
Thanks Krissi maybe I will enter one of them next month or even Oct. They should be loaded with bud by then. I entered one of the sour diesels when it was a baby.
Everyone loves a huge fully budded healthy outdoor grow. Yours are no exception my friend
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