They look much better Keith. Good job! :Rasta:
There they are after a little cleaning up. Tell me what you think, is there anything else that may need to be done. I am open for suggestions. Thanks for checking them out.
Personally I like to remove a little more and open up the bottom but they look great. That’s just me and I think if you’re happy with it then you should go with it. CL🍀
Personally I like to remove a little more and open up the bottom but they look great. That’s just me and I think if you’re happy with it then you should go with it. CL🍀
I was thinking the same thing Capt. But I need to wait a while before removing any more. I want the nutrients to go for the good buds and not the ones that will amount to nothing. The middle of the apple fritter is open, but you cannot see that in the pictures. The sativa sour diesels have plenty of open space but there are more little buds at the bottom of the plants. The buds at the top of the Sativa's are pretty much open up. I believe I am starting week 4 of flower on the apple fritter and week 3 of the sour diesels. Thanks Capt. your input is always appreciated.
There they are after a little cleaning up. Tell me what you think, is there anything else that may need to be done. I am open for suggestions. Thanks for checking them out.
If you go back for more I would suggest plucking only larf buds off the stems and leaving all the remaining fans (unless they are leaning on another leaf). As the plant ages it's better for them to have a lot of fan leaves to soak up the sun as well as using them if they're running short on one nutrient element or another.

This is all I took off Grandpa's Moonshine yesterday on flip day 26...just larf:
If you go back for more I would suggest plucking only larf buds off the stems and leaving all the remaining fans (unless they are leaning on another leaf). As the plant ages it's better for them to have a lot of fan leaves to soak up the sun as well as using them if they're running short on one nutrient element or another.

This is all I took off Grandpa's Moonshine yesterday on flip day 26...just larf:
Thanks, Shed I appreciate the advice. I will follow your advice and I have plenty of fans left but could use the fan leaves for signs of problems. I have been feeding a lot and still have the fear of adding to much of something. This is growing fears for me, and the buds can use the nutrients I would think. I am very glad to have you around Shed.
Wow! You plant looks great. What size pot do you have it in? Will this plant be finished end of September? do you have more then 1 plant?
Thanks, and they are in 25-gallon pots. Two grow pots and one standard old pot. They will be done hopefully in October. There is 3 plants. One is a 50/50 and the other two are 90/10 sativa. An apple fritter and two sour diesels.
My brother and I always trade flower to each other because we grow different strains BUT he would give that up In the trade lol.. we both grow 4 plants each of different strains BUT this year he also won’t trade because all of his plants died from all the rain so it looks like I’ll be giving up some flower to him this year lol..
Thats a good brother.
The full on wet/dry cycle is what they thrive on in veg Keith. In flower, after you've built great roots with that method of watering it's time to let them have water and food to let them use those roots. No dry period in flower for me in or outdoors.
Excellent point. I couldn’t agree more. Growing this clone has rekindled my love for soil. I’m enjoying building her roots out. I forgot how easy organic soil is! It’s like zero work!
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