I don’t know specifically how much water she needs. That plant is so big it would be literally impossible to overwater her at this point. Do I have the wrong plant or are we talking about the Apple Fritter? Regardless, what I meant was on feeding day, feed. No clean water on feeding day. If you feel she needs extra water, instead of clean water use the feed water. Does that clear it up?
Got it and thank you.
Got it and thank you.
Cool. This journal gets more interesting every day.


@KeithLemon - Do you think you could try and snap a picture that shows maybe one branch or whatever? I’d really like to see the internodal spacing on the photo version, and I bet after seeing how crazy this strain is and how high in thc, there will be some folks growing this pretty soon. It would also let us get a handle on the extent of the side branching. Thanks man!
I feed to day 1/2 gallon to each plant Prescription Blend. Plants are doing great growing over an inch a day and the topped Sour D is fantastic I never thought this plant could grow so fast. I have a question I feed a 1/2 gallon but think they need more water is it cool to add plain water to the outer edges of my pots, or will it just flush the nutes? Also think the water may increase more root growth but not sure.
In a 15 gallon pot you will eventually be feeding 2-3 gallons every time you water, and never with plain water. At this point I'd say 1 gallon minimum. You want the roots to find water at the bottom of the pot so they grow down there.

Is the soil still damp from the rain? If it's dried out in a couple of days then go with 1.5 gallons.
In a 15 gallon put you will eventually be feeding 2-3 gallons every time you water, and never with plain water. At this point I'd say 1 gallon minimum. You want the roots to find water at the bottom of the pot so they grow down there.

Is the soil still damp from the rain? If it's dried out in a couple of days then go with 1.5 gallons.
Keith - if Shed actually agrees with me I know it’s correct. Lol!
Thanks Stone how's the water issue with your outdoor plants. Have you been having the sunny days on your end of the state.
I water with my well water that's been softened out there. That means there's some salt in it! Usually that would make for a poor grow but using @GeoFlora Nutrients makes it ok!
Same sunless days here man! Tomorrow sunny then back to clouds for another week! I'm getting the urge to light them up like @Bill284 but I have no greenhouse.
If it’s the Apple Fritter I just looked closer at the pot and her size. Dude - a 1/2 gallon? I think it’s safe to say that most of us, me included, would be feeding this plant more like 1-2 gallons at a time. I’d be wetting the entire medium to just a trickle of runoff then letting it dry out completely before watering again. Also, you might be well served to reach out to @Emilya Green on this. She’s the Bible of watering for many of us. Hope that helps.
Thanks, jon that is just the info I was looking for as I did not think 1/2 gallon was enough. I know she is in a big pot and last year I feed a gallon at a time, but it was not this fast. I am going to give her another 1/2 gallon and see what she does.
Morning pictures





Looks like pre flower Colors brother, might be revealing soon.

Looking great as usual.
In a 15 gallon pot you will eventually be feeding 2-3 gallons every time you water, and never with plain water. At this point I'd say 1 gallon minimum. You want the roots to find water at the bottom of the pot so they grow down there.

Is the soil still damp from the rain? If it's dried out in a couple of days then go with 1.5 gallons.
It was moist to touch and never completely dried out. Thanks Shed
I water with my well water that's been softened out there. That means there's some salt in it! Usually that would make for a poor grow but using @GeoFlora Nutrients makes it ok!
Same sunless days here man! Tomorrow sunny then back to clouds for another week! I'm getting the urge to light them up like @Bill284 but I have no greenhouse.
I do not get it as it's been nice here the past few days. The sun will come I know it will by the end of the week they were say 90's which is a little too hot for me. Hang in there the sun is coming.
Any of you use Azos in your plants and if so, is it ok to use with Prescription Blend? I do not know but I think I should add something even though my plants are growing good. I do not need anything but always want to keep my eyes out for something that could help my grow. Maybe I should leave well enough alone. What do you think?
Any of you use Azos in your plants and if so, is it ok to use with Prescription Blend? I do not know but I think I should add something even though my plants are growing good. I do not need anything but always want to keep my eyes out for something that could help my grow. Maybe I should leave well enough alone. What do you think?
I checked the product out. I’m no expert, but based on what I know and what I’ve seen others doing, I think you’d be better off with Real Growers Recharge, and that would definitely be a good idea in my opinion. @Emilya Green talked to me about RGR, and @StoneOtter uses it too I know. It does essentially the same thing. Everything is to make more microbes. The RGR is extremely targeted in terms of the type of microbes and what they produce. Ask one of those guys or others, don’t go by me on this, but there is my 2 cents.
Any of you use Azos in your plants and if so, is it ok to use with Prescription Blend? I do not know but I think I should add something even though my plants are growing good. I do not need anything but always want to keep my eyes out for something that could help my grow. Maybe I should leave well enough alone. What do you think?
Asos is just one type of bacteria where there are many that are beneficial to our grows. Real growers recharge is a much better choice if you have a need for microbes. By running prescription blend however, there is no real need for microbes since you are mainlining readily available nutrients right into the plant and the microbes have nothing to do. Applying them might make you feel better but functionally they will have almost no impact on the grow and you will be mostly wasting your money.
Asos is just one type of bacteria where there are many that are beneficial to our grows. Real growers recharge is a much better choice if you have a need for microbes. By running prescription blend however, there is no real need for microbes since you are mainlining readily available nutrients right into the plant and the microbes have nothing to do. Applying them might make you feel better but functionally they will have almost no impact on the grow and you will be mostly wasting your money.
Thank you Emilya I appreciate you being here. I have heard a lot about you. I will not waste my money and waste it on something else i am sure. I am still a newbe with one grow under my belt, so any help is always appreciated. Thank you for stopping by and Please come back. I promise If I ask or say something stupid and you call me out on it, I will be thankful for it.
I water with my well water that's been softened out there. That means there's some salt in it! Usually that would make for a poor grow but using @GeoFlora Nutrients makes it ok!
Same sunless days here man! Tomorrow sunny then back to clouds for another week! I'm getting the urge to light them up like @Bill284 but I have no greenhouse.
I've seen some of your property 👀 you have room right?
You won't regret it.
But looking at my girls right now I might. :rofl:
Costco garage covered in 6ml poly, easy. :thumb:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Some slit plastic pipe pieces to hold the poly on the frame
I used Tuck Tape.
It's red but works great.
Did the whole 10x20 double roof 6 ml my self.
Must be easy. :rofl:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
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