Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

They could. It depends on how they look when I get in there today. They’ve all leveled out since finding their resource piles though so I’m not committed yet. The purpose of this tea is more for the bacteria and micro life than the nutrients themselves. I want to reinvigorate the bacterial side of the soil food web since I’ve spent these last weeks making sure the myco gets a colony going.

It also depends on how large the particles are in the tea.. They could clog up my sprayer.

Nature could definitely foliar spray. If they were near a waterfall it’d be a constant. If it rained often and hard it would come from tree runoff, soil runoff, and bouncing off the ground. Strong winds could do it too
You’ve gotta put yourself into nature Peat.. Really breathe in the decomposition around you 🤣
Hey I’m just trying to get a little knowledge this is still something new to me. If I have a question I ask but no problem. Adios CL🍀
Hey I’m just trying to get a little knowledge this is still something new to me. If I have a question I ask but no problem. Adios CL🍀

No doubt, ask all the questions you’ve got. I’ll always give you way more information than you’ve asked for if I can 😂 I also like to explain my thought process as well so people can see what the logic is that I am following.. This helps me to see if maybe I’m overlooking something or not looking at it the right way.. There’s been multiple times where I don’t realize I’m wrong until I’ve typed it out and read it
Nature could definitely foliar spray.

Alright. So then you can't be opposed to using a foliar spray based on natural principals.

Foliar sprays work well. But your plants that have minor issues can probably grow out of it without a spray. That is IF you are confident in your feeding plan.

I sometimes don't do anything to fix early leaf issues because I know the nutrient plan works well and the plant will soon catch up. The early leaves that have defects usually get pruned out after new leaves form anyway.
Alright. So then you can't be opposed to using a foliar spray based on natural principals.

Correct. I’m opposed to foliar sprays being a requirement. I don’t want to be tied to the grow any more than I have to be, just as a personal matter. Which is humorous because I really like to just be in the room and watch them grow 😂

Foliar sprays work well. But your plants that have minor issues can probably grow out of it without a spray. That is IF you are confident in your feeding plan.

I sometimes don't do anything to fix early leaf issues because I know the nutrient plan works well and the plant will soon catch up. The early leaves that have defects usually get pruned out after new leaves form anyway.

Also correct. One of the bigger things I’ve come to realize is the plant wants to grow. It’s going to try its hardest to keep going regardless, and a lot of times it will correct itself, if, like you said, the solutions are in the pot or are part of your program. I don’t pay much mind to a few leaves here and there growing oddly, they often grow out of it. Kind of like when I was a kid I did weird stuff and had body parts grow at different rates. I eventually grew out of most of it 🤣
I’m also just not very skilled at foliar spraying 😂 I feel like I always make a way bigger mess than is worth the benefits of it. However this grow taught me that some times I’m just gonna have to take that L and spray them. The strong performer really benefitted from it so I’ll resist it less going forward. I just don’t want to make a habit of having to “rescue” the plant from my own mistakes
Hey buddy, last time I checked, plants get rained on in nature frequently!

Therefore, LEGIT natural growers are REQUIRED to spray some water on the leaves at least once a week.

A salty salt grower is having fun gatekeeping this organic grow. :cool:

It’s funny you say that because I’ve had that exact thought. Watering the plants feels wrong, it’s why I’m intrigued by the SIPs and auto pots. At least with those you can mimic an underground spring/water source

I’ve spent some time contemplating whether or not I could setup a system like they have at the grocery store, where a light mist sprays on the veggies from time to time. I think it could be possible but would require a lot of prep and waterproofing the area.

I’ve also been looking into controllers for my light so I can mimic sunrise and sunset. It’d be even cooler if I could find one that could shift the spectrum intensities for the different seasons.

I would love to be able to fully mimic nature inside my attic. Ironically It will take a decent amount of technology and power to make that happen 😂
I’ve spent some time contemplating whether or not I could setup a system like they have at the grocery store, where a light mist sprays on the veggies from time to time. I think it could be possible but would require a lot of prep and waterproofing the area.

Or I don't know, call me crazy, but maybe you could put something in a bottle and spray your plants once or twice a week?

It takes less than 5 minutes. The plants love it. They soak it up. Especially in the winter when it's dry. Like right now for example. It's dry. Sofaking dry that the leaves are practically begging you to hydrate them. I can hear them suffering right now. Something must be done!
@Azimuth and I have gone back and forth about Clackamas Coots recommended worm bin.. he says just grab a smart pot, some manure (or leaf mold) and some worms and you should be able to create great castings just like that. He also recommends kelp meal, neem meal, and one other meal I can’t remember, but fairly cheap. Just that (castings) plus some aerated used soil and apparently you can grow excellent quality cannabis that’s extremely resilient
I've never heard him spell it out, but rather "I run all my amendments through the worm, bin."

But he did spell out his grow mix and the amendments he adds to them which include the meals of neem, karanja, and crustacean/crab. Also Oyster shell flour and glacial rock dusts, malted barley, etc.

We’re undecided on the minimum size of the pot required to do this and since I live in a city in a bungalow, I’ve gotta be a little more thoughtful about how to execute this
My plastic bins are 7 gallon storage containers, but I'm going to try a large cloth pot this summer for grins. My 7G containers are stacked three high, but if I were to redo it I'd go four.

You could dehydrate the bananas and grind them into a powder. Banana worm shit could take things to the next level. Or you could keep a flock of bats and feed them bananas. DIY banana guano.
You don't even need to go that extra step to dehydrate them, just run them through the worm bin or I make Jadam extract with them, a little fresh worm castings, and non-chlorinated water. Bananas are high in K.

Also.. worm poop smells like earth.. if it smells like anything else you’ve got big problems 🤣
Right, typically either too wet, or you're feeding too much food too fast.

I’m also just not very skilled at foliar spraying 😂 I feel like I always make a way bigger mess than is worth the benefits of it. However this grow taught me that some times I’m just gonna have to take that L and spray them.
I have a spray station which is a very large storage tote set on end with a kitchen lazy susan swivel in the base so I can spin the plant while I spray. For larger plants you could build one with three sides of a cardboard box and hang garbage bags on the inside. Set it on a small tarp or shower curtain to catch the run off and you're dancin'.

I’ve spent some time contemplating whether or not I could setup a system like they have at the grocery store, where a light mist sprays on the veggies from time to time.
Look at reptile sprayers. I'm thinking about using those for a cloning station.
I’m also just not very skilled at foliar spraying 😂 I feel like I always make a way bigger mess than is worth the benefits of it. However this grow taught me that some times I’m just gonna have to take that L and spray them. The strong performer really benefitted from it so I’ll resist it less going forward. I just don’t want to make a habit of having to “rescue” the plant from my own mistakes
I use the bathtub for teas and sprays.

note: cleaning it before the wife sees it is essential... jus sayin'....🤣🤣🤣
Or I don't know, call me crazy, but maybe you could put something in a bottle and spray your plants once or twice a week?

It takes less than 5 minutes. The plants love it. They soak it up. Especially in the winter when it's dry. Like right now for example. It's dry. Sofaking dry that the leaves are practically begging you to hydrate them. I can hear them suffering right now. Something must be done!

Where is the fun in that? Plus Nobody just walks up and sprays plants where they evolved at. You’re ignoring the overall intent for a quick solution which yes works, but doesn’t add to the greater good of the grow. I have no life, no friends, and this is my hobby so I’ve got ridiculous amounts of time to spend on trivial crap like how to mist my plants without me being there to do it 🤣

Besides my humidity doesn’t go below 60 for at least another month into the grow. 2 humidifiers pump Liters of water into my environment daily. It’s a bit ridiculous, but come spring and summer I’ll have to pump it out.

I have a spray station which is a very large storage tote set on end with a kitchen lazy susan swivel in the base so I can spin the plant while I spray. For larger plants you could build one with three sides of a cardboard box and hang garbage bags on the inside. Set it on a small tarp or shower curtain to catch the run off and you're dancin'.

I like this idea a lot. Especially because it will allow me to stand. I really dislike having to kneel down or bend over these days 😂

Look at reptile sprayers. I'm thinking about using those for a cloning station.

Sweet, thank you. This will let me get the idea so I can build it out myself. Unless they’re stupid cheap then I’ll just buy them 🤣 I have a feeling they aren’t
Yeah I like to make sure my smart pot is fully saturated with RO water, let it drip off, then add tea so it can flow through the soil more evenly in the pot.
Catch the drippings after adding tea and feed it to your other plants. My spider plant loves it. My ferns not as much. Killed an orchid. Veggies go wild for it. Lemon and pomegranate trees are indifferent to it.
Catch the drippings after adding tea and feed it to your other plants. My spider plant loves it. My ferns not as much. Killed an orchid. Veggies go wild for it. Lemon and pomegranate trees are indifferent to it.
Probably pretty concentrated stuff. Ferns are light feeders so that could explain it, and I wonder if changing the pH before giving to your fruit trees would help. 🤔
Probably pretty concentrated stuff. Ferns are light feeders so that could explain it, and I wonder if changing the pH before giving to your fruit trees would help. 🤔
It probably would. Trees are different I'm starting to think. They show dislike really quickly but love slowly. The meyers lemon is pi$$ing me off. Its grows great lemons but forever is losing all its leaves. I hope worms like lemon trees...Its on my last nerve🤣🤣
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