Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

Interesting.. this looks like a P deficiency beginning. I just transplanted and the pot has got plenty of P stashed in a few spots the roots should get to relatively quickly. Myco was alive and well on the roots so We’ll see how she plays out.. I’m gonna start prepping the final veg tea.


You do have something creeping in there. Got a plan for it?
Maybe an issue with water PH? Maybe it’s locking out the nutrients…

I doubt it.. Ph isn’t really a concern.. my water is almost always at 6.3 and I use low ppms to begin with.. I’m fairly certain it’s the fact that I had a 20 inch plant in a 1 gallon container

You do have something creeping in there. Got a plan for it?

Is it creeping up the nodes?

The Bottom nodes show the initial P yellowing, the nodes above those have the purple P signs. I’ve got a tbsp of fish bone meal and all purpose layered on the bottom and the same amounts on the top of the pot under the mulch. Once the roots reach it, it should go away. I also watered in with myco water and sprinkled some extra in the hole just to get ahead of it.

I’ll also top dress FBM again the first week of flower just to stay ahead since she seems to really want it.

How are you liking the Voodoo Juice Keff?

The voodoo juice seems powerful.. I only used it once in the beginning and the 2 tallest plants are the ones that got it when I planted. I’ll be using another dose of it when I first flip flower.
@Melville Hobbes i know you had that P issue in your grow and I can confirm, it goes fast lol. I didn’t even notice there was a problem until I transplanted and the leaves had tiny spots. What I did notice though was how the leaves with it felt.. they’re really papery, almost like construction paper. I think the papery feel is gonna be the first sign before any visible signs pop.
I seem to have slowed it, or at least confined it.. I’m honestly not surprised.. I pushed the plants really hard in those 1 gallons.. so much so that roots had to be ripped off during transplant because they were stuck to the bottom of the plastic pot. I won’t be using plastic any more after that experience.. Looks like I’ve gotta go spend more money, again 🤣

Also really glad I decided to hunt down the SDS for Recharge.. I was gonna go grab a trial pack just to ease the transplant shock and they’ve got Humic acid in it.. I went back and looked at my other package of it and it makes no mention of it in their ingredient list.. Makes me believe the Humic is what drives their supernatural praying and is also why it fades so quickly
I forgot to explain the transplant, my bad.. So last grow I quickly figured out carbon was a big limiting factor for flowering in a 3 gallon. I made a couple changes this time around to hopefully ward off that issue.

This time, the plants will only be in these pots for 2 weeks before I flip them to flower, whereas last time I believe they were in there for 4-5 weeks before flip. I also mixed in an extra gallon and a half of lobster compost into the base mix itself.

In the pots themselves I put in: on the very bottom 1 tbsp of Stonington Plant food, 1 tbsp of 4-4-4 All purpose, 1 tbsp of Fish Bone Meal and 1 tsp of blood meal. I then placed a 2ish inch layer of lobster compost mixed with EWC and perlite. Then my base mix.

2 of the pots also got a layer of perlite just beneath the new root ball. Once I transplanted into the pots I then put another 1-2 inch layer of compost, EWC, and perlite on top. I then put another band of 1 tbsp of Stonington Plant food, 1 tbsp of 4-4-4 All purpose, 1 tbsp of Fish Bone Meal and 1 tsp of blood meal on top of that. I placed the dry nutrients in bands in between the root ball and the edge of the pot.

I then took a stick of bamboo and pushed 4 holes into the pot in between the edge of the pot and the edge of the root ball, all the way to the bottom and rotated slightly to widen these holes. I filled the holes with a mix of EWC, Compost and perlite. I then put 2 inches of new mulch down on everyone

I watered everyone in with a quart and a half of myco water and calmag at 60 ppms. 3 of the plants took it no issues, the smart pot plant had slight runoff which was reabsorbed. I also trimmed the plants. I removed all of the first node growth tips on the lateral branches, leaving their leaves. 2 of the plants needed the 2nd node on the axial branches removed as well.

Everyone seems to have been shocked slightly which is no surprise. The fight to get them out of the 1 gallons was ridiculous and such a hassle I will never use plastic past the solo cup point again, unless it’s a final container like a SIP.

I have 3-3-2 Hydrolyzed fish and seaweed extract that I will mix in at 1 ml/L for my next watering which should be today for the two taller ones and I’ll be holding off on the other 2 while I let my watering *experiment play out.

*there’s no control and these are all different plants so it’s more of an anecdotal observation
Here’s the P issue popping on the tallest plant.. I hit everyone with a foliar spray last night. 1 ml per L of calmag which came in around 65 ppms plus 2.5 ml of 3-3-2 fish fertilizer and seaweed extract. I sprayed 4 plants down with about 250 mls each. The plant with the P issue really appreciated it. The leaves went from a construction papery feel back to being soft again, so I’m pretty sure it eased the problem while the plant establishes its connection with the nutrients.




The gang yesterday.. They’ve all shrugged off the shock and are back to vigorous growth.. the tall ones are racing for the light, so much so I’m likely going to have to super crop them. They’ve already shot up almost 6 inches. I’m gonna have to figure something out moving forward if I don’t want to top. They’re mature with nodes no longer growing symmetrically and pistils showing so perhaps less time in Veg next time. Regardless I’ve made a note that this needs to be dealt with.

I’ll be culling the male the LST and the Topped plant and just let these 4 go.. they’re gonna need the majority of the space I’ve got once they start stretching

I’ll be flipping to flower next week.

Them are bottom fan leaves anyway. Just cut an go. Lmao. Figure of speaking. I never even look at them. Any fan leaf to be honest. That's just early warning signs for me. Drought and resume. Chop repeat of needed. I got one that still messed up. Grows like that. But it's white looking . But then dies later.
I forgot to explain the transplant, my bad.. So last grow I quickly figured out carbon was a big limiting factor for flowering in a 3 gallon. I made a couple changes this time around to hopefully ward off that issue.

This time, the plants will only be in these pots for 2 weeks before I flip them to flower, whereas last time I believe they were in there for 4-5 weeks before flip. I also mixed in an extra gallon and a half of lobster compost into the base mix itself.

In the pots themselves I put in: on the very bottom 1 tbsp of Stonington Plant food, 1 tbsp of 4-4-4 All purpose, 1 tbsp of Fish Bone Meal and 1 tsp of blood meal. I then placed a 2ish inch layer of lobster compost mixed with EWC and perlite. Then my base mix.

2 of the pots also got a layer of perlite just beneath the new root ball. Once I transplanted into the pots I then put another 1-2 inch layer of compost, EWC, and perlite on top. I then put another band of 1 tbsp of Stonington Plant food, 1 tbsp of 4-4-4 All purpose, 1 tbsp of Fish Bone Meal and 1 tsp of blood meal on top of that. I placed the dry nutrients in bands in between the root ball and the edge of the pot.

I then took a stick of bamboo and pushed 4 holes into the pot in between the edge of the pot and the edge of the root ball, all the way to the bottom and rotated slightly to widen these holes. I filled the holes with a mix of EWC, Compost and perlite. I then put 2 inches of new mulch down on everyone

I watered everyone in with a quart and a half of myco water and calmag at 60 ppms. 3 of the plants took it no issues, the smart pot plant had slight runoff which was reabsorbed. I also trimmed the plants. I removed all of the first node growth tips on the lateral branches, leaving their leaves. 2 of the plants needed the 2nd node on the axial branches removed as well.

Everyone seems to have been shocked slightly which is no surprise. The fight to get them out of the 1 gallons was ridiculous and such a hassle I will never use plastic past the solo cup point again, unless it’s a final container like a SIP.

I have 3-3-2 Hydrolyzed fish and seaweed extract that I will mix in at 1 ml/L for my next watering which should be today for the two taller ones and I’ll be holding off on the other 2 while I let my watering *experiment play out.

*there’s no control and these are all different plants so it’s more of an anecdotal observation
Interesting . We did that in AG class. Similar anyway. Thought it was crazy then too. Lmao. But very Kool. How that works.
Got a flower tea I’ve been bubbling since last night.

1/2 gallon of pure water with 1 ml of calmag.
1/2 cup of compost
1/2 cup of EWC
1/2 tbsp of Blackstrap Molasses
1 tbsp Stonington Plant Food (kelp meal, crab meal, alfalfa meal, etc.)
1 tsp of Fish Bone meal
1/2 tsp of steamed bone meal
1/2 tsp of blood meal

This will get a half gallon of pure water added to it when it’s finished to make 1 gallon of tea. I’ll split the gallon into quarts, one quart for each plant.
Highya Keffka,

Pretty complete concoction for the ladies! Are you using soil live with amendments? Or is that the only feed for this week? Happy Smokin'
Highya Keffka,

Pretty complete concoction for the ladies! Are you using soil live with amendments? Or is that the only feed for this week? Happy Smokin'

Each pot has amendments layered in.. I’ve got a layer on the bottom and the top.. Each layer has
1 tbsp of Stonington Plant food (5-2-4),
1 tbsp of 4-4-4 All purpose,
1 tbsp of Fish Bone Meal 5-13-0 with 18% calcium
1 tsp of blood meal.

The nutrients are in the middle on the bottom and near the edge on the top. Both in places away from the root ball so the plant has to reach out to them.

I then placed a 2ish inch layer of lobster compost mixed with EWC and perlite on top of the bottom layer and underneath the top layer. I also drove 4 spikes into each pot to the bottom and filled it with compost, EWC and perlite.
Forgot to add these yesterday.. I said eff it, and cut the bottoms off a few milk crates yesterday to place them under the plants. The drip trays have elevations in them but moisture was getting caught underneath the plants and I don’t like that. I figure I can use these crate bottoms in a variety of situations. Plus if I need more crates, I’ve got a good relationship with most businesses around here and they often just let me take the crates


Just to put this out there, I dislike hybrids 🤣 they screw with growth and diets. My indica dominant is growing tall and lanky like a sativa and my sativa dominants are growing short and bushy like indicas. This is likely the last time I’ll run both sativa and indica as well. The two types require different amounts of attention and different amounts of specific nutrients that makes it a pain in the butt to prep water for. My light is also so powerful and large it’s really hard to find the sweet spot for both types. The indicas very clearly would prefer lower light levels and the sativas appear as if I could push them even harder.

After this grow my stockpile should be large enough to afford me the chance to be a bit more selective and focused instead of just trying to save money.
Highya Keffka,

Gorgeous looking ladies you have there! Big for their age. Your feeding regimen is working very well! How do you guys know so much about cannabis microbiology? I'm impressed! Happy Smokin'
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