Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

Quick photo update.. I’ll do a gallery post at 30 days. The plants are looking ok.. We’ve got one really strong performer right here who has fallen into the groove well


She’s strong, nicely colored, and has found her resources and begun tapping them. The first transplant is also looking pretty good, the LST is making it bushy which I’m okay with.. As it grows out I will lightly trim it to allow for better airflow and deeper light exposure


The last 3 transplants are all taking pretty good as well.. They did not appreciate me turning the lights up higher but they’ve adjusted

I topped one of them and am going to watch the differences play out

The other plants are not as happy.. one is showing signs of overwatering as can be seen here:

The leaves have that swollen against the veins 3D look that always screams overwatering to me. I’ll have to check the roots on this one and see what has happened. This next plant has gotten the same watering but doesn’t seem to be as upset, although it is not happy with the light increase either

It appears to have just tapped it’s bottom resources which is good, we’ll see what it does.


That plant has found it’s resources but is not very happy itself.. I’ve been keeping a close eye on it and watching what it does.. It may be lack of water but in my experience it’s better to wait a couple days until it either tells me it needs water for sure or see if it will adjust itself. It’s possible it ran into a concentration of nutrients and wasn’t pleased, however they’re not showing signs of nutrient burn, so like I said, we’ll keep an eye on it.

I increased the light power to 50% and the plants had an average of 20 DLI hitting them. I have a feeling I should’ve held off on the power increase until 30 days. I’ve made a note of this and will try this approach on the next grow. 25% for the first 30, 50% for the next 30, 75% for the first half of flower and 100% (if it’ll take it) for the last half minus the final week or two.

Being bagseed plants it’s difficult to determine which plants need what beforehand. I gave them all a general approach as I waited for them to show themselves. This is the phase I usually have a few setbacks in as I wait for the plants attitudes and requirements to settle in before I can dial in what they want.

One thing about that is, not to make knee jerk decisions. If I think something is up with a plant and I’m not positive what it is, I’ll wait a day or two to see what happens. We’re growing photos so worse comes to worst, we can add on a few extra recovery days if needed.

Im gonna start brewing up a good veg tea today and hit them all with it within the next day or two to really start firing up the grow.

They’ve got about 18ish days left in these pots, give or take a few days.



This is exactly what I wanted to happen on this grow. Running these plant in large containers is much, much easier to do and gives me way less issues to deal with, but I don’t learn anything. In these smaller pots pushed hard with unknown genetics I’m forced to learn each of the plants and what each of the signals are. This way I can have that base of experience to operate from in emergencies.
The gang just chilling. I turned the light back down to 25%.. I didn’t like what I was seeing and they all looked stressed.. The only universal change has been the light intensity. The newbies were showing “light burn” as well which can be seen on the plant on the bottom row middle next to the white humidifier



I’ll take a better shot when I go upstairs but here’s the one showing the light intensity was too great.. there’s yellowing around the tips and serrations almost like potassium shows without the necrosis.. You can tell the difference between this and a mag issue by the coloring and how it shows up on the edges and tips more so than in between the veins

A better look at the light stressing.. You can also see a sort of speckling in the leaves. I believe this plant was close to the humidifier and droplets from the steam settled on and burnt the leaves slightly.. This is likely going to be due to the Mag issues. If they would’ve been sufficient from the start the light probably would’ve been fine.

I’ll reiterate.. I’ve done these things on purpose. I am attempting to stress my plants in common ways that most growers will deal with so I can sharpen my toolset (and test limiting factors). Every one of these problems could be easily fixed by putting my plants in larger containers and just letting them go but there’s no fun in that 😂 I could also easily fix any one of these issues by busting out bottled nutrients and mixing up myco waterings every feeding, but that’s not the goal and it will tie me to my grow in a way I have no interest in. I have every nutrient I could need in a bottle (lord knows I do and I’ve been trying to get rid of them for weeks now but no one near me grows synthetically 😅)

If you want to be tied to your grow and constantly mixing nutrients up, go with hydro or coco. I’d rather do some work periodically than some work every day.

The goal of this journal beyond education and recording is to consolidate a whole lot of common issues in one place that are easily referenced. So far we’ve already come up against solo cup issues, Mag issues, myco spawning, watering, and now light issues. I can’t wait to see what happens in flower, although I will be cheating a bit. Since I know what to expect I’ll be spiking extra resources in my flower container which isn’t a super common practice yet.
Blue Thai seeds inbound soon. Not bad. I placed my order Friday Night, so fairly quick turnaround. It’ll be nice to start a grow with known genetics. I’ll create a separate grow journal for that one and I’ll be going with larger pots. I’ll also be “breeding” these out as well. By that I just mean if I get a male (hopefully) I’ll grow it out, take it’s pollen, save some, and also pollinate a few decent sized colas to give me a good supply of the seeds.

Alright so I haven’t seen many images of the pre wilt wilt that plants will show when they’re getting thirsty so I snapped some pictures.. You can see the bottom largest leaves are tilted downward.. they’re not sagging like they’re heavy, just tilted.. Here’s the plant signaling it’s thirsty

When you see this you’ve gotta think about a few things before committing to watering. How does the rest of the plant look? In this case the rest of the plant was vigorous and happy. Leaves were either flat or angled up in a position to maximize its photosynthesis. How long since it’s last water? It has been about 12 days since its last watering.

This lines up.. I watered in for transplant, I have plastic containers with only bottom outlets (I’ll be switching to fabric 1 gallons, these plastics just don’t cut it for me any more.. I can ball a root in a fabric as well, plus can water more) and I have 2 inches of mulch on top. Plus I have quality soil, perlite and EWC all which help with holding water for longer.

With all of that thought about, plus the pot weight itself, I was comfortable accepting the leaf wilt as a sign of thirst. Once I watered it only took a few minutes before I could see it starting to lift and within an hour or two it was back to this

Watering is probably my least favorite part about growing, and with the mulch it isn’t even as fun as it was with just the soil 😂 It’s still enjoyable I just would rather build soils and layer containers.
Very informative! Thank you for that! Happy Smokin'
Quick photo update before I head out the door.. Plants are warming up for the day but it looks like everyone has found and tapped their top and bottom resource piles. You can see the moment that it happens as the leaves take on a deep color almost right away.

@Grand Daddy Black I forgot to tag you in this earlier.. When you germ in the shot glasses do you use that water in your soil? I think if each seed was in its own glass you could probably just empty it straight into a hole then cover it up and keep all the bacteria

Also @Azimuth this fully vindicates your straight into the medium process. I concede, see the bottom of the post 😂

@Krissi Carbone and @Emilya Green were/are you aware of these strain specific rhizophagy and beneficial bacteria that are seed bound? I’ve never read this before and apparently it’s a fairly recent find.

I heard this on a podcast with Jeff Lowenfels talking about Teaming With Bacteria. I’ve got Teaming with Bacteria coming Thursday.. as soon as I heard this I went to Amazon and ordered it lol

There’s huge Bacteria involvement in trichome development as well (this will be of great interest in relation to the droughting Krissi is working on). He’s also talking about these Bacteria that can fix nitrogen themselves deliver it to the plant and restart the cycle over and over as long as the plant wants it.. it’s these same Bacteria that cause root hairs to grow (the analogy was, our current understanding of how the plant works with microbes is akin to farming, plant puts something in the soil to get something in return, whereas these rhizophagy are akin to the plant ranching since it is using the bacteria and their movements themselves to take nutrients sends them back out into the soil to restart again). The implications of what has been discovered are enormous.. We can see at least a 30% supply of nitrogen to the plant from these bacteria.. It’s breathtaking. It’s so ridiculously amazing I’m having trouble focusing my thoughts into a single line of thinking and felt/feel the need to just blurt it all out 😂

@Gee64 have you heard of any of this? I can’t wait to get the book.. I really enjoy Jeff’s analogies and matter of fact way of delivering the information. His theories are typically on the nose as well.

I’ll be interested to see how clones work in relation to this.. obviously they won’t have that same bacterial load as a seed.. Maybe since they’re already developed, the bacteria is residing within the tissues since it is endophytic microbes and bacteria we’re talking about. Now that I type that I bet that’s exactly it. It’s how it gets to the seeds in the first place.
Yes, I do pour that little bit of water into the solo cup @Keffka. I did not know it was beneficial, just seemed a convenient way to get rid of it!:)

And, yes, I'm way back here on page 12 trying to catch up. It's hard!

If you could please stop posting until you see me comment on your most recent page it would be appreciated! :laugh:
Yes, I do pour that little bit of water into the solo cup @Keffka. I did not know it was beneficial, just seemed a convenient way to get rid of it!:)

It’s always nice when logic and ease equal beneficial and best practice.. makes me feel smart when I do that :slide:

And, yes, I'm way back here on page 12 trying to catch up. It's hard!

If you could please stop posting until you see me comment on your most recent page it would be appreciated! :laugh:

I thought my first journal was long, and this one is already past that completed one 🤣 this one has triple the amount of information though with a lot more detail so :reading420magazine:

It’s 95% grow related posts as well so I can’t even slim it down smh. I’d like to pretend my next journals won’t be as long since we’ve already covered so much but I think I’m just lying to myself :cheesygrinsmiley:

I’m gonna wind up having to create a perpetual journal that’s just links to all the Convos and information in these journals :rofl: it’s hard to remember which of the 60+ total pages stuff is on. Oh well.. As long as people are learning things and I’m dialing in it’s worth the hassle for me
your led is pulling more mag out of them faster than they can access. that's why they look less stressed when you turn the light down. i would solve for mag and they'll run hard.
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