Good evening, I got all three plants sprayed with neem today found 2 gnats on 1 plant. Got to feed tomorrow 1 1/2 gallons each this should get it wet at the bottom of my pots so the roots will go looking for water. My Apple Fritter clone is showing she is a girl. Being a female clone there was never a doubt. But you can really see it now, the two Sour Diesels have a little time left then they will be showing. Everyone have a good night and stay safe.
This is my first journal and I will do my best at it.





She's a beaut, whatever she is.
Good evening, I got all three plants sprayed with neem today found 2 gnats on 1 plant. Got to feed tomorrow 1 1/2 gallons each this should get it wet at the bottom of my pots so the roots will go looking for water. My Apple Fritter clone is showing she is a girl. Being a female clone there was never a doubt. But you can really see it now, the two Sour Diesels have a little time left then they will be showing. Everyone have a good night and stay safe.
Jeez, two whole gnats? That’s it? I hope you pulled out the industrial strength gnat removal spray. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ;)
Good morning all it's a overcast day here and the plants are looking good keep growing over an inch overnight. I feed all 3 and gave them 1 1/2 gallons each. Apple Fritter grew well over an inch in about 12 hours. The two Sour Diesels grew over an inch in in less than 24 hours, but they have a way to go before they reach their full length. I think the Apple Fritter will go into preflower first. As for the Sour Deisel's I have a hope and a prayer they make it to harvest fully matured, But I made it last year with my sativa plant so I will keep moving along with them. Hope everyone has a great day and happy growing to all.
I have a question for Capt. or Shed or anyone using Prescription Blend. My Apple Fritter is in preflower, and I am not sure if I should start the flowering schedule now or wait till, I am in full flower? Any help will be appreciated.
I have a question for Capt. or Shed or anyone using Prescription Blend. My Apple Fritter is in preflower, and I am not sure if I should start the flowering schedule now or wait till, I am in full flower? Any help will be appreciated.
I use it @KeithLemon. I started my Apple Fritter on flower feed today. Not just because we decided to count flower that way for the comparison. I start it then because I want the plant to have the full slate of nutes and all the yumminess they get from the Big Data (that’s all we add to go to flower feed) during the stretch. I feel that is when the plant expends the most energy. PB says in the chart to change to flower at “the first sign” of flowering. While that’s a bit vague, this is what I consider the first sign. Pistils. I’ve been starting all my autos this way for about three grows now, and boy do my girls jam in the stretch. Outside, you want stretch. All it means to you is yield yield yield. If it were me, I’d start flower feed.
I have a question for Capt. or Shed or anyone using Prescription Blend. My Apple Fritter is in preflower, and I am not sure if I should start the flowering schedule now or wait till, I am in full flower? Any help will be appreciated.
I started mine as soon as I flipped if I’m remembering correctly. I don’t think 🤔 it’s gonna hurt anything starting wk. 1 flowering. CL🍀
I use it @KeithLemon. I started my Apple Fritter on flower feed today. Not just because we decided to count flower that way for the comparison. I start it then because I want the plant to have the full slate of nutes and all the yumminess they get from the Big Data (that’s all we add to go to flower feed) during the stretch. I feel that is when the plant expends the most energy. PB says in the chart to change to flower at “the first sign” of flowering. While that’s a bit vague, this is what I consider the first sign. Pistils. I’ve been starting all my autos this way for about three grows now, and boy do my girls jam in the stretch. Outside, you want stretch. All it means to you is yield yield yield. If it were me, I’d start flower feed.
I do the same thing, as soon as I see a start of flowering. If I remember correctly I think 🤔 I might’ve started 1 or 2 of them when I first flipped them. CL🍀
I started mine as soon as I flipped if I’m remembering correctly. I don’t think 🤔 it’s gonna hurt anything starting wk. 1 flowering. CL🍀

I do the same thing, as soon as I see a start of flowering. If I remember correctly I think 🤔 I might’ve started 1 or 2 of them when I first flipped them. CL🍀
Yup, with photos I start the day I flip too. PB is (was, ugh) so good. So consistent. So amenable to every plant. So easy to mix. So flexible. Damn.
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