Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

Interesting.. what kind of light (wattage and size if you don’t want to name them) do you two have, and how old are they? Gee I Swear I saw blurple in one of your pics which just makes me shudder 🤣
I use screw-in LED light light bulbs with the domes removed. Three bathroom vanity racks of 6 lights each for a total of about 170w. One side is with 5k bulbs for right after flip, and the other side at 2.5k for end of flower and a mix of the two in the middle.

Ah, the joys of growing in a converted cabinet. :cool:
For those that switch light intensities on their lights during the grow. What is your method for increasing the light? Do you do a few hours a day, or just flip it to the next increment and hold on?

i go from vegging at 90% of 200w one day to flower at 75% of 600w the next. usually at 90% by the time they show. i often run a diminishing schedule - 12/12, 11/13, 10/14.
I put new lights in touching the plant, and set that bad boy to 100%


Veg 24in 50-70%
Early flower 16in 70-80%
Late flower 16-20in 80-100%

I have had to relearn with @VIVOSUN vsf6450

It puts out much more light than my others.

Plants enjoy 80% max this far

But if I were using my smaller tsw2000 @Mars Hydro my plants loved 20in and 100% the whole time. Auto run 24/0
i go from vegging at 90% of 200w one day to flower at 75% of 600w the next. usually at 90% by the time they show. i often run a diminishing schedule - 12/12, 11/13, 10/14.
Thats good looking schedule bluter. Is that light schedule just for hybrids and Sativas?
When do you change it to 10/14? Might try that after week 8.
I run a Perfectsun Goliath. It blurples in pics. I love its spectrum. 6 years and its finally starting to get long in the tooth but its still too much light so its enough. 575 watts at the wall.
I veg under strip lights. I used 4 50w 4' sunblasters for 5 years and just switched to 6 4' 48w led strips. The led's seem to be working quite well.

Then I spend 2-3 weeks under the goliath before flipping to flower and rooting in to the 10gals.

Swicky pads may change that tho, My roots are ready but I still dont know the sex of the plants. They grew too quick🤣🤣.

I won't flip before day 56 anyways. I still need to top 1 more time to 8 mains and cut some clones. Today is day 49. One more week hopefully.
Big K,
I only run 11/13 if my plants are big going into flower, with pretty much a full canopy and then flip to 11/13.

If the plants are on the small size (not unless its Sativa) it will kill your yield for sure, in my situation.

Imo they mature a little quicker too.

Thats 11/13 from start to finish in flower.
Might decrease it to 10/14 depending the size of my plants after 8 weeks like bluter mentioned.

Thank you all.. I’ll write all this up (with tags) in one post along with PPFD/DLI information so it can be centralized. These are all vastly different procedures that are real world applications as opposed to the homogenous answers usually given and it’s very useful.

As far as the grow goes.. it got cold last night.. I’m waiting for it to warm up before I make a decision but I believe some plants are reaching the end of their span in the 1 gallons. I may have to bump up transplant by a few days. We’ll see how the afternoon plays out. I’ll post pictures later today
Welp I’ve been under watering apparently.. Based on what I’m seeing right now I could probably water twice a day and the plants would love it.. While this is cool, it’s also tying me to the grow, and we know how I feel about that 🤣

I’ll have to think about how I want to approach this.. I added some lobster compost to the base mix so when I transplant into the 3 gallons the aeration won’t be as high of a ratio. I’ll be in fabric pots though so my watering will increase anyway.

I’m thinking about creating a drip feed system and running half SIPs half drip fed.. I’ll muse on this for a while and decide which I prefer.

@Gee64 the plant that was edging seems to have stopped after moving it. It’s definitely an indica so I’m thinking I have a hot spot where it was originally and it wasn’t happy

Have you ever tried a root drench?

Place the pot in a tub of water and let it very gently fully saturate, then slowly lift it out and let it drain gently as you lift it.

Water conventionally 1st so the rootball doesn't try to float up.

You don't want water rushing in and out, just slowly.

If you have any dry spots this will fix it. I found small pots had dry spots more often, and losing 5 or 10 percent to dry spots in a small pot is huge as the plant needs it all.

Just don't go fast or it becomes a flush.

Watch the plant and see where its happiest at. Thats how wet you should keep it.

When I top-water, which is mainly how I have grown in the past, I water my smart pots every day to try to maintain that sweet spot.

Every pot is different. I find small pots like to be kept a bit wetter than large ones.

I don't use plastic ones though but you should science it out, you have quite a few plants lol.
Have you thought about going with a swick setup?
The Everything SWICK Club: 2023 And Beyond

Sounds interesting.. I’ll see if I can put something together to do this before transplant. If not I’ll give it a shot next grow.

Have you ever tried a root drench?

Place the pot in a tub of water and let it very gently fully saturate, then slowly lift it out and let it drain gently as you lift it.

Water conventionally 1st so the rootball doesn't try to float up.

You don't want water rushing in and out, just slowly.

If you have any dry spots this will fix it. I found small pots had dry spots more often, and losing 5 or 10 percent to dry spots in a small pot is huge as the plant needs it all.

Just don't go fast or it becomes a flush.

Watch the plant and see where its happiest at. Thats how wet you should keep it.

When I top-water, which is mainly how I have grown in the past, I water my smart pots every day to try to maintain that sweet spot.

Every pot is different. I find small pots like to be kept a bit wetter than large ones.

I don't use plastic ones though but you should science it out, you have quite a few plants lol.

I do a version of this when trying to figure out how much water the medium and plant can take on. I’ll fill the drip tray up with a measured amount of water and let it sit for 30-45 minutes then measure what’s left over to see how much the plant took. Normally the container doesn’t move in this process. I just pull what’s left over out with either a baster or pipette.

This is how I know the container isn’t holding as much as normal. I can usually get a one gallon to hold a quart of water, and these aren’t holding much more than 300 mls at a time. I’m anxious to get a look at the root balls during transplant to see what they look like.. The plants are big so I’m assuming the root system is gonna be fairly large
Can we all agree this is a male?

@Gee64 check it out. This leaf looks identical to the previous grows leaf. The hue, shape, growth pattern. Getting ready to water I’ll know for sure when it raises up

Yep, definitely looks like a male. I don't see any female parts at all.
Can we all agree this is a male?

@Gee64 check it out. This leaf looks identical to the previous grows leaf. The hue, shape, growth pattern. Getting ready to water I’ll know for sure when it raises up

Looks like compost to me 👀. CL🍀
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