Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

The faster the leaves grow, the lighter the new growth is before it greens up.
That's why you'll see a lot of lighter growth at the start of the stretch before flower. The growth speeds up after watering, so it's lighter for a bit. At least that's my hypothesis.
When those plants were drooping earlier, was that just after lights on? It can take some of my plants a while to "wake up" after lights on, and they offer droop a bit right before lights off as well.
The faster the leaves grow, the lighter the new growth is before it greens up.
That's why you'll see a lot of lighter growth at the start of the stretch before flower. The growth speeds up after watering, so it's lighter for a bit. At least that's my hypothesis.

Agreed which is why I’m wondering if we can use this brightness as an indicator of whether or not the plant needs water. If it’s still bright then it’s spurting which it does right after watering telling us there’s plenty of water. However as we get closer to needing to water the plant, that bright vibrance isn’t as noticeable even in the newest growth.

That electric vibrance just isn’t there but as soon as I water the plant it’ll appear, leading me to believe we can also use this vibrance as an indication of whether or not we should water alongside of other signs like the lower leaves canting downward. Bright fast growth, plenty of water, dull slower growth, need water is the hypothesis.

When those plants were drooping earlier, was that just after lights on? It can take some of my plants a while to "wake up" after lights on, and they offer droop a bit right before lights off as well

They’ve got a few droops.. the one that happens before lights off looks like the petioles lower themselves. The one that happens as a result of Mag/overwatering looks like the petioles are up but the leaves are heavy and drooping. Then there’s the not fully praying droop I get in them when the temps are below 70F. Once it heats up and the light has been on they should be fully praying, which is why I wait until the afternoon to make an assessment.

The two plants I’ve been questioning have been not fully praying even in the afternoon when the other 6 are fully praying. They’re looking better now but still appear as if maybe mag or overwatering are impacting them. The tea seems to have reinvigorated them so we’ll see.. It had a good dose of calcium and magnesium in it which seems to have fed them well.
I water my plants in their cloth pots every day so I'm probably not the best guy to ask about that one but Mel's observation is what I see with plants in hard pots.
I see it in fabric pots too, but it's more noticeable when I have them outdoors under the sun, rather than indoors.
The gang, last night before everyone started winding down for bed.


I watered the center plant and the top left plant with 800 mls split between the two. Top left took 300, center took 500. Pure water with about 15 drops of calcium and magnesium added to reach 50 ppms.. 1 ml per L of fish hydrolysate and kelp extract were mixed in as well.. I aerated the water for an hour or so while I waited for it to slowly warm up.

I watered the center plant slowly once then an hour later slowly again. It took 250 the first time and 250 the second. For the top left plant I filled the drip tray with 500 mls and let it sit for 30 minutes, then drained what was left. The plant took up 200 mls. After waiting another 45 minutes or so I top watered and it took another 100.

The vibrant green color of new growth started appearing almost immediately on the center plant.

The 2 plants that have had a slight issue seemed to be just fine yesterday. Raised up and praying well, entire plant looking strong.


They have all gotten very perky❤️ Nice work!👊

It’s a lot easier when you’re proactive versus reactive especially if you prep your containers. Then it’s just a matter of being able to hold yourself still and not rescuing what doesn’t need rescuing 🤣

Just need to smooth out my seedling to veg transition.. I took the low to no nutrients a little too seriously.. I’ve been known to be quite literal 🤣

Plants look great K! Going to explode after transplant. Nice clean tent too.

Thanks G! Like I said to Gee, it’s way easier when you know they’ve got what they need and you just gotta be a little patient 😂

First NCO I ever had was the best one I ever had.. Taught me to secure any loose ends and make sure your area of operation is clean and efficient or you could get yourself killed by something as stupid as a loose bag buckle dragging against a wall.

Obviously the stakes aren’t the same 🤣 but it falls in line with that proactive versus reactive. Don’t want to create work for yourself when you’ve already got work to do, and you want to be able to execute instantly without having to fix something.

I’ve still got a few changes I want to make but that’s because I haven’t settled on a permanent configuration yet. When I do then I’ll route cords through the floor, mount power strips and whatnot.

Also yeah they’re gonna explode 🤣 they’re only in 1 gallons and they’re already big. I’m likely gonna have to tie some stuff down come flower but we’ll see.
Before water

1 hour after water


18 hours after water
Organic or Synthetic, the girls look fantastic for the plastic pot size. Really hard in plastic , for them being that size for the container and keeping them going healthy. Are you going fabric on the transplant? Or plastic?
Either way, cheers great job bud
Organic or Synthetic, the girls look fantastic for the plastic pot size. Really hard in plastic , for them being that size for the container and keeping them going healthy. Are you going fabric on the transplant? Or plastic?
Either way, cheers great job bud

Thank you. I learned some hard lessons in my last journal that I didn’t want to repeat 😂 Gonna transplant into fabric smart pots.. with the amount of aeration in my mix and the smart pots they’ll explode

4/8 are 14 and 15 inches tall so I’m already pushing the limits on the one gallon. I wouldn’t be surprised if they hit 18 inches. Thankfully I’ve got loads of extra carbon and nutrient bands. Should hold one more week no problem then transplant, then hold for 2 weeks then flower. So we’re currently under 30 days (25ish) until flower.

I’m gonna turn the light to 50% tonight for the final 90 minutes then see how they handle it tomorrow. I’m hoping they’ll take it so I can have them at 50% before the 3 gallons and will have a smooth transition.
I keep my light at the ceiling and raise my plants up to it, I don't have a dimmer so everything gets 1 full day at floor level and I raise it up after that to dial it in, then as it grows I lower it again.

That way I can keep every plant at a different height for an even canopy (ish).

Different plants adjust at different rates too.
I keep my light at the ceiling and raise my plants up to it, I don't have a dimmer so everything gets 1 full day at floor level and I raise it up after that to dial it in, then as it grows I lower it again.

That way I can keep every plant at a different height for an even canopy (ish).

Different plants adjust at different rates too.
Same same.

When I flip, the plant go into the flower room on the floor for a couple of days, then gets raised a bit each day for 3 or 4 days. Then sits there until the stretch were they get lowered as needed so the buds don't run into the light.

Not helpful for what you asked, but that's how I do it.
I keep my light at the ceiling and raise my plants up to it, I don't have a dimmer so everything gets 1 full day at floor level and I raise it up after that to dial it in, then as it grows I lower it again.

That way I can keep every plant at a different height for an even canopy (ish).

Different plants adjust at different rates too.

Same same.

When I flip, the plant go into the flower room on the floor for a couple of days, then gets raised a bit each day for 3 or 4 days. Then sits there until the stretch were they get lowered as needed so the buds don't run into the light.

Not helpful for what you asked, but that's how I do it.

Interesting.. what kind of light (wattage and size if you don’t want to name them) do you two have, and how old are they? Gee I Swear I saw blurple in one of your pics which just makes me shudder 🤣
If I change intensities I usually raise the light a little and bump up to the next setting on the dimmer (now that I have one, lol) and then lower the light a little at a time until I start to see signs of light stress, then raise it again to the last height that didn't cause the stress.
When I didn't have a dimmer I used the same process without the dimmer part.
If I change intensities I usually raise the light a little and bump up to the next setting on the dimmer (now that I have one, lol) and then lower the light a little at a time until I start to see signs of light stress, then raise it again to the last height that didn't cause the stress.
When I didn't have a dimmer I used the same process without the dimmer part.

What light stress signs do you watch for?
What light stress signs do you watch for?
Cupping of the leaves mostly. It's the first sign I usually see. A couple of times the leaves got a little burnt like sunburn. It can look a lot like a mag deficiency, but that usually doesn't happen if I'm keeping up with the watering properly.
Interesting.. what kind of light (wattage and size if you don’t want to name them) do you two have, and how old are they? Gee I Swear I saw blurple in one of your pics which just makes me shudder 🤣
I run a Perfectsun Goliath. It blurples in pics. I love its spectrum. 6 years and its finally starting to get long in the tooth but its still too much light so its enough. 575 watts at the wall.
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