Plants are looking great today, Keith👍
And yes my wife is cutting the lawn.
Obviously, she's a keeper!
How does she feel about your weed growing?
Plants are looking great today, Keith👍

Obviously, she's a keeper!
How does she feel about your weed growing?
She thinks I go overboard on the plants but has no problem with it. She knows I love doing it so she is all for it.
Maybe she loves trimming? It could be a new hobby for her…

You look like you’ll be needing some help in a couple of months!

No, she will not trim, and I would not want her to.
Plants have bounced back well Keith! :Rasta:

That's impressive, especially for the Apple Fritter, considering what she's been through:



Next week's account:

"That last storm picked up my Apple Fritter and threw her over the fence into a neighbors yard!"

(Just messing with you dude!):D
No it’s gonna be a small tornado came through and my A.F. is missing. I’m going to hunt around the area for it now. Lmao Just messing around with you buddy. Plants are looking 👀 fantastic. CL🍀. :rofl: :rofl::rofl::ciao:
I have pistils showing on my Apple Fritter real small I have to use a 30x magnification glass, but they are there. I will start the count today as day 1. I am so happy to finally have her in flower. I thought she was weeks ago, but I was wrong but not this time. :woohoo::theband:
What a beautiful morning. Lots of sunshine nice temperature. My plants will love it and my Apple Fritter has more pistils showing. It is time for me to start using Big Data for flowering. hope fully I will get buds starting. My sour diesels are not showing any pistils yet and being 90/10 sativa. It may be a little bit before I start to see pistils. After the Sour D's go to flower it will be 77 days. I am looking at early Oct. for harvest time for the Apple Fritter.
What a beautiful morning. Lots of sunshine nice temperature. My plants will love it and my Apple Fritter has more pistils showing. It is time for me to start using Big Data for flowering. hope fully I will get buds starting. My sour diesels are not showing any pistils yet and being 90/10 sativa. It may be a little bit before I start to see pistils. After the Sour D's go to flower it will be 77 days. I am looking at early Oct. for harvest time for the Apple Fritter.
You know that’s just an estimation for flowering times right? It could be longer or it can be shorter. CL🍀
You know that’s just an estimation for flowering times right? It could be longer or it can be shorter. CL🍀
Yes, I know that, but I am hoping it will be the least amount of time. But it will be whatever it takes to get there, in any case I think I will be fine with the apple fritter the sour diesels not so sure. The quicker they go into flower the better. It will be like last year on the sour diesels biting fingernails waiting to get to harvest. I have a long way to go.
So when we flip lights in a tent they stretch for 2 to 3 weeks and stop stretching though flowering will have really progressed in that time. A 3 week flowering plant in a tent has some pretty hefty buds on them then.

Outdoors they've been stretching since the solstice on the 21st or so of June here. I wonder how the timing outdoors changes how they flower? Or not. My plants (one of them) should be done at the end of this month. It sure doesn't look that way! I'm off to look at pics from a past grow. BRB

Edit: @KeithLemon, what was I thinking! The end of September! That gives plenty of time! Whew!
Here's a stankberry from a couple of years ago on this date. She was ahead of us today by a little. Do you see a frog in it? No one noticed it when i posted it back then including myself!
Here's a stankberry from a couple of years ago on this date. She was ahead of us today by a little. Do you see a frog in it? No one noticed it when i posted it back then including myself!
Nice picture the frog adds to the picture looks like the dragon fly is sitting on the frogs back. Thats a keeper for pictures. I do not have that many pistils yet but in the next few days I will.
Nice picture the frog adds to the picture looks like the dragon fly is sitting on the frogs back. Thats a keeper for pictures. I do not have that many pistils yet but in the next few days I will.
Ok now I'm really off! That pic seems to be from August 31st. Looking around I see the frog may be the dragonfly's flip side. It's early. :)
Here's a stankberry from a couple of years ago on this date. She was ahead of us today by a little. Do you see a frog in it? No one noticed it when i posted it back then including myself!
That Stankberry was the shizz! 🤘 Grew out a few of them and the DTF. Solid f-n gear
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