Thank you, Capt., I do not know about POTM I do not have much luck at winning any of the contest here I always end up second but no wins. But I appreciate the chances I have had.
As long as you keep entering your odds of winning 🏆 are getting better and when you have a tree 🌲 like yours I think you’ll finally win. CL🍀. :morenutes: :cheer:
As long as you keep entering your odds of winning 🏆 are getting better and when you have a tree 🌲 like yours I think you’ll finally win. CL🍀. :morenutes: :cheer:
I've always said Keith's a real natural at this! His girls are going places! I think he's got the formula down and he's always improving, now its only down to patience! :cool:
In my book I have it marked down as 8/4 as my flowering start date and I think that is about right 3 weeks for the apple fritter and about 8/11 for the sour diesels 2 weeks I am not all that good at keeping track of these things. I love the looks of the apple fritter in early flower. I think the apple fritter looks so much better than the sour diesels The 50/50 indica is beautiful if I do say so myself. I hope they all make it to harvest but I am not looking forward to all the trimming but as I have been told by the time, I am finished I should have a good idea of the whole trimming event. I love growing weed more so than anything else. I bet an indoor grow would be a great experience. In the future I will do an indoor grow.
I've always said Keith's a real natural at this! His girls are going places! I think he's got the formula down and he's always improving, now its only down to patience! :cool:
Thank you so much Wastei I truly appreciate your kind words and it is an honor for these kind words coming from you. You are a great grower and that is why it's so nice to hear you say these things. Growing is cool and to be complimented by such great growers make me feel good.
You deserve all the creds Keith! For me it's honoring enough to get the nomination. It shows someone really appreciate all the time and work you put in to this every day.

I don't think I'll ever win any contests on this site but it makes me happy knowing I gave back as much as possible to the communities that literally helped me stay alive.

The better job I do at this the easier my life gets and the more I'm able to give back to the community.
Don’t give up Wastei your time will come and prolly be when you least expect it. CL🍀. :thumb: :cheer:
Don’t give up Wastei your time will come and prolly be when you least expect it. CL🍀. :thumb: :cheer:
In your case Wastei it is just a matter of time, and you will be in the winner circle for sure. :thumb:
Flowering pictures










There are some afternoon wet pictures just flower pictures. I love the plants most when they are in early flower. I figured it to be 3 weeks in flower for the apple fritter and 2 weeks for the sour diesels Everyone have a great Friday night and a good weekend. Stay safe and happy smoking,
cloudy morning My plants are looking ok. Flowering is moving on and I am waiting for the sun to burn through the clouds. Here it comes the sun as I write this is going to be a nice day with no rain. I will not feed today as the pots are pretty wet may be tomorrow, I will wait and see as I want the pots to dry out completely before I feed. I think I will go to the lake today or tomorrow. I have to wait for my wife to get home from the shore in a couple hours. I hope you like the pictures I took this morning; I love the plants in flower as I said yesterday, I will continue just using the Prescription Blend and add nothing new to the mix. It is working good so why mess with it, PB has all the flower boost in it, if anything I may up the Big Data and kelp a little as Krissi did in her grow. Both the sour diesels and the apple fritter are building buds, and I can see it happening because I check the plants about a hundred times a day. I cannot go 15 minutes without looking at them. I keep asking myself what I can do for the plants knowing all along there is nothing, but feed as needed. As Shed told me all I can do is sit and watch them grow. Patience is something I am missing it is hard for me to sit and wait. Have a good day and happy growing.
I'm showing mine these pics so they know what I'm expecting! Your plants are looking generous Keith! Lots of bud everywhere!
Thanks Stone and my plants have nothing on yours. You grow some of the best plants around big and full.
In my book I have it marked down as 8/4 as my flowering start date and I think that is about right 3 weeks for the apple fritter and about 8/11 for the sour diesels 2 weeks I am not all that good at keeping track of these things. I love the looks of the apple fritter in early flower. I think the apple fritter looks so much better than the sour diesels The 50/50 indica is beautiful if I do say so myself. I hope they all make it to harvest but I am not looking forward to all the trimming but as I have been told by the time, I am finished I should have a good idea of the whole trimming event. I love growing weed more so than anything else. I bet an indoor grow would be a great experience. In the future I will do an indoor grow.
Counting flowering time is beyond me. Every year I start counting week by week, and it never pans out. I've finally came to the conclusion that these plants aren't gonna say " Ahhh shit! It's week four! I better get some trichomes on!" It's like when you see them everyday, you just can't see the progress. It's that damn Observation Theory.
cloudy morning My plants are looking ok. Flowering is moving on and I am waiting for the sun to burn through the clouds. Here it comes the sun as I write this is going to be a nice day with no rain. I will not feed today as the pots are pretty wet may be tomorrow, I will wait and see as I want the pots to dry out completely before I feed. I think I will go to the lake today or tomorrow. I have to wait for my wife to get home from the shore in a couple hours. I hope you like the pictures I took this morning; I love the plants in flower as I said yesterday, I will continue just using the Prescription Blend and add nothing new to the mix. It is working good so why mess with it, PB has all the flower boost in it, if anything I may up the Big Data and kelp a little as Krissi did in her grow. Both the sour diesels and the apple fritter are building buds, and I can see it happening because I check the plants about a hundred times a day. I cannot go 15 minutes without looking at them. I keep asking myself what I can do for the plants knowing all along there is nothing, but feed as needed. As Shed told me all I can do is sit and watch them grow. Patience is something I am missing it is hard for me to sit and wait. Have a good day and happy growing.
The full on wet/dry cycle is what they thrive on in veg Keith. In flower, after you've built great roots with that method of watering it's time to let them have water and food to let them use those roots. No dry period in flower for me in or outdoors.
Looking boss Keith. just reminded me of a song 🤦🏻‍♂️ have an ear-worm now.

Some very true stuff there above.

I keep asking myself what I can do for the plants knowing all along there is nothing, but feed as needed. As Shed told me all I can do is sit and watch them grow.
Its got better for me indoors just with experience and being time poor - unless there really is an issue then its hourly or more! I’ve really been running through batteries in my environmental sensors though! Checking temp/Rh every 15 minutes for most of the last few weeks getting the two grows dialled in 😅 Outdoors though, ai dunno I think I’ll be a nightmare again because of the uncontrollable additional factors. Weather/bugs/humans/wabbits Although Shed will probably be thinking “Well he didn’t give that outdoor Dosidos any attention” 😂
It's that damn Observation Theory.
I keep a cat in a box outside my flower room, just in case…
The full on wet/dry cycle is what they thrive on in veg Keith.
This for sure. I haven’t vegged in a pot bigger than a solo for months. There they’re always dry after 6 hours. The others & Co looks after. Because of timing I’ve been doing the veg. & Co is typically a bit lazy about watering <oouch> she is down with the wet/dry approach. Took me a few days to stop watering every evening. For now 36-48 hours is fine and they’ve immediately improved. A bit of water teasing seems to improve them no end. But in a week its easy again - lots every day!

The full on wet/dry cycle is what they thrive on in veg Keith. In flower, after you've built great roots with that method of watering it's time to let them have water and food to let them use those roots. No dry period in flower for me in or outdoors.
Thank you for the advice, Stone I did not know that so I will change my way of doing it. I will feed later today. As you can see, I still am learning, and I appreciate the help.
Just feed my plants, now I know feed feed feed. Thanks Stone. I will keep them fat and happy. Unless they tell me different, I will keep them feed. I have to pack on the bud size. I have plenty of Prescription Blend so I will use it.
Thank you for the advice, Stone I did not know that so I will change my way of doing it. I will feed later today. As you can see, I still am learning, and I appreciate the help.
You took your time and grew great roots! They can take that water now to make the bud magic happen. That's how I and others see it. It's the basic premise of Emilya Green's watering tutorial. The flowering part.

As long as they stand tall praying like they mean it I give them water every day in flower outdoors.
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