Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

So it seems! I guess it goes down to which ingredient can do what and in what ratio to prevent any nutrition lock out.
Its claimed the coconut water is great for the beginning and later stages of veg. What it does in flower. That's down to what is what in the water and how it can play out in the greater scheme.

Correct.. ingredients are all we actually care about. What’s in our packages/bottles. We don’t care about marketing, label claims, certifications, none of that means anything. We want to know what’s in it and what role it can play.

Nutrient lockout is a pretty difficult thing to have happen in this style if you’ve got a good base mix and a quality water source. I would have to do something off the charts foolish to lock stuff out. I’m not feeding nutrients to the plant. I’m binding them up in the soil and making it so the microbes consume them and break them down. The plant calls on those microbes to get which nutrients it wants and when.
Growing like this is all about making sure you’ve got everything in the pot before the plant even gets put in. This is why I’m seeing Mg deficiency right now. I’ve either not provided enough of it in my pot or I am unbalanced with my K sources making Mg difficult to access.

This also means you’re not tied to your plants like coco or hydro guys are.. you can walk away from your grow for a decent amount of time without any worry.
Nutrient lockout is a pretty difficult thing to have happen in this style if you’ve got a good base mix and a quality water source. I would have to do something off the charts foolish to lock stuff out. I’m not feeding nutrients to the plant. I’m binding them up in the soil and making it so the microbes consume them and break them down. The plant calls on those microbes to get which nutrients it wants and when.

the beauty of this approach. So let's say in the recharge, it would be real hard to put too much kelp, guanos, and cal/mag in there as long as the microbe management was working properly? Cultivation of the soil seems just as important as any other step and what makes this all so fun to read about!
I've never met a stoner that wears a cowboy hat. They exist. Willie Nelson, for example. White Truffles is purple and frosty. Should make a good hybrid.
Could be good Marketing on his behalf. Cant forget the dude in the black cowboy hat, especially if he has good beans. Lol
Maybe because hes the Grimm reeper, took me a J to figure it out.
Sorry for the hijack K,

No hijack here.. Seed talk is more relevant than me talking blood pressure and breakfast 🤣

It’s all good.. I don’t answer to anyone for anything so I’m unconcerned with the side bar Convos 😂
Sounds good but the GT is first and I thought maybe after I’d like to try a African landrace Sativa. The Malawi Gold I seen @Chasev89 growing look’s great. CL🍀
I have had my eye on malawi gold for awhile. CL if you do it next can you please tag me? It looks very retro to what was around in the late 70's early 80's.
the beauty of this approach. So let's say in the recharge, it would be real hard to put too much kelp, guanos, and cal/mag in there as long as the microbe management was working properly? Cultivation of the soil seems just as important as any other step and what makes this all so fun to read about!

Correct to a point. You still want to make sure you have a balance going on. If you drop a plant into a P heavy mix you’ll struggle to get myco.. If you’re in a K heavy mix you’ll see issues with Mg.. It’s all about the balance. There’s certain nutrients the plant needs in levels we can’t really provide globally in the mix without screwing everything else up so we add those in layers or spikes. However, yes, cultivation of the soil is just as important. It’s all about the balance.

Now for the exact details of the process like measurements and interactions I would approach @Gee64 since he has a grasp on elemental interactions much better than I do and has been doing this specific process longer than I have.

People like @Peat Phreak also have a lot of knowledge on different interactions between the elements as well, however he has his own preferred style of growing which is not the same as what we do. He prefers to not have poops anywhere but his toilet.
Whoop whoop!

Correct to a point. You still want to make sure you have a balance going on. If you drop a plant into a P heavy mix you’ll struggle to get myco.. If you’re in a K heavy mix you’ll see issues with Mg.. It’s all about the balance. There’s certain nutrients the plant needs in levels we can’t really provide globally in the mix without screwing everything else up so we add those in layers or spikes. However, yes, cultivation of the soil is just as important. It’s all about the balance.

Now for the exact details of the process like measurements and interactions I would approach @Gee64 since he has a grasp on elemental interactions much better than I do and has been doing this specific process longer than I have.

People like @Peat Phreak also have a lot of knowledge on different interactions between the elements as well, however he has his own preferred style of growing which is not the same as what we do. He prefers to not have poops anywhere but his toilet.
Peat definitely has some gorgeous flowers. He needs to enter some contest with those pics :passitleft:
the beauty of this approach. So let's say in the recharge, it would be real hard to put too much kelp, guanos, and cal/mag in there as long as the microbe management was working properly? Cultivation of the soil seems just as important as any other step and what makes this all so fun to read about!

If you’re really interested in this method I highly recommend checking out True Living Organics by The Rev.. it’s a book.. you can find the first edition as an ebook on google really easily.. his 2nd edition is only a physical copy but is more current. You can also check out the site he works from here:

You can also check around the forums for LOS or TLO grows, as well as on google. This will introduce you to what we’re doing. It’s all very logical and common sense stuff which is what sold me on it. The first time I used a version of this method I grew the best cannabis I’ve ever had in my life. It was even better than my nostalgia memories of getting high as a kid so there’s no going back for me.
I’m looking for it right now but it looks like they removed it from the site. @StoneOtter @Gee64 can you access the living water links? They were just up the other day.. You think this means 3rd edition is coming? Would make sense since I just bought the 2nd 😂

For you Cap, he’s got a section in his book where he covers it. I’ll snap some pictures of the pages for you just give me a little bit
Thanks bro 😊 CL🍀
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