Donmt let them hermie Keith! I can see the headlines now:

“A wave of impregnated cannabis plants is sweeping the North Eastern seaboard of the United States and even as far as Canada (eh?) as what has been described as a series of pollen bombs was unleashed in Massachusetts this past week…”

Have you cloned at all? You could keep some in veg indoors for next year, you know these genetics work outdoors for you - maybe getting too late now.

Donmt let them hermie Keith! I can see the headlines now:

“A wave of impregnated cannabis plants is sweeping the North Eastern seaboard of the United States and even as far as Canada (eh?) as what has been described as a series of pollen bombs was unleashed in Massachusetts this past week…”

Have you cloned at all? You could keep some in veg indoors for next year, you know these genetics work outdoors for you - maybe getting too late now.

"Those damn hemp growers, and their blatant disregard for sexing their plants!" Chaos! I say Chaos!!!
This a true story from last week. Guy goes to pick up 100kg from a farm and checks it and its just riddled, addled with seeds. The seller fesses to it and says he can’t understand it. They were so careful. No stresses. Sexed all the plants.

Buyer is like,

“What about that hemp farm the other side of the road?”

- Oh that’s going great - people love it for manufacturing eco materials and we’re saving on the labour as we’re doubling up the staff between the two sites and its cheaper to grow.

Honestly true story, heard it on Wednesday.

The buyer is now going to consult on the growing there apparently. Presumably starting by getting out of the hemp game.

As I recall your plant took forever to flower, and didn't you need to finish it inside in the end? That's my memory anyway. But like I said, a small light on constantly is better than one that goes on and off!
I didn’t say it finished flowering did I? I said it started flowering on my deck with the street lights on and everything else Shedster. lol 😂 CL🍀. :rofl: :rofl::rofl::cheesygrinsmiley:
This a true story from last week. Guy goes to pick up 100kg from a farm and checks it and its just riddled, addled with seeds. The seller fesses to it and says he can’t understand it. They were so careful. No stresses. Sexed all the plants.

Buyer is like,

“What about that hemp farm the other side of the road?”

- Oh that’s going great - people love it for manufacturing eco materials and we’re saving on the labour as we’re doubling up the staff between the two sites and its cheaper to grow.

Honestly true story, heard it on Wednesday.

The buyer is now going to consult on the growing there apparently. Presumably starting by getting out of the hemp game.

Done it to himself and everything. Pa always said "Son watch out! There's some geniuses out there."
Good afternoon :420: beautiful day it is. All three got feed today. The apple fritter is still showing pistils but not in full flower yet soon I hope. The two sour diesels are getting close to showing pistils and again soon I hope. The sickly sour D is looking better every day but it is stunted and a lot smaller than the topped one which is 5 1/2 ft. Pictures to follow. Later🍋
Afternoon pictures









Damn @KeithLemon, they’re getting so big it looks more like an orchard than a garden! Excellent bounce back from the yellow creeping. Great work!
Thank you, Jon the yellowing is getting better the nitrogen, helped and now I am back to normal nutes. I will keep my eyes on her in case she starts going back to yellowing leaves. I got a look at the plant I gave away to my brother in-law and it is huge it makes my plants look small. It is in a perfect place and gets sun all day long. He gives it 2 gallons of water every day and she droops something bad when she needs it, I do not understand this because I only give my plants 1 1/2 gallons of water and nutes every other day and they do not droop and where near as much as his plant, I do not know if this is good or bad. I will say his plant looks great when watered. I do not know if I need to give my plants more water and nutes. They look fine just not as big as his plant and my plants do not get as much sun as his plant. I should have taken a picture of it but I did not so it will be hard for anyone to comment about the difference between his plant and my plant. I always worry about my plants and should I feed and water them more or not. The other two plants I gave away are doing good, but I have not seen them, but my cousin says they are doing very good and getting ready to flower the same as mine. I am glad I gave the three plants away because it shows how the grow in different places. The sour diesel is a good strong strain of plants. They appear to be good in different sun amounts and different nutes.
Well, everything is wet today I measured my sour diesel the one that was topped which is the tallest plant and it is 5 ft 8 inches, so it grew 2 inches in the last couple days. It looks ready to start showing pistils I think sun will make them pop. I would love to go into flower. The sooner the better and I hate waiting as I have no patience, both sour D's look ok, and the apple fritter looks really good but it to needs to go into flower. She is really close just needs more sun. Did I say how much I love growing these plants. I just do not know if I should be feeding her more often. Any advice would be appreciated. Everyone have a good day and happy growing. 🍋
Thank you, Jon the yellowing is getting better the nitrogen, helped and now I am back to normal nutes. I will keep my eyes on her in case she starts going back to yellowing leaves. I got a look at the plant I gave away to my brother in-law and it is huge it makes my plants look small. It is in a perfect place and gets sun all day long. He gives it 2 gallons of water every day and she droops something bad when she needs it, I do not understand this because I only give my plants 1 1/2 gallons of water and nutes every other day and they do not droop and where near as much as his plant, I do not know if this is good or bad. I will say his plant looks great when watered. I do not know if I need to give my plants more water and nutes. They look fine just not as big as his plant and my plants do not get as much sun as his plant. I should have taken a picture of it but I did not so it will be hard for anyone to comment about the difference between his plant and my plant. I always worry about my plants and should I feed and water them more or not. The other two plants I gave away are doing good, but I have not seen them, but my cousin says they are doing very good and getting ready to flower the same as mine. I am glad I gave the three plants away because it shows how the grow in different places. The sour diesel is a good strong strain of plants. They appear to be good in different sun amounts and different nutes.
Well @KeithLemon - that was well said, and my response is this, a bit on the direct side.

All you need to worry about is your plants. Nobody else’s matter. It will only drive you nuts to compare. See how many doubts you immediately have reflected in your writing? Just from comparing your work to ONE other? It’s unnecessary. Worry about Keith. And here’s why - dude - your plants are doing EXCEPTIONALLY WELL. Whatever you’re doing and however you’re doing it, imho, is how you should keep doing it. Do not let anyone else’s plants knock you off the course you’re on. I can 100% relate. When I joined the forum it was my second grow, and I hermied an entire scrog. Everyone’s plants I saw made me want to do something different or question what I was doing. It happens and it’s part of how we develop as growers I think. But you’re doing extremely well Keith. Don’t let Keith tell you different. Lol.

That’s my unsolicited advice to you.
Well @KeithLemon - that was well said, and my response is this, a bit on the direct side.

All you need to worry about is your plants. Nobody else’s matter. It will only drive you nuts to compare. See how many doubts you immediately have reflected in your writing? Just from comparing your work to ONE other? It’s unnecessary. Worry about Keith. And here’s why - dude - your plants are doing EXCEPTIONALLY WELL. Whatever you’re doing and however you’re doing it, imho, is how you should keep doing it. Do not let anyone else’s plants knock you off the course you’re on. I can 100% relate. When I joined the forum it was my second grow, and I hermied an entire scrog. Everyone’s plants I saw made me want to do something different or question what I was doing. It happens and it’s part of how we develop as growers I think. But you’re doing extremely well Keith. Don’t let Keith tell you different. Lol.

That’s my unsolicited advice to you.
Absolutely! The worst thing you can do is over think it. You get to thinking "maybe I could try this, or I should be doing that instead." The next thing ya know, you've screwed yourself. I can't hardly even stand to look at your journal. Your plants look so damn good it hurts to see them. Then I start Jones'n. Big old plants like Keith's are sometimes slow to start flowering. They take their time, but once they start they lay it on. Like a steam roller!
Well @KeithLemon - that was well said, and my response is this, a bit on the direct side.

All you need to worry about is your plants. Nobody else’s matter. It will only drive you nuts to compare. See how many doubts you immediately have reflected in your writing? Just from comparing your work to ONE other? It’s unnecessary. Worry about Keith. And here’s why - dude - your plants are doing EXCEPTIONALLY WELL. Whatever you’re doing and however you’re doing it, imho, is how you should keep doing it. Do not let anyone else’s plants knock you off the course you’re on. I can 100% relate. When I joined the forum it was my second grow, and I hermied an entire scrog. Everyone’s plants I saw made me want to do something different or question what I was doing. It happens and it’s part of how we develop as growers I think. But you’re doing extremely well Keith. Don’t let Keith tell you different. Lol.

That’s my unsolicited advice to you.
Thanks Jon and your right I need to think about my plant not the not someone elses plant for where I am is not bad the other plant is in a different place with different grow needs, I can only grow my plant. I need to stop comparing my plant to someone else's. I am lucky my plant is healthy, and I should only worry about keeping it that way, I find myself thinking I need to add or do something different but what I need to do is just what I am doing now. Thanks for the advice and bringing back into place.
Thanks Jon and your right I need to think about my plant not the not someone elses plant for where I am is not bad the other plant is in a different place with different grow needs, I can only grow my plant. I need to stop comparing my plant to someone else's. I am lucky my plant is healthy, and I should only worry about keeping it that way, I find myself thinking I need to add or do something different but what I need to do is just what I am doing now. Thanks for the advice and bringing back into place.
You’re doing a damn sight better than you seem to think Keith. Good stuff man, keep it up. Btw - my Apple Fritter now needs Nitrogen. I was looking for it cuz sativas often do later on. And cuz she’s so big. I think it might be a fair assumption that your beast could potentially face the same issue. Good thing you learned how to arrest yellowing on the other plant! So maybe just keep an eye out for that. Mine started let’s call it halfway through flower. It’s fast for me. I caught it later than I’d like and I’ll lose some upper fans. Glad I kept the now useful lower ring that’s doing nothing really cuz it’s so dwarfed by the top.
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