Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

I've never met a stoner that wears a cowboy hat. They exist. Willie Nelson, for example. White Truffles is purple and frosty. Should make a good hybrid.
I’m not sure if Perry Farwell from Janes Addiction does but @ the Pumkins + JA show he was sporting one n called it a Trapper’s hat. lol CL🍀
I don't know much about growing with soil. Peat or coco with salts is where most of my knowledge is.

Your element knowledge is what’s important.. It transfers really easily to soil. I view soil more as the skeleton of the grow. It provides the housing for all the elemental and microbial actions. If you know how the elements work together you’re already leagues ahead of the average soil gardener.

Too often (in my opinion) people are just following directions without understanding the why of what they’re doing. This only ever works really well when you’re a Soldier 😂 and even then it only works well until a certain rank.
Your element knowledge is what’s important.. It transfers really easily to soil. I view soil more as the skeleton of the grow. It provides the housing for all the elemental and microbial actions. If you know how the elements work together you’re already leagues ahead of the average soil gardener.

Too often (in my opinion) people are just following directions without understanding the why of what they’re doing. This only ever works really well when you’re a Soldier 😂 and even then it only works well until a certain rank.
Well said. I know folks this might be "bro science " really need to read the plant over then directions on the bottle.
When i ran organics, correct me if im wrong. Always had "runoff " in supersoil and had a premature fade in flower. My last 3 or 4 runs without runoff seemed to give the plant more nutrition towards the end.
Understand everyone situation different though
I’m looking for it right now but it looks like they removed it from the site. @StoneOtter @Gee64 can you access the living water links? They were just up the other day.. You think this means 3rd edition is coming? Would make sense since I just bought the 2nd 😂

For you Cap, he’s got a section in his book where he covers it. I’ll snap some pictures of the pages for you just give me a little bit
Just this: I see Gee found a better source but here's what I found.

Off the Beaten Path Tactical Nitrogen for Growing Cannabis​

Freshwater fish aquariums are outstanding to have around. Just a little bit of this water will add a whole bunch of good things to your soil, including a decent nitrogen bump. I now add my aquarium water to The Churn, but I used to add it directly to my plant water at a ratio of about 2 to 6 oz. per 5-gallons of water. This will also raise your PPMs rapidly so keep an eye on that.

You can also very effectively use cannabis meal like you would use alfalfa meal. All you need to do for this is next time you trim or prune your plant(s) just lay those green leaves out in the warm dry grow room and allow them to rapid dry. They will remain green after dried this way, retaining their nitrogen, along with everything else cannabis loves—you savvy?

It's not much. I'm hoping for the new book too! He seems to be laying low right now. Maybe he's putting the finishing touches on it!
the beauty of this approach. So let's say in the recharge, it would be real hard to put too much kelp, guanos, and cal/mag in there as long as the microbe management was working properly? Cultivation of the soil seems just as important as any other step and what makes this all so fun to read about!
Its about balance.

Carbs:proteins ( Browns:Greens) and unbalanced cal:mg can really cause problems.

Too much protein will burn all the carbs and not enough proteins will stop cellular function.

Here is my dummied down view of it:
Think of a cell as a machine that can build anything. RNA is the instructions of what to build and DNA is the entire list of things it could possibly build.

It has a conveyor belt running thru it with a big hopper on top and a keyboard to type in what you want.

The energy to run the cell comes from carbs.

The parts in the hopper that things are made from are amino acids (proteins aka greens)

The electrical system to run the keyboard and carry the signal throuout the cell is calcium.

You type in eyelash and you get an eyelash coming out on the conveyor belt, type in chlorophyl and you get chlorophyl.

Calcium is an electrolyte. Its the soils base charge carrier and magnesium is the backup. The cal:mag ratio must be correct to keep mag in line.

Too much available mag will lock your proteins ( greens... nitrogen) and too much calcium overall will fry the keyboard.

A slow and steady increase will power more and more cells correctly as the plant grows. Global calcium in the mix is mined by microbes and fungii as more is needed.

CalMag is a jumpstart to get things going but a sign that failure of the global system has occurred. ( The batteries are missing so you must get home on jumpstarts)

The reason why mag locks nitro is a natural defence mechanism that is in humans too. If calcium is low your cells aren't working properly so mag locks up nitro and growth stops.

Too much electricity fries the keyboard and the cell is useless (dead)

I made pure calcium water at 200ppm and dumped it into a pot that had gone crusty on top from too high mag.

It loosened the soil really well( killed mags electrical cling to nitro) but also messed the plant up really bad. Huge nute burn more like a hydro nute burn than the usual organic brown tips.

Get the carbs and proteins correct, balance the cal:mag, and then add minerals and let it cook.

If you google colloidal clays which are like serving platters, organic chelators at the base level of the soil structure, you will see how Momma Nature fills the dinner plates and the true importance of calcium is quickly revealed.

It fills most of the platter so nutrients can fill in the rest in a balanced manner, and the calcium controls the static cling of the plate to attract them in balance. Once that plate is full of properly prepared, ready to eat food it is put in the cupboard for later meals (Humate).

The importance of adding calcium 1st is also apparent. In organics or synthetics.

If you are trying to achieve a certain balance or goal with your soil it will never happen if calcium is out of whack.

Nutrients will lock to each other if calcium isn't there to set the correct electrical field.

You will either have too much or too little food on that colloidal tray if the electrical charge isn't correct for the stage of your grow. Usually a wrong charge will either lock up or lock out a specific nutrient.

Calcium, and to a lesser but equally important degree Magnesium as well, set the stage for all the rest to happen.

Some call this electrical charge EC. I have heard its important. Changing the ec changes the amount of space available on the platter for nutrients.

EC controls many other aspects but without proper food all the other aspects are moot points.

Hope that helps with a mental image of how organics rolls.

As a bonus, if you want to raise your brix just raise calcium phosphorus and microbial life as long as your soil can supply the extra oxygen needed and Voila! brix goes up.

Always keep brix in the back of your mind. Anything that raises brix raises plant health so try to not get in the way of that.
Just this: I see Gee found a better source but here's what I found.

Off the Beaten Path Tactical Nitrogen for Growing Cannabis​

Freshwater fish aquariums are outstanding to have around. Just a little bit of this water will add a whole bunch of good things to your soil, including a decent nitrogen bump. I now add my aquarium water to The Churn, but I used to add it directly to my plant water at a ratio of about 2 to 6 oz. per 5-gallons of water. This will also raise your PPMs rapidly so keep an eye on that.

You can also very effectively use cannabis meal like you would use alfalfa meal. All you need to do for this is next time you trim or prune your plant(s) just lay those green leaves out in the warm dry grow room and allow them to rapid dry. They will remain green after dried this way, retaining their nitrogen, along with everything else cannabis loves—you savvy?

It's not much. I'm hoping for the new book too! He seems to be laying low right now. Maybe he's putting the finishing touches on it!
I store mine in the freezer and use them in the worm farm. Its the main reason I grow outside, to get all those leaves! Scrogging to 100+ tops and then culling to 25-30 gives me a years supply of cannabis leaves and 25-30 very big colas.
Well said. I know folks this might be "bro science " really need to read the plant over then directions on the bottle.
When i ran organics, correct me if im wrong. Always had "runoff " in supersoil and had a premature fade in flower. My last 3 or 4 runs without runoff seemed to give the plant more nutrition towards the end.
Understand everyone situation different though

It’s all situational like you said. If you’re running a true organic soil food web you don’t need runoff, but it also isn’t the end of the world. The food web will hold those nutrients without leeching too many out.

If you’re using salts/chelation/etc. you’ll want some run off to prevent crystals from building up. “Organic” nutrients can leave behind these crystals so it’s important to know whether or not you’re using chelated/salts/etc. and whether or not you’re using the soil food web.

There’s also a matter of the super soil itself. Oftentimes super soils are designed with top dressings in mind. If you’re expected to top dress like in the Stonington “super soil” then it won’t matter if you runoff or not, you’re gonna need that top dressing regardless.

Overall however, when growing in an organic fashion you’re not looking to have very high runoff. At most you want to cap it at 10-20%. If you’re going beyond this you’ve gotta reign your watering in a bit.
If I water to runoff, I leave the plant in the runoff for around an hour or so (not much longer than that), so that it can reabsorb whatever’s in the tray. This horrifies some people, however I’ve sat and watched plants be submerged in water for hours during heavy downpours and they still come out just fine. Just make sure you’ve got good aeration in the pot.

Nutrients that are bound in the soil won’t leech out very easily. This is why it’s important to distinguish how you’re growing organically. If you’re using bottles filled with organic acids and chelated nutrients, these will leech out easier than soil that’s been amended and had the nutrients cooked into it. They’re trying to get farmers to utilize the soil food web so they can reduce the amount of runoff from their farms that flow into rivers, streams, etc.

Its about balance.

Dropping knowledge nukes! I’ve said it a lot already and will keep saying it. Balance. It’s all about the balance.

Congratulations on winning the @ViparSpectra second round Keefka!

Thanks Stone! When I saw it I wondered if they did it on purpose just to make me look like a fool for talking smack 🤣
That post was great. It was a good way to dummy things down but might require several dozen more rereads ;) Thank you!

🤣 yep.. I usually have to break it down into digestible chunks of information I read over a few times to really solidify it
Nope! Pretty sure they're here for positive things.

They’ve caught my eye more so than a lot of the other sponsors.. I think they’re gonna get the honor of being my first non N America light purchase.. Was thinking about grabbing their XS1000 or P1000 for a clone/seedling light
I have had my eye on malawi gold for awhile. CL if you do it next can you please tag me? It looks very retro to what was around in the late 70's early 80's.
Plenty of room onboard and I’d love to have you, will do. Now I’m going to be under pressure with all you great members riding CL🍀
Ok I don’t drink close to that.. I’ve seen multiple people deal with kidney stones and it looks like the worst hell on earth. Thankfully I actually enjoy water so it’s really easy for me to fill my days with it. It’s just when I sit for a meal I struggle to drink water for some reason. It’s a sensory thing more than anything oddly enough.
I’m not a Dr. but I think drinking that much water you’ll be fine. CL🍀
ordered prilled dolomite lime, it’ll be here tomorrow. I’ll throw some of this into a bucket with pure water and aerate it. This will help the calmag issue and will keep my PH right around 7.. since I’m having to use over 40 ppm I need to be a little aware of my ph and the aerated dolomite lime will solve that while giving the Calmag I need. I really don’t like using bottles even if they don’t have acids.. This will also help me get into the groove of making the water the Blue Thai will prefer.
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