Loss is part of this game man. Especially growing outdoors. Learning how to separate oneself emotionally from it is an important lesson as far as I’m concerned. It’s something I still struggle with. I have to get over it for a few minutes even when I decide a sprout didn’t sprout right and I’m gonna pull it and start over! I had a gorgeous Gorilla Zkittlez trained to a perfect 8 colas in a sweet ring. She was outside in the backyard. Then the 40 pound Irish Setter from two doors down came over to my yard when I wasn’t outside. She went after the plant, which was sitting on a folding metal chair. When I found it a couple hours later she didn’t have 8 colas anymore, only five, and she never really recovered. Shit happens. Lmao.
the dog probably had a great high for a few days Lol!
Nice to come back to see the amazing growth on those trees! I'm glad they came through the storm without damage, and that stressed plant looked thirsty to me but it's looking fine now so never mind. :)
Thanks, :thanks: Shed and I am glad you are back.:thumb:
Good morning 420 magazine it is going to be a beautiful day sunny and dry, looks like the next week is going to be a perfect growing weather. I could not ask for better conditions for growing and hopefully it will stay this way for the whole week. I will feed today as soon as my apple fritter and the one sour diesel dry out a little more. I cannot wait to see if the little extra core B I added helps to bring the color back in the one SD that was needing greener in the leaves. The core B in Prescription Blend has all the nitrogen in it and that is what I think was missing in this one plant. Happy and safe growing all my brothers and sisters. Love you all.
Morning pictures it’s a nice morning






Morning pictures it’s a nice morning






Nice looking trees you got there Keith! Good side branching and coverage. They will eat a lot at that size, nice to see plants with their natural internodal spacing and shape of leaves. Sour D is a sensitive girl and I'm not suprised she's the one complaining, she looks great in color though, maybe she needs wetter feets and more water than the others?

Keep at it! Cheers!
Looks like the plants are bouncing back from the storm earlier this week. Just the one sour diesel needs a little greener and hopefully I will see that in the next few days. The other two plants almost look like nothing ever happened. These are tough plants.
Nice looking trees you got there Keith! Good side branching and coverage. They will eat a lot at that size, nice to see plants with their natural internodal spacing and shape of leaves. Sour D is a sensitive girl and I'm not suprised she's the one complaining, she looks great in color though, maybe she needs wetter feets and more water than the others?

Keep at it! Cheers!
Thanks, Wastei the one sour diesel that not so happy needs a little more nitrogen which I am giving her. If I am right and that is what she wants she should jump into shape. I am no expert at this, so I just go by the basics and hope that works. The rain has been a real problem here. and the last storm was a microburst that picked up the apple fritter and threw her to the ground. She is in a 25-gallon pot and must weigh a good amount. The other two sour diesels are also in 25-gallon pots, but they are grow pots so the roots grow through the bottom of the pot. This must help hold them to the ground.
Thanks, Wastei the one sour diesel that not so happy needs a little more nitrogen which I am giving her. If I am right and that is what she wants she should jump into shape. I am no expert at this, so I just go by the basics and hope that works. The rain has been a real problem here. and the last storm was a microburst that picked up the apple fritter and threw her to the ground. She is in a 25-gallon pot and must weigh a good amount. The other two sour diesels are also in 25-gallon pots, but they are grow pots so the roots grow through the bottom of the pot. This must help hold them to the ground.
I can see you're already an avid gardener, I see massive tomato plant and I think you know more than you give yourself credit for! You're spot on with the slight nitrogen def but its actually better to be slightly under than over requierments. The plant uses resources from the leaves receiving less light.

Yeah fabric pots makes sense outdoors for sure. I'm not a fan of them indoors but I see their inteded use!
You go bro! :green_heart: :bravo:
Thanks Stone hope the T storms settle down be for they hit me I have had enough of the storms. How have you been in your neck of the woods. I hope the storms have not caused any damage. the radar shows the T storms settling down and I hope it stays that way. stay safe and enjoy the rest of the weekend.
I got worried so I caged mine in. It's something I do for wind and to keep heavy colas up. We got missed with the wind yesterday! Lucky! Plenty of rain though!

Your garden is looking tops today! What a week they have coming up!
You go bro! :green_heart: :bravo:

I got worried so I caged mine in. It's something I do for wind and to keep heavy colas up. We got missed with the wind yesterday! Lucky! Plenty of rain though!

Your garden is looking tops today! What a week they have coming up!
Yes, we have a nice week coming up and the plants are going to love it.
Plants have bounced back well Keith! :Rasta:

That's impressive, especially for the Apple Fritter, considering what she's been through:

My Apple Fritter just got blown over.
the last storm was a microburst that picked up the apple fritter and threw her to the ground.

Next week's account:

"That last storm picked up my Apple Fritter and threw her over the fence into a neighbors yard!"

(Just messing with you dude!):D
Plants have bounced back well Keith! :Rasta:

That's impressive, especially for the Apple Fritter, considering what she's been through:



Next week's account:

"That last storm picked up my Apple Fritter and threw her over the fence into a neighbors yard!"

(Just messing with you dude!):D
I have pistils showing on my Apple Fritter real small I have to use a 30x magnification glass, but they are there. I will start the count today as day 1. I am so happy to finally have her in flower. I thought she was weeks ago, but I was wrong but not this time. :woohoo::theband:
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