Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

Highya Keffka,

Gorgeous looking ladies you have there! Big for their age. Your feeding regimen is working very well! How do you guys know so much about cannabis microbiology? I'm impressed! Happy Smokin'

So my brain works like this.. When I find something I’m interested in or like, that’s all I’m interested in or want for at least 6 months, more usually around a year. For instance I have been eating the same English muffin, scrambled egg, breakfast potato, cheese, and bacon sandwich for breakfast for about 4 years now. Every single day. Before that, it was all those same things except a hard boiled egg, If I don’t have it I feel like I’m missing something from my life and I can’t even think about eating other food until I’ve had my sandwich.

My interests and hobbies are sort of like that, except they consume my thoughts all day every day. I won’t think about anything other than growing. I will forget to eat, I will forget to shower, I will forget I have appointments, etc. I just spend my days reading over and poring over every bit of information I can find related to my hobby/interest.

Since I’m a disabled veteran that works about 12-15 hours a week this leaves me with an incredible amount of free time that I use to read books, magazines, articles, experiments, research, etc. while also performing my own experiments, research, etc.

I also was born in 1985 so I have one foot in the pre internet era and one foot in the internet era. This makes it so that I know how to hunt down and find the exact books I want/need, and I also know how to sift through all the information on the internet to find the accurate stuff.

So if you combine a brain like mine that hyper focuses on individual subjects to the point the rest of my life suffers, with free time, and an interest to hyper focus on, and I will essentially act like a human AI and learn every single thing there is to know about that specific subject as fast and thoroughly as I can.

This is why I can learn in 6 months what normally takes people years to get. It seems like it’d be cool until you realize you have no control over what your brain is interested in learning about lol
Highya Keffka,

I'm similar, but not to that extent. I'm consumed for a few days, then revisit, to see if I missed anything. I enjoy learning new things worthwile. Happy Smokin'
Well that explains it! That makes for a the fast learning curve I saw! :)

Yep, unfortunately it causes issues when it comes to formal education and technical work/jobs. I lose interest so fast in a formal setting, and I am constantly trying to move ahead to the next thing.

I suffer greatly under traditional settings. I was suspended from kindergarten, I was sent to the principals office constantly, I was expelled from high school, and I failed college multiple times. The only traditional setting I’ve thrived in is the Army and that’s mainly because I was able to articulate very well, plus physical work helps drain my energy much better than mental work.

Any time I’m put in an office and have to work set hours as opposed to having a specific task to complete I begin to suffer mentally and very often resort to drugs and alcohol.

I’m good at my current job because I have no one managing me or watching over me and work at my pace by myself outdoors.

Highya Keffka,

I'm similar, but not to that extent. I'm consumed for a few days, then revisit, to see if I missed anything. I enjoy learning new things worthwile. Happy Smokin'

It can be a super power or a super liability or just an incredible waste of my time. I got hooked on playing this game Smite for a year or so and became ridiculously good at it until it hit me how worthless it was and how much time I was wasting on a game.
It can be a super power or a super liability or just an incredible waste of my time. I got hooked on playing this game Smite for a year or so and became ridiculously good at it until it hit me how worthless it was and how much time I was wasting on a game.
Hah! You had to smite it after all!
Highya Keffka,

Recreation is needed to balance our lives from tedium. If we really like our job (I'm retired, what's not to like), it's not as tedious as working an inside job (a phobia that I have also). I play an online game too, but limit my time there. But still, we need time to "play". You feel like you're wasting time? What else would you be doing? Happy Smokin'
You feel like you're wasting time? What else would you be doing? Happy Smokin'

It’s always in the back of my mind that I could be reading or doing other more productive things. However this goes out the window with certain games.. When Diablo 4 comes out I’ll be playing the hell out of that, and if it’s good I’ll probably wind up falling into it for a couple years. Diablo 2 has a special place in my heart and I enjoyed 3, but I’ve been waiting for 4 ever since 3 went in a different direction.

Went to the VA today, my blood pressure was 122/88.. I’ll take it.. they sent me the quit smoking patches but only sent me the level 2 and level 3, no level 1 so I can’t even start using them yet lol
Highya Keffka,

They did that to Julie also. Level three is meant for smokers of 2 packs a day. She didn't need that strong of a patch. She went down to level 2. She went back smokin', but that's a different story. Happy Smokin'
Highya Keffka,

They did that to Julie also. Level three is meant for smokers of 2 packs a day. She didn't need that strong of a patch. She went down to level 2. She went back smokin', but that's a different story. Happy Smokin'

It’s a typical military experience to me lol.. “hey let us know if you need help we’ve got the resources to get you there”

“I need help”

“…we don’t actually have them have them we can put in an order and eventually get them” 🤣
For instance I have been eating the same English muffin, scrambled egg, breakfast potato, cheese, and bacon sandwich for breakfast for about 4 years now. Every single day

I had a long day today.. I did some extra work this morning then had my VA appointment, then went out and finished my extra work. I didn’t get back home until 4 PM. At 4 pm I walked into my kitchen and made myself my breakfast sandwich 😂. If I wouldn’t have made it I would’ve felt off and like I was missing something until I had it tomorrow. I wouldn’t have had an appetite for anything else and would’ve only felt disappointment with whatever I did eat.

There’s other aspects to this as well such as texture. The specific textures of the meal are something that are just as important as the taste. I can override these “quirks” if I have to, I won’t starve to death, but I won’t be fulfilled. When I went to Seattle in May I felt unsatisfied the entire time because I didn’t have any of my regular meals and all of the foods were different than I’m used to.
Cool little color mutation with a cool tip curve as well

Sounds like you have OCD tendencies. My sister-in-law has that. I wouldn't wish that on anyone! Is that all PTSD type symptoms? Happy Smokin'
Sounds like you have OCD tendencies. My sister-in-law has that. I wouldn't wish that on anyone! Is that all PTSD type symptoms? Happy Smokin'

This all has been this way my whole life, which is likely why I can suppress it if I need to. PTSD however seems to have amplified specific parts of it, making it much more noticeable than before. This makes sense since PTSD literally rewires your neurological pathways.

Think it will carry through to clones?

That’s a good question. It only seems to be on that side in that area. I’m keeping my eye on the rest of the growth to see if it comes out any where else. Almost all of the plants (except the 2 males) have had some sort of mutation, but the ones pictured stood out the most to me
Getting ready to give everyone a drink then I’ll take some measurements. I’ve been trimming off each nodes growth tips and leaving the leaves on the axial branches. I don’t want popcorn and it’s easiest just to take it off as it comes. The plants love it and respond with a burst of growth each time.

They’re just getting a quart of 80 ppm today while I look everyone over and make sure they’re ready for flower this week.





I decided last minute to throw some myco in the water especially considering the P issue we had. We’re just about to flower and I expect 8 weeks minimum, myco can’t hurt, and it will have enough time to have some effect especially since there’s already colonization so why not.
The plants are:

28 inches 1/2 inch stem
27 inches 1/2 inch stem
21 inches 3/8 inch stem
18 inches 1/2 inch stem

Everyone is colorful and happy.. praying vigorously and have a good rhythm. Colors are good, no signs of stress or deficiency. They are ready for flower.

I’ll be initiating 12/12 in 3 days. Over the next couple nights I’m gonna check in on the tent and see if I have any wayward light pollution or LEDs I haven’t covered up yet.

Here’s a picture.. the horizontal bar is 48 inches from the floor

I’m contemplating super cropping the tall ones.. once they hit that cross bar that’s 2 feet away from the light. If the plants double in size from their current height that will put the tall ones 8 inches from the light.

@Gee64 what are your thoughts? Super crop, or just lightly tie them down as they stretch?

Anyone else with thoughts or suggestions please feel free to weigh in.. if I do super crop I should probably do it today or tomorrow
If I think there's going to be an issue with hitting the light I try to bend em about now. That leaves plenty of time to regroup her bud game.

That’s the way I’m leaning.. if they stopped growing right now, they’d still hit 8 inches below the light after stretch if they double in size. Judging by how they’ve been growing they’ll definitely double in size.

Right about here look good or should I go lower you think?

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