Hi @KeithLemon - may I make a suggestion? You mentioned the yellowing bottom leaves on the one plant, I see them. They are often perfectly natural and no big deal at all, and as you note could easily just be from the rain/extra water. That would be my guess too. Just keep an eye on them and in the greenness of the plant in general. It may just be the light in the picture, not sure, but it appears that compared to the other ones she *might* be looking a bit lighter? Is that the case? That girl may be a hog for one nutrient or another, in the case of green it’s often Nitrogen. This is why I suggest keeping a close eye. If they get lighter than they are now (I highly doubt this will happen, but it could) you may want to consider boosting the N in the Prescription Blend mix (this is as easy as adding a bit of the Cores). Just something to be aware of, not at all trying to worry you. For what it’s worth!
You know how to adjust the Prescription Blend from that @Krissi Carbone review but if I could make a suggestion it’s to do it in small quantities and wait for the plant to tell you how much. CL🍀
You know how to adjust the Prescription Blend from that @Krissi Carbone review but if I could make a suggestion it’s to do it in small quantities and wait for the plant to tell you how much. CL🍀
Thanks Capt. I will take your advice small quantities. :thanks:
My Apple Fritter just got blown over. Real bad thunderstorm I ran out and up righted it but still storming so I cannot check it. I will update when I can. Shit
They can take a lot of beating. She's getting top heavy Keith! That's a good thing! Cheers!
Storm damage



Well, the two Sour Diesels took a beating but no broken branches. The Apple Fritter got the least damage, and it got blown over, it was like a microburst. I hope the branches straighten out. Mother nature. More storm coming the news just said the wind speed was 66 miles per hour in Westfield. This sucks but I will deal with it.
Well, the two Sour Diesels took a beating but no broken branches. The Apple Fritter got the least damage, and it got blown over, it was like a microburst. I hope the branches straighten out. Mother nature. More storm coming the news just said the wind speed was 66 miles per hour in Westfield. This sucks but I will deal with it.
they will perk back up just it will makem stronger. but still sry bro.
Hey Keith you remember a couple weeks back when I had my homemade high CFM blocker all on one of my branches I thought it was dead I'll see if I can find it tonight to take a picture of it last time I seen it it was thick as hell and doubled in size like I said bro marijuana it takes a beating and keeps on kicking and it makes it stronger if you need your branches got bent they'll be okay and it'll just be like a super crop and believe me be brother super crops work really really well
marcus I hope you are right. They look like shit.
I hope I'm right too brother I wish you was able to get a better picture. But I found the picture of the one of mine that got bent and broke and this picture it is already perked up I'll take a picture tonight if I can find it I'm sure I'll be able to I won't even know how it looks now I can't even tell nothing no more we're just getting bigger and bigger. But like I said bro if you can clean your camera lens off real good on your phone and if you had to zoom out a little bit to get a clear picture it might help you. I invested in a s23 ultra in picture quality is amazing. Honestly I thought she was a goner like that one time when my whole life fell on my plant and took out a whole third of it which all died and that was my big plant Krissi! And I still ended up getting 7 oz off of her.

they will perk back up just it will makem stronger. but still sry bro.
Oh Yeah!

They'll bounce back almost like nothing ever happened. :Rasta:
Hey Keith you remember a couple weeks back when I had my homemade high CFM blocker all on one of my branches I thought it was dead I'll see if I can find it tonight to take a picture of it last time I seen it it was thick as hell and doubled in size like I said bro marijuana it takes a beating and keeps on kicking and it makes it stronger if you need your branches got bent they'll be okay and it'll just be like a super crop and believe me be brother super crops work really really well
Thanks, marcus nothing broken just a little bent up and after seeing all the training people do to their plants, I think they will be fine.
I've had plants get blown over too.
They'll recover just fine. You should look into ways to stabilize the pots though, they're only going to get more top heavy (sorry for how I'm expressing myself, I've had a couple margaritas tonight) as they move into flower.
@gwhunran is using some guylines, or you can put stakes around the pots as deep as you can get them to provide support.
Just like people Keith those that pull through the hardest of life are the strongest! They will come back fighting and although bruised stronger then ever 💪
Thanks, Greenvein The words of encouragement are appreciated. Thought I was going to have heart failure when I watched the plant go over. What a bad storm.
Thanks, Greenvein The words of encouragement are appreciated. Thought I was going to have heart failure when I watched the plant go over. What a bad storm.
I would have been the same we all would lol I moan about the smallest stuff sometimes and it really isn't a issue 🤣 their your babies bro it's all love 👌
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