So awesome that you went through this. You just learned one of the most important lessons there is about growing. Good job.
You are right Jon even if my plants got all broken up all I can do is patch them up the best I can. Mother nature controls the show I can only work with her. The wind picked up that apple fritter and throw it back down. I was like holy shit.
You are right Jon even if my plants got all broken up all I can do is patch them up the best I can. Mother nature controls the show I can only work with her. The wind picked up that apple fritter and throw it back down. I was like holy shit.
Loss is part of this game man. Especially growing outdoors. Learning how to separate oneself emotionally from it is an important lesson as far as I’m concerned. It’s something I still struggle with. I have to get over it for a few minutes even when I decide a sprout didn’t sprout right and I’m gonna pull it and start over! I had a gorgeous Gorilla Zkittlez trained to a perfect 8 colas in a sweet ring. She was outside in the backyard. Then the 40 pound Irish Setter from two doors down came over to my yard when I wasn’t outside. She went after the plant, which was sitting on a folding metal chair. When I found it a couple hours later she didn’t have 8 colas anymore, only five, and she never really recovered. Shit happens. Lmao.
Good morning :420: Looks like thunderstorms again today. Hopefully they will not be as bad as the last old. I have some pictures of my plants and it looks like they bounced back ok. Lesson learned these plants are very tough I would have thought my plants are goners. You have to take what mother nature hands you and carry brother in-laws Neiborhood got hammered large hard woods knocked down. I will prepare for the T storms and pray my plants make it through this round of storms. Everyone enjoys your Saturday and the rest of the weekend. Have a safe and happy day.
Morning pictures






Looking good Keith but vulnerable to high winds.

When I once helped a buddy grow his outdoor girls during a stormy spell we surrounded the pot with cinderblocks so it couldn't get blown over. Just a thought.
Looking good Keith but vulnerable to high winds.

When I once helped a buddy grow his outdoor girls during a stormy spell we surrounded the pot with cinderblocks so it couldn't get blown over. Just a thought.
Thanks for the advice I will put something around the apple fritter to help protect against the plant from being blown over again. Thanks again GDB
You go bro! :green_heart: :bravo:

You go bro! :green_heart: :bravo:
Thanks Stone hope the T storms settle down be for they hit me I have had enough of the storms. How have you been in your neck of the woods. I hope the storms have not caused any damage. the radar shows the T storms settling down and I hope it stays that way. stay safe and enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Morning pictures






Wow excellent bounce back! Damn!!!

Bro - did you maybe do a season long rain dance and then get high and forget all about it? I’m honestly amazed that they e been hammered as much as they have with rain and still look so good. You obviously have good drainage in your pots and the covers obviously have helped a lot too. You are learning “preventative maintenance.” And doing an awesome job!
Wow excellent bounce back! Damn!!!

Bro - did you maybe do a season long rain dance and then get high and forget all about it? I’m honestly amazed that they e been hammered as much as they have with rain and still look so good. You obviously have good drainage in your pots and the covers obviously have helped a lot too. You are learning “preventative maintenance.” And doing an awesome job!
Thank you, Jon that means a lot to me, coming from you. You are one of the people I have been learning from and I appreciate it.
Thank you, Jon that means a lot to me, coming from you. You are one of the people I have been learning from and I appreciate it.
It makes me feel good @KeithLemon. And before you know it, you will be helping someone out in exactly the same way.
Looks like my one sour diesel took a beating from that storm she is drooping bad. This is the same plant that was yellowing so bad. The other two plants are ok. I just feed her and added a very little more core B of Prescription Blend which contains the nitrogen. I will give her an hour and see what happens, I think the storm stressed her out as she was already stressed out. Hope I can get her back.
I've never done outdoors Keith so keep that in mind but can you clean up the bottom 3rd now?

Pretty color and growth is phenomenal.
Cheers bro
I think I will remove some more but I will wait till next week when the temp. and humidity go down. I do not want to stress her too much.
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