Got some morning pictures and the flowers are starting to sugar up. I really love this part of growing watching the plants build buds. The apple fritter is beautiful, and the sour diesels are coming along nicely. In a few more weeks we will really start getting a show. I think the Big Data in the prescription blend is starting to do its thing. I wonder if there is anything I could add to help build bigger buds. When I used advance nutrients last year there was a lot of additives you could use during flower, but prescription blend only has the big data and nothing else. Is anyone else using prescription blend adding something during flower? If so, please let me know. Everyone have a nice day and be safe.
Got some morning pictures and the flowers are starting to sugar up. I really love this part of growing watching the plants build buds. The apple fritter is beautiful, and the sour diesels are coming along nicely. In a few more weeks we will really start getting a show. I think the Big Data in the prescription blend is starting to do its thing. I wonder if there is anything I could add to help build bigger buds. When I used advance nutrients last year there was a lot of additives you could use during flower, but prescription blend only has the big data and nothing else. Is anyone else using prescription blend adding something during flower? If so, please let me know. Everyone have a nice day and be safe.
Krissi adds something but I don’t remember what it is. Maybe ask her? CL🍀
Got some morning pictures and the flowers are starting to sugar up. I really love this part of growing watching the plants build buds. The apple fritter is beautiful, and the sour diesels are coming along nicely. In a few more weeks we will really start getting a show. I think the Big Data in the prescription blend is starting to do its thing. I wonder if there is anything I could add to help build bigger buds. When I used advance nutrients last year there was a lot of additives you could use during flower, but prescription blend only has the big data and nothing else. Is anyone else using prescription blend adding something during flower? If so, please let me know. Everyone have a nice day and be safe.
All the boosters and shenanigans are only a result of marketing. Every single plant crop needs a complete plant food from start to finish and there's really no shortcuts other than keeping them happy and healthy from start to finish. People add PK boosters on top of a already optimal mineral ratio and believe they somehow are going to make the plant yield more. The only time I would use any "PK booster" is when adding MPK in late flower to lower N on long flowering sativas.

That being said some PGR's do wonders and I will always incorperate Humic/Kelp when growing in containers, both for better chelation and synergy between the two. I only do foliar in water cultures and pure hydro. Adding 30ppm availabe Silicon increases yield and resistance to pests and pathogens. Then there's Triacontanol, Brassinolide, BAP, JAS, Triacontanol being 100% natural. Amino acids act as a PGR when used in the nutrient solution and even better as foliar. Be careful with the conversion in to acids though when adding it to "Soil", thats why I avoid adding any pure hydrolysed protein straight into the reservoir/medium.
@Wastei Your shitnanaigans are worse with your long stupid posts no one wants to read add some plants or positivity this is getting old from you fast.
Why the negativity dude? It's better to add something positive and constructive instead of coming out sounding like a grumpy old man? All the best of luck to you!

Maybe you've missed my journal? I post almost daily! :peacetwo:
@Wastei Your shitnanaigans are worse with your long stupid posts no one wants to read add some plants or positivity this is getting old from you fast.
Hey BeanTown I welcome all post.
Why the negativity dude? It's better to add something positive and constructive instead of coming out sounding like a grumpy old man? All the best of luck to you!

Maybe you missed my journal? I post almost daily! :peacetwo:
Wastei I welcome your post I do not always understand them all but that's my inexperience with growing.
I just sign up for a class on growing cannabis at my local Westfield Athenaeum on Sept. 7. I think this is cool that Westfield does this and it is open to all. Man, we have come a long way.
Are you teaching it?

“How to grow beasts outdoors by Keith Lemon at 1:45pm in lecture room 420”

Got some morning pictures and the flowers are starting to sugar up. I really love this part of growing watching the plants build buds. The apple fritter is beautiful, and the sour diesels are coming along nicely. In a few more weeks we will really start getting a show. I think the Big Data in the prescription blend is starting to do its thing. I wonder if there is anything I could add to help build bigger buds. When I used advance nutrients last year there was a lot of additives you could use during flower, but prescription blend only has the big data and nothing else. Is anyone else using prescription blend adding something during flower? If so, please let me know. Everyone have a nice day and be safe.
I put molasses on mine about once a week. Mix'em with water you know.
Wastei I welcome your post I do not always understand them all but that's my inexperience with growing.
Thank you Keith! You're a proper dude! It's sad that some people are not in the mindset of learning, sharing and helping each other out and instead being jealous and trying to put other people down. I only want to share and help and I'm more than willing to further explain anything when the time comes when someone's in need.

We're all here to learn, share and help each other out at the end of the day. If you want everyone to be exactly like yourself and have the identical mindset, you will forever struggle to accept other people's view and values and you're gonna have a hard time seeing what's new and where there's opportunities for your own self improvements.

We should appreciate our differences and try to learn through better understanding each other.
E-nail :hookah:and Volcano!:volcano-smiley:
Got some morning pictures and the flowers are starting to sugar up. I really love this part of growing watching the plants build buds. The apple fritter is beautiful, and the sour diesels are coming along nicely. In a few more weeks we will really start getting a show. I think the Big Data in the prescription blend is starting to do its thing. I wonder if there is anything I could add to help build bigger buds. When I used advance nutrients last year there was a lot of additives you could use during flower, but prescription blend only has the big data and nothing else. Is anyone else using prescription blend adding something during flower? If so, please let me know. Everyone have a nice day and be safe.
FWIW I've never added any bloom boosters when using PB. The big data is their bloom booster and it seems to work really well.
My 5 Killer Cookies is my first time using Prescription Blend, and I never added the Big Data because there is plenty of both P and K in the week 4 veg formula (131-51-204). I have been adding a bit more nitrogen to that but that's just for me. Adding Big Data puts the mix at 131-83-241 which is more P and K than I'm looking for.

It's important to remember that you can't force-feed a plant nutrients, so if it's not showing a deficiency of one sort or another then adding more of something risks lockout and toxicity rather than increased weight.

I don't think these flowers would be bigger had I added the Big Data:

I'd stick with what you're doing and see how it goes rather than hunting down additional products to throw into the mix in hopes of bigger buds.
Flowering good , Rot bad! I would stick with flowering. lol 😂 CL🍀
Is that like the difference in taking a shit and leaving one?
Why the negativity dude? It's better to add something positive and constructive instead of coming out sounding like a grumpy old man? All the best of luck to you!

Maybe you've missed my journal? I post almost daily! :peacetwo:
I enjoy your posting Wastei. Don't let someone having a bad day ruin yours with rudeness please.
My 5 Killer Cookies is my first time using Prescription Blend, and I never added the Big Data because there is plenty of both P and K in the week 4 veg formula (131-51-204). I have been adding a bit more nitrogen to that but that's just for me. Adding Big Data puts the mix at 131-83-241 which is more P and K than I'm looking for.

It's important to remember that you can't force-feed a plant nutrients, so if it's not showing a deficiency of one sort or another then adding more of something risks lockout and toxicity rather than increased weight.

I don't thing these flowers would be bigger had I added the Big Data:

I'd stick with what you're doing and see how it goes rather than hunting down additional products to throw into the mix in hopes of bigger buds.
Thanks, Shed I think you told me this once before and you are right your plants are looking great. Krissi told me what she used on PB and I think I will stay the course with my nutes.
Some bud pictures









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