Yup, with photos I start the day I flip too. PB is (was, ugh) so good. So consistent. So amenable to every plant. So easy to mix. So flexible. Damn.
Thankfully I have a pretty decent inventory of it. I don’t know what I’ll do when it’s gone though. CL🍀
Morning pictures Apple Fritter looks great





Good morning 420ers it's an overcast day here but I will take it, my plants are looking good, imo No bugs just some bird shit and I have an idea for that. I do believe Apple Fritter is in preflower so I will start my flower additive part of Prescription Blend. My plants are growing so fast, and the Sour Diesels are catching up to the Apple Fritter in size they should shoot right past her in size. The Sour Diesels have a long way to go before they are ready. Everyone have a great day.
That is a very healthy looking 👀 garden Keith and you should definitely 💯 be proud of your work. CL🍀 :thumb: :welldone::bravo:
Thank you Capt. I appreciate that very much. Coming from you that is a nice compliment.
Looking very healthy keith great job
Thank you Newbgrower I am using what I learned last year and learning new things every day. When I came here all I had was a plant and no idea what to do with it. Thanks to Shed, Stone and others I can at least keep them alive now.
On point bro, on point!!

All three together


If you keep this photo frame until the end of the grow, we can compare sizes; you will see how the plant will reach the roof point of view; 6-7 ft tall. Monster harvest to be brother.
And pistils coming out pretty fast too. Really nice grow, comes to show simple goes a long way.

On point bro, on point!!

If you keep this photo frame until the end of the grow, we can compare sizes; you will see how the plant will reach the roof point of view; 6-7 ft tall. Monster harvest to be brother.
And pistils coming out pretty fast too. Really nice grow, comes to show simple goes a long way.

Simple is the only way I know. No training here it's still beyond me. Next year I will try and make them look pretty. Can only do what I know. This year topping was new to me, and I think I have that down. Thank you Dani
All three together

Wow! Take a bow, this is amazing!!! Btw - I used to use the same plastic pot. Gotta be careful with those as the small drainage holes in the base will get clogged with roots at some point and it’ll have a hard time draining. What I did was take a drill with a wide bit and drill a row of drain holes above the base in the pot itself at the bottom, in a circle. It’s okay to do it even now, if you do just be careful and try to stop the bit as soon as the hole is made. Those holes will serve you well in flower, trust me.
Simple is the only way I know. No training here it's still beyond me. Next year I will try and make them look pretty. Can only do what I know. This year topping was new to me, and I think I have that down. Thank you Dani
How many times you topped this year keith
Simple is the only way I know. No training here it's still beyond me. Next year I will try and make them look pretty. Can only do what I know. This year topping was new to me, and I think I have that down. Thank you Dani

Nothing wrong with simple but well executed, like you are doing brother. You will grow several trees if you keep doing what you doing; potentially a little defoliation could give you a upper hand later on flowering to avoid some troubles like rot, mold or PM.
Wow! Take a bow, this is amazing!!! Btw - I used to use the same plastic pot. Gotta be careful with those as the small drainage holes in the base will get clogged with roots at some point and it’ll have a hard time draining. What I did was take a drill with a wide bit and drill a row of drain holes above the base in the pot itself at the bottom, in a circle. It’s okay to do it even now, if you do just be careful and try to stop the bit as soon as the hole is made. Those holes will serve you well in flower, trust me.
Thanks Jon I did the same thing drilled more holes and it drains nice with the FFHF soil.
Nothing wrong with simple but well executed, like you are doing brother. You will grow several trees if you keep doing what you doing; potentially a little defoliation could give you a upper hand later on flowering to avoid some troubles like rot, mold or PM.
I will pull some leaves late on like you said. It will open it up for air flow and sun. I am not too knowledgeable when it comes to that. But I will try it gotta learn it some time.
I will pull some leaves late on like you said. It will open it up for air flow and sun. I am not too knowledgeable when it comes to that. But I will try it gotta learn it some time.

So many points of view when it comes to defoliation and thinning, pruning. I'm sure suggestions will rain on you if you ask the community about proper defol.
I for one take out every single grow tip and fan at every first node on all side branching. I leave anywhere from 2-5inch of cleared out body Stem/branch of the main. The inside of the plant is the critical area where poor airflow, lack of light and humidity retention will seed and sprout fungi spores; not now but later in fall.
You could probably take all fan leaves now and it wouldn't affect your plant, its not the same once they flower hard, they stop making big fan leaf so caution later on.
Anyway hope you keep having a healthy grow cycle, strong healthy plants don’t get sick.

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