Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

Highya Keffka,

Gorgeous ladies you have. One is stretching quite a lot! If she keeps going like that, will she have enough head room? Love the colors - light green, new growth - medium green, big fans, - and dark green, Indica looking lady. Very nice grow! Happy Smokin'

Thank you!

It has room to stretch 18 inches which will bring it to 12 inches from the light.. I’m just waiting to see how much of it is gonna need to be super cropped so I don’t have to do it twice if it needs to be done.

It seems to be stretching much more on its axial branches than the apical branch so I’m trying to estimate where it’s gonna end up
I figured it out.. I pressed this button and didn’t realize it:


Apparently that little button turns it into programming mode because once I pressed it this happened

Yep, that's the button. You probably fat fingered it without realizing. First time I did it it took me a while to figure it out.
Yep, that's the button. You probably fat fingered it without realizing. First time I did it it took me a while to figure it out.

I didn’t realize there was a programmer button.. I should’ve, this forum is built like old school BBS groups lol

The smell of flower has already filled the house.. it’s a very distinct scent that smells like aggressive vegetation.. it’s the same smell as last grow.. not quite a cannabis smell but there’s clearly something happening
The taller plants don’t like the 75% light intensity.. it makes sense.. they’re twice as close to the light.. I kicked the light back down to 50% and will slowly bring it back up

I’ll post pictures of the burn when it’s more defined but it’s obvious.. I’ve also learned there’s a few LST moves to deploy on plants when they grow naturally.. I need to guide the axial branches into their own little zones for good light coverage.
Can you prop up the shorter ones on something to bring them level?

I would need to bring the taller ones down to make it work.. the smaller ones took the light change no problem, it’s the two taller ones that don’t like it. They’re both within 24 inches of the light though which is part of the issue. They grow much much better when I can keep them at around 28-32 inches from the light.

They’re getting enough light currently I was just trying to push them harder..
Well good, now that I fixed that, here’s a bunch of pictures I took this morning of Flip +3.. The stretch is already getting well under way

Your girl’s are beautiful 😍 btw can anyone tell me why if I post something on my old GJ I get a email but not with my new one? CL🍀 :thanks: :Namaste:
Your girl’s are beautiful 😍 btw can anyone tell me why if I post something on my old GJ I get a email but not with my new one? CL🍀 :thanks: :Namaste:

Your old one probably had it default set to alert you by email and the new one doesn’t have that setting.. you can see it here:


If the email box is checked it will email you your notifications as well.. if not it just alerts you here.. default settings likely got changed either in your preferences or through a system update
Your old one probably had it default set to alert you by email and the new one doesn’t have that setting.. you can see it here:


If the email box is checked it will email you your notifications as well.. if not it just alerts you here.. default settings likely got changed either in your preferences or through a system update
I must be going senile lol I’ve reread your post about 100 times and I still can’t get to the page/place I need to be. Idk? CL🍀 :thanks: :(:straightface:
I must be going senile lol I’ve reread your post about 100 times and I still can’t get to the page/place I need to be. Idk? CL🍀 :thanks: :(:straightface:

The page I showed is the New Post page and is an option you set when you first start a post. If you want to change the options on a post already made click the Unwatch button at the top of the post then click watch and pick your notifications.


Well water consumption increased drastically over night.. I’ve been watering everyone 250 mls a day then a L every 3rd day.. Yesterday was the first 250 ml day after just giving a L the day prior and the plants are already light and thirsty again this morning at lights on..

I believe they will now need a L a day for the big ones and half a L for the smaller.. this is gonna increase again once they start budding..

this also explains why they disliked the light change.. they weren’t being given enough water
Flip +5 bottom nodes are stretching more than every other part.. I’m very likely going to have to super crop the tall one.. we’ll see though. I trimmed off the newer nodes that have popped up since the stretch began.. Light intensity was flipped to 75% for about 7 hours today.. they seemed to like it

I’m blown away by the amount of water these plants want considering they’re not even budding yet.. I think it’s going to get up to a gallon of water for each plant every day during budding

Highya Keffka,

Big ladies you have there! Very nice side shoots growing like crazy! Very nice job. Happy Smokin'
Highya Keffka,

Big ladies you have there! Very nice side shoots growing like crazy! Very nice job. Happy Smokin'

Thank you! I much prefer this to mixing up nutrients and monitoring ph levels and all of that extra stuff. Throw a few tbsps of some cheap gardening amendments in a pot and give it water and that’s it. Purely grown, organic cannabis that will taste smoother and hit harder than anything I could buy on the streets or in the stores.

If I broke down my total cost for these 4 plants, it would be around 1-2 dollars for the whole grow. The cost of running my LED dwarfs the money spent on amendments and mediums. Plus all I have to do is give it a little bit of RO water and leave it alone.
Haven't stopped in for a while. Your plants are looking lovely! Good shit bro

Appreciate it! It’s not too hard to grow em and I prevented the hardest part off top, correct watering. I can’t overwater these plants due to the amount of perlite I’ve used. I could water them to runoff every day and they’d be fine.
One week today since flipping. Stretch has set in across the board. Lowest node gets the majority of the resources it appears, which makes sense during stretch, need to get to the light so the rest of the plant doesn’t block it out. 3 were showing pistils before the flip, the bushy one had no pistils but had obvious calyxes. Now they’re all showing pistils.

Potassium flags are popping up but I’m not overly concerned. I believe I’ve got more than enough to handle the full bloom. Carbon also won’t be an issue.. I was already flashing deficiencies and carbon warnings by this point last time so I am comfortable just letting it go at this point. I won’t though cuz I want to push these pots to their limits, which I’ve already done in terms of plant size. I’ve got 4 foot plants that are still stretching in 3 gallon pots.

I’ll do 2 more top dressings and 2 more teas to round it out.. I’m trying to get a pound off these 4 plants. It’s in sight.

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