Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

Interesting. I'm trying to germ a moringa seed to do the same thing.

You get some fruit in that bucket tree?
Not atm, no blossoms. A seasonal thing I think, but here is a pic from last year. I accidentally broke the pommy fruit off before it ripened😓 but the plant was only a foot tall then. Its 3 feet tall now, mostly in the last 4-6 weeks in its sip. Hopefully I get a large fruit set this year.

Not atm, no blossoms. A seasonal thing I think, but here is a pic from last year. I acvidentally broke the pommy fruit off before it ripened😓 but the plant was only a foot tall then. Its 3 feet tall now, mostly in the last 4-6 weeks in its sip. Hopefully I get a large fruit set this year.

That's pretty cool. How do you manage it, outdoors in summer and bring it in before frost?
It probably would. Trees are different I'm starting to think. They show dislike really quickly but love slowly. The meyers lemon is pi$$ing me off. Its grows great lemons but forever is losing all its leaves. I hope worms like lemon trees...Its on my last nerve🤣🤣

Trees prefer a fungal dominated tea so if you’re using cannabis teas on them they probably just shrug it off. The environment around them probably appreciate it but basically anything you can do to enhance the mycos life is beneficial for trees. Unless ofc you have one of the few trees that don’t like myco

The gang just hanging out looking swell:

Gonna do some pruning today and take out the lowest axial branch on each except the topped and LSTd. It’s unnatural but it’s worth it for the airflow come flower. Plus I was overwhelmed with larf last grow. I don’t want to deal with that again.
Trees prefer a fungal dominated tea so if you’re using cannabis teas on them they probably just shrug it off. The environment around them probably appreciate it but basically anything you can do to enhance the mycos life is beneficial for trees. Unless ofc you have one of the few trees that don’t like myco

The gang just hanging out looking swell:

Gonna do some pruning today and take out the lowest axial branch on each except the topped and LSTd. It’s unnatural but it’s worth it for the airflow come flower. Plus I was overwhelmed with larf last grow. I don’t want to deal with that again.
practice some cloning with those branches😎, even if you just end up feeding them to the worms
The performer has begun showing her gender.. Looks like a female to me.. I should be able to see pistils before I even flip to flower. I won’t call the gender absolutely until I see pistils and anyone I’m unsure of I’ll just wait til flower although gender is pretty easy to tell before the flip.



Try and take it back! He looks pretty serious🤣🤣😍😍 Too funny!

Every time I would reach for it he would tilt his head away from me and wouldn’t make eye contact 🤣 I love when dogs do the “if I don’t look at you, you can’t see me” move
Every time I would reach for it he would tilt his head away from me and wouldn’t make eye contact 🤣 I love when dogs do the “if I don’t look at you, you can’t see me” move
My big ol boxer girl dooes that. She puts her head under the table and freezes, or stands behind a tree with her big ol body sticking out both sides. Its like "Your 95 pounds and thats a sapling...really Pal?"🤣🤣🤣
My big ol boxer girl dooes that. She puts her head under the table and freezes, or stands behind a tree with her big ol body sticking out both sides. Its like "Your 95 pounds and thats a sapling...really Pal?"🤣🤣🤣

🤣 I’ve always preferred terriers, I love a good small game hunter, they really help keep rodent populations low. They all have this instinct where they will dive into a hole or tight space and try their hardest to get whatever is in it.

My last dog would do a variation of that when he was being naughty or knew I was gonna take something. He would run at full tilt toward the couch in the corner and would dive off the arm and get himself wedged between the wall and the couch with just his back legs hanging out but then would sit there completely still without moving 🤣 you knew he was up to no good because any other time he’d be scratching and whining trying to dig himself deeper into the hole 😂
🤣 I’ve always preferred terriers, I love a good small game hunter, they really help keep rodent populations low. They all have this instinct where they will dive into a hole or tight space and try their hardest to get whatever is in it.

My last dog would do a variation of that when he was being naughty or knew I was gonna take something. He would run at full tilt toward the couch in the corner and would dive off the arm and get himself wedged between the wall and the couch with just his back legs hanging out but then would sit there completely still without moving 🤣 you knew he was up to no good because any other time he’d be scratching and whining trying to dig himself deeper into the hole 😂
I used to travel a lot and the Mrs was home alone so I wanted something that would do the job right if the degenerates of the world decided to break in.

TazzMan my 15 pound cat is a wicked good rodent removal machine tho!
2/8 showing female so far.. The rest have no organs to show yet. At this point, seeing a female and seeing nothing are both better than seeing Male. Male plants in my experience show earlier than females typically so as long as there’s no stick and ball we are okay. Due to me waiting 58-60 days until flower I will most likely get pistil confirmation as well.
Seeds are in the water.. Filled each mason jar a little less than halfway full of dechlorinated water.. Enough so if I tap the seeds lightly they won’t hit the bottom, yet.

You can see a little debris in some of the jars.. This is cannabis trichomes or hairs or leaf parts leftover from a batch long gone. I wasn’t kidding when I said sterile doesn’t really belong here.. We’re here for fungus and bacteria, may as well get comfy from the start.

I took the jars and set them in front of my laundry room radiator. This radiator is always warm, and I have measured the temperature by IR thermometer at 76, and room thermometer at 74 in this spot.

I cut the lights off and they’ll sit in darkness until I’m convinced they’re ready

I’ll check the seeds in 12 hours to see if they sink. If they do they’re getting rolled and planted. I’ll keep my eye on them and not let them go longer than 24 hours in the water.

It’s getting late now so I’ll update more in the morning.
For the seedlings I have had luck with a small shelf above radiator. Not sure this would work for you but I put 4 seeds in shot glasses and 3 popped in 24 hours and 1 popped in 36 hours. They had tiny tap roots when I planted. The heat from radiator warms shelf and soil more than ambient air. Shot glasses had local natural spring water w ppm 45 and ph 7. Also this time I did ph down my water to 5.9 in the soil mix and my growth is about twice as fast as last grow. seeds were placed in soil 3 days ago. So I am at 5 days total from seed. Just wanted to share incase you consider using your heater for seedling with a dome. Maybe you will save a couple weeks of a cheaper electric bill.

For the seedlings I have had luck with a small shelf above radiator. Not sure this would work for you but I put 4 seeds in shot glasses and 3 popped in 24 hours and 1 popped in 36 hours. They had tiny tap roots when I planted. The heat from radiator warms shelf and soil more than ambient air. Shot glasses had local natural spring water w ppm 45 and ph 7. Also this time I did ph down my water to 5.9 in the soil mix and my growth is about twice as fast as last grow. seeds were placed in soil 3 days ago. So I am at 5 days total from seed. Just wanted to share incase you consider using your heater for seedling with a dome. Maybe you will save a couple weeks of a cheaper electric bill.


I dislike talking about germination because this is all about to sound like arrogant bragging but I promise it isn’t. The only reason I talk about it, is so others can pickup on something they may be missing.

Germination isn’t an issue for me. I went 8 for 8 this time and in all my time sprouting I’ve only ever messed up one seed, and I refuse to believe that was completely my fault 🤣 I don’t really understand all the problems others have but I have a suspicion it’s related to trying to sprout outside of the soil, especially if using sterile water and a sterile environment and I am about to cover why.

I’m done with all the extra stuff for seeds and seedlings. I’m just rolling them in myco and tossing them in soil and letting it rip from there. You’ll find out when you read teaming with bacteria that seeds come with generations worth of bacteria (that are responsible for immunities, resilience, rhizophagy cycles, etc.) that reside within the seed and on the seed and when you sprout them anywhere but the soil you lose the greater majority of that bacteria. The moment they begin to germinate the bacteria explodes out into the environment. You can minimize this by pouring the water into your medium but you still run the risk of the light destroying the bacteria before it makes it in your medium.

Rolling them in myco means the very moment they crack open myco makes contact with the roots. No waiting for it to tap no waiting for it to reach it in the soil, it’s immediate.

I’m also able to keep my tent and room both warm and humid enough for seedlings. Since they’re only in their cups for 14 days before transplant after coming above ground I don’t really need to spend much time or resources on the seedlings. The only change I need to make going forward is a Mg charge in my soil.

My light is a commercial grade fixture meant to go from seed to harvest and I dislike domes because I don’t get good airflow. When my light is set to 25% the power usage is low so it doesn’t really make sense for me to try to use a smaller setup when sprouting, this also prevents any issues transitioning to the LED.

Plants can sense gravity and air. They don’t need to be positioned in the soil in any specific way, just toss them in.

A lot of the previous information regarding cannabis and its cultivation is a result of the illegality of it. People viewed it as some sort of magical black box that behaves differently than all other plants and this just isn’t true. All the special methods and rituals of sprouting and growing cannabis are unnecessary.

Obligate mycotrophs like Orchids require more nuances when germinating than Cannabis. Cannabis is a really simple plant that is so dead set on existing it has spent millennia evolving multiple ways to ensure it can continue to exist on its own. The more we interfere with its processes the less efficient it is.
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