Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

I was thinking that the other day. A drip feed irrigation system would likely work best in this situation and would relieve me of having to water so often. One of the original reasons I didn’t go with coco was I didn’t want to have to water every day. Now I’m watering 3 times a day as it is 🤣

@Azimuth are their fabric SIPs?
Drip watering waters better too. It wets the soil without destroying tilth, thus reducing shocks to the system. Watering shouldn't require a recovery time.

I made these. The square one fits my milk crate cube pots, the round one has perforations and sits on top of my 10gal bags. Both hook to a pump and timer.
Yes, you can set a cloth pot on a column of soil, or even a bed of soil with some sort of dome underneath.
I'm having pretty good luck with perlite wicking up to my cloth pots, but when Azi pointed out that I might want to try a soil pad, the lights kinda went on. Thats my next try. I highly recommend perlite too because you get to watch the roots. You should see it at least once, its pretty cool.

I think for my soil sip/pad thingy I am just going to buy a good sip pot thats bigger around at its dome level than my cloth pots, bury the dome under so say fill the pot 20% full, then just set my cloth pot on that.

I have one of these but haven't tried it yet. I'm waiting until I get an exceptionally rooted pheno, and then will use its stump.

I'm going to try it outdoors this summer on progressively bigger branches to find a sweet spot. It looks like matching new branch diameter to stump branch diameter will be the important part.

It would be cool to build your own plant of hawaiian, malawi, durban, afganni hash plant , etc with strains from 8week flowering up to purple haze and malawi at 20+ weeks, and constantly be harvesting all year long.


If it works as good as the pictures look, it should be fine. Put thos together with a splint and duct tape and they should be fine.
Where did you get that? That’s a really cool idea if it works. Please tag me when you try it. CL🍀
I’m already worn out from trying to spread the message of seed germination and why using paper towels or water glasses is wrong. It’s gotta be super frustrating to be a doctor or scientist and watch people continuously believe or operate on false beliefs or misguided information.

I think I’m done trying to spread the word and will just stand on the hill by myself. If people want to believe, that’s fine, my results speak for themselves, and I’m content. I’ll do like I do with everything else. I’ll just make sure my sons have the correct information, they’ve got the energy of youth to have this battle.
I'm on board with both the germination technique and allowing folks to pick things up at their own rate.
Would’ve done the same too lol.. Not about to turn my nose up at someone trying to give me something, especially if all they want me to do is what I was gonna do any way
I wonder if Valerie from @ViparSpectra is still looking for volunteers for the KS1500 Pro and if it would fit your need?
Normally I’m okay with fungus gnats in the grow, however we’ve got a lot of buds going on right now and there’s a respectable amount of FG flying around. So to prevent my buds from becoming covered with FG I pulled out my mosquito dunks (BTi). While I was pulling them out I found this

I forgot I packed this away with it lol.. this is MHRB (Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark). You can do an a/b salt extraction with this and extract DMT from it. Or, you can brew it up with a few other herbs and you’ll have ayahuasca.. I may do an extraction just for funsies. It’s actually pretty cool to do it. I already have bestine on hand so I could refine it.. we’ll see.

Anyway, back to the FG. I threw half a dunk in a baggie and obliterated it with a hammer to turn it into mostly powder. I took an 1/8 tsp of the powder and sprinkled it right on top of the mulch, away from the stem. After I sprinkled it, I watered it in slightly. This BTi will cut down on the FG numbers drastically.

FG are awesome little organic matter logisticians and are always welcome during veg and early bloom. However the time has come to cut their numbers down to prevent too many from sticking to the buds.
unrelated.. I’ve ignored blogs my entire life. I’m not really sure what they’re supposed to be or mean, so with that,

What’s the point of a blog? How is it different than our grow journals? Why would one choose to create a blog over a journal?
unrelated.. I’ve ignored blogs my entire life. I’m not really sure what they’re supposed to be or mean, so with that,

What’s the point of a blog? How is it different than our grow journals? Why would one choose to create a blog over a journal?
My wife managed a web dept at a college for years and I just asked her the same thing.

She said ," Your grow journal is a magazine, a blog is just 1 article in a magazine, so an article on how you feed your worms would be a blog".

I said "Thanks Baby❤️".

I wonder if she lied to me?
My wife managed a web dept at a college for years and I just asked her the same thing.

She said ," Your grow journal is a magazine, a blog is just 1 article in a magazine, so an article on how you feed your worms would be a blog".

I said "Thanks Baby❤️".

I wonder if she lied to me?

This sounds like it makes sense based on what the blogs look like. Something about the word blog has always felt amateurish and condescending 😂 I’m not sure what it is but I don’t like the word itself 🤣
This sounds like it makes sense based on what the blogs look like. Something about the word blog has always felt amateurish and condescending 😂 I’m not sure what it is but I don’t like the word itself 🤣
she says 'blog is a contraction for weblog, as in log a subject in 1 webpage.

Coco shouldn't have to be watered so often.
Do you think in nature it rains all the time , every day?
If you are watering too often you will saturate the Coco and roots breathe too.
What is this obsession that some Coco growers have about it being constantly wet?
That's what attracts Fungas Gnats.
Buy some Tanlin drops and add them to your feed. Totally safe even in flower.

You water Coco by the weight of the pot until you get used to doing it without weighing.

General rule- weigh a fully fed plant, should only be 10% run off.
Then you know your base weight, then when the pot is 1/2 that weight, feed them.

That's Coco growing 101.

Grow well !


Coco shouldn't have to be watered so often.
Do you think in nature it rains all the time , every day?
If you are watering too often you will saturate the Coco and roots breathe too.
What is this obsession that some Coco growers have about it being constantly wet?
That's what attracts Fungas Gnats.
Buy some Tanlin drops and add them to your feed. Totally safe even in flower.

You water Coco by the weight of the pot until you get used to doing it without weighing.

General rule- weigh a fully fed plant, should only be 10% run off.
Then you know your base weight, then when the pot is 1/2 that weight, feed them.

That's Coco growing 101.

Grow well !


That’s good information for coco growers but it’s not really useful here. Coco is an amendment at most for us.

This grow is highly aerated living soil. When in fabric pots in bloom, watering 3 times a day is pretty standard. The fungus gnats aren’t pests either, they’re welcome, even encouraged for 2/3 of the grow. They don’t touch my roots, they’ve got plenty to eat in the LOS
That’s good information for coco growers but it’s not really useful here. Coco is an amendment at most for us.

This grow is highly aerated living soil. When in fabric pots in bloom, watering 3 times a day is pretty standard. The fungus gnats aren’t pests either, they’re welcome, even encouraged for 2/3 of the grow. They don’t touch my roots, they’ve got plenty to eat in the LOS
Well Coco/Soil, same shit , different shovel.
Your overwatering is still attracting Gnats.
I won't bother next time.
So we’ll talk fungus gnats (again) since misinformation made its way here. FG are harmless to our plants in TLO/LOS. If you’re not on a 100% closed, recycled system, you will eventually encounter FG, it’s just a fact of the method. We are creating an environment and medium that is desirable by all lifeforms. Since I brought a store bought bag of soil into this grow it was inevitable the FG would appear. They’ve been there since sprout. (Which I said in the beginning and once a month since)

There’s so much food for them to eat in the soil they don’t even bother with the plant or its roots. Their movement in the soil aerates our medium. They carry beneficials all around the environment. They transport and help break down organic matter to be broken down further by the microbes. When they die, they become free organic matter as well.

I’m indoors in a room within a room that has been screened off so my watering has nothing to do with their appearance. They don’t just magically appear out of thin air because you’re watering a lot. They’ve been brought in from an outside source. There’s plenty of organic growers on a closed recycle system that water as often as I do and they have zero FG. Yes a damp environment attracts them, attract being the key word. They have to actually come from somewhere, they’re not just hanging around your house waiting for a damp environment. This somewhere is almost always bagged soils, compost, random grow store purchases, etc.

If you have a garden outdoors this is another possible spawn point, however I do not, so n/a in this situation.

I don’t want to completely remove them from the grow. I want to cull their numbers so my buds aren’t covered in them by the end of the grow. My intent is that the numbers will be reduced but not removed. I want living things in my soil. My plants brix levels are high enough that they’re essentially invisible to any sort of pest. So any living being I can get in my soil I’ll take.

This journal has over 1k comments on it and is over 50 pages. I would appreciate it if people would try to read at least a few of the comments before dropping their own snarky replies. I am quite thorough, detailed, and almost always explain my reasoning and logic. If I have a question I will state it explicitly.
nice graft tool…

I use rice hulls as ground cover and as part of my aeration in soil mix. I’ve used bark before with my supersoil & rove beetles, liked it very much but need to revisit bark so thanks for this.

Couple weird ideas / rhetorical questions about supercropping / stem crushing that I’d like to see played out.

Seems to work best with 90 degree bend but often I will crush the stem and let the plant continue vertical growth

can it be done on seedling say when it reaches node 4-5…super crop main stem early to impact whole plant but then also SC the side branches as you train your shape

doing SC on a seedling with good node spacing and hitting every space between the nodes as she builds from early age…

where is best? between nodes 3 & 4 …. above the cotys or below them?

does it help to SC a limb multiple times?

once you have supercropped the lowers and plant has many nodes in middle and on top… is it better to SC from top down or start in middle to work your way up?

supercropping the top to slow it down while lowers continue to grow

anyway food for thought - hope this is not a distraction…
Or supercrop it to say 420 😎
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