Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

I’m the same way, as a child I too often heard because I said so and to this day it’s ill advised to answer me with it. lol CL🍀

Oh please do NOT answer me with this. You’ll get a smart ass response on top of a smart ass reaction 😂

“Oh so you mean I shouldn’t do THIS *does thing* because YOU said so? That’s silly”

I left my parents home at 17 after ignoring them for 3 years 🤣🤣 well I ignored them for 17 years but it really kicked up when puberty really grabbed a hold of me
BLAH! I always despise the day before my VA appointment.. my medicine always runs out today so I already know the morning will be annoying.

Thankfully though my BP is down.. Measured it earlier and I was 134/86 which is better than the 150/98 and is way better than the 180/119 I was rocking for a week
Wow, that's lots of pressure on the pipes, amigo. It's great that you're getting it under control but don't stop now!
Wow, that's lots of pressure on the pipes, amigo. It's great that you're getting it under control but don't stop now!

It scared me deep inside. I knew my BP was high, then I’m fairly certain I had a panic attack which sent it higher. I was having trouble thinking and breathing, it was so weird it shook me. I had always planned on getting healthy and in shape by the time I was 40, this just sped the process up by a year or two.

I instantly changed up my diet, started cutting back on cigarettes working toward quitting completely. Started walking my dog multiple times a day at an elevated pace to ease myself back into exercise and had the doctor write me a prescription for BP medicine while I bring it back under control. I took every avenue I could.

I have no problem dying. I’ve lived a hell of a life and if I died tomorrow I’d be content. It’s my sons though. They’re too young and their mother isn’t enough for them in this world of ours. They need me around and healthy to guide them. Plus it sets a good example to them that when you’ve got a problem you have to do the work to fix it.
Ok heres what I have found in a nutshell on the magnesium deficiency thing so far, and its vague in whats available for info so for anyone trying to figure it out maybe this can help point you in a direction.

It seems that if potassium levels get too high a magnesium deficiency will arise, haven't figured out why yet sorry, and leds don't cause the deficiency but intense lighting will magnify it and make it more apparent sooner.

I wish I could give you the "why" for this but I haven't found that info yet.

Is it possible your K ingredients are on the high side @Keffka ?

That being said, exposure to intense lighting should tell you if your mag ratios are solid.

This could explain both the LED conundrum and why when your raising your vpd it arises more often, as most lower the light to raise vpd resulting in intenser light.

They are both cations, so possibly too much K attracts and holds what Mg needed to bond with??

Also at PH 6.0 and below, Mg uptake in soil plummets quickly, so adding microbes to raise the ph a bit could in theory fix it if your pots have become too fungal dominant.

Any thoughts?
It scared me deep inside. I knew my BP was high, then I’m fairly certain I had a panic attack which sent it higher. I was having trouble thinking and breathing, it was so weird it shook me. I had always planned on getting healthy and in shape by the time I was 40, this just sped the process up by a year or two.

I instantly changed up my diet, started cutting back on cigarettes working toward quitting completely. Started walking my dog multiple times a day at an elevated pace to ease myself back into exercise and had the doctor write me a prescription for BP medicine while I bring it back under control. I took every avenue I could.

I have no problem dying. I’ve lived a hell of a life and if I died tomorrow I’d be content. It’s my sons though. They’re too young and their mother isn’t enough for them in this world of ours. They need me around and healthy to guide them. Plus it sets a good example to them that when you’ve got a problem you have to do the work to fix it.
Have you ever browsed a website called forksoverknives(dot)com. Its a dietary site promoting health and can quickly bring blood pressure and/or cholesterol in check. Its not a commercial site or a diet sales pitch, its highly acclaimed doctors and surgeons tired of our completey avoidable health care crisis. It took me from 226 lbs to 154 in 6 months and that was 3 years ago. I'm still 154 lbs. Wifey too. If you do try it, drinking 6 or more large glasses of water a day and a probiotic like kombucha or real sourdough accelerates it and stops fluctuations and stall-outs.
It scared me deep inside. I knew my BP was high, then I’m fairly certain I had a panic attack which sent it higher. I was having trouble thinking and breathing, it was so weird it shook me. I had always planned on getting healthy and in shape by the time I was 40, this just sped the process up by a year or two.

I instantly changed up my diet, started cutting back on cigarettes working toward quitting completely. Started walking my dog multiple times a day at an elevated pace to ease myself back into exercise and had the doctor write me a prescription for BP medicine while I bring it back under control. I took every avenue I could.

I have no problem dying. I’ve lived a hell of a life and if I died tomorrow I’d be content. It’s my sons though. They’re too young and their mother isn’t enough for them in this world of ours. They need me around and healthy to guide them. Plus it sets a good example to them that when you’ve got a problem you have to do the work to fix it.
Yeh, the smoking's a big deal. Good that you're dealing with it along with the BP. :thumb:
Ok heres what I have found in a nutshell on the magnesium deficiency thing so far, and its vague in whats available for info so for anyone trying to figure it out maybe this can help point you in a direction.

It seems that if potassium levels get too high a magnesium deficiency will arise, haven't figured out why yet sorry, and leds don't cause the deficiency but intense lighting will magnify it and make it more apparent sooner.

I wish I could give you the "why" for this but I haven't found that info yet.

Is it possible your K ingredients are on the high side @Keffka ?

That being said, exposure to intense lighting should tell you if your mag ratios are solid.

This could explain both the LED conundrum and why when your raising your vpd it arises more often, as most lower the light to raise vpd resulting in intenser light.

They are both cations, so possibly too much K attracts and holds what Mg needed to bond with??

Also at PH 6.0 and below, Mg uptake in soil plummets quickly, so adding microbes to raise the ph a bit could in theory fix it if your pots have become too fungal dominant.

Any thoughts?

This sounds fairly promising.. I know my supplies aren’t too high as I put them in, however I do know that increased transpiration leads to increased K requirements. You touched on the cations so I’m wondering if the increased usage of K is like you said bonding to what Mg needs as it’s being pulled to the plant. This would explain why calmag is so efficient in handling this, you’re just dumping extra into the soil and if you’re chelated you’re bypassing everything and going right into the plant.

Perhaps this is also why IR seems to have a beneficial Mg effect. It can reach deeper into the plant without requiring increased transpiration/intensity since it’s so much more efficiently used by the leaves.

This is gonna take some thought and observation but I’ll be damned if we don’t figure out what’s going on.

The interdependencies of the different elements are still not understood well enough to be able to say definitively but this is how we get to that understanding. It’s especially promising with the new(ish) Cryogenic Electron Microscopy techniques being developed.

Have you ever browsed a website called forksoverknives(dot)com. Its a dietary site promoting health and can quickly bring blood pressure and/or cholesterol in check. Its not a commercial site or a diet sales pitch, its highly acclaimed doctors and surgeons tired of our completey avoidable health care crisis. It took me from 226 lbs to 154 in 6 months and that was 3 years ago. I'm still 154 lbs. Wifey too. If you do try it, drinking 6 or more large glasses of water a day and a probiotic like kombucha or real sourdough accelerates it and stops fluctuations and stall-outs.

I have not. I am in between 5’8” and 5’9” and average about 110-115 lbs.. when I was in the Army I got up to 140 but it’s really hard to maintain that kind of lifestyle outside of the military. Recently I have been feeling much better since taking the multivitamins and have noticed an increase in appetite. Now it’s a matter of actually eating when I’m hungry instead of ignoring that feeling or being annoyed I need to eat.

I’ll take a look at the site. I know I need to improve my diet greatly and would likely feel better from that alone. I’m not young any more lol, now is the time to stop BSing around. I do drink a lot of water, daily.. I’d say around 64 ozs at least so water intake isn’t difficult. Nothing really quenches my thirst like water and everything else just makes me feel thirstier lol.

Hey Kefka. Your journal is moving at quite a pace :) Good to see.

Thanks Carmen! I try, however the people that are here make it much better than I ever could alone.
Highya Keffka,

I like it when someone realizes their youthful health doesn't last all through life! Our bodies and processes break down with age. That's one of the most difficult things to deal with as we age. We do whole foods (not processed), mostly. Happy Smokin'
Highya Keffka,

I like it when someone realizes their youthful health doesn't last all through life! Our bodies and processes break down with age. That's one of the most difficult things to deal with as we age. We do whole foods (not processed), mostly. Happy Smokin'

Humans are “interesting”. We understand that biological processes lose efficiency and die off. We understand that life has a limit, and even machines wear out. Yet for some reason, we like to separate ourselves from this reality.

Perhaps it’s the fear of death that prevents people from fully accepting their reality.

If I knew I was gonna die at a younger age, I likely wouldn’t be concerned with what’s going on in my body. However, I have seen how painful old age can be. I’ve seen the toll dementia and Alzheimer’s takes on both the person and their loved ones. I have no desire for my final years to be filled with excruciating pain and dependence on my children to make sure I am clean and cared for. That seems extremely selfish and unfair for me to put my children in that position without at least attempting to help stave off some of those problems.
I'm no expert, but it sure sounds like it's time to sort out your chakras. And excess K does inhibit uptake of Mg, but the nerds don't even know why.

So you’re just gonna give me the how but not the why? Sounds like we both need some sorting and soon.

More seriously kind of, damn. It’s like K and Mg are holding hands and saying they’re not serious but everyone knows they’re lying. This is nuts
So you’re just gonna give me the how but not the why? Sounds like we both need some sorting and soon.

More seriously kind of, damn. It’s like K and Mg are holding hands and saying they’re not serious but everyone knows they’re lying. This is nuts

You need to reach into your soil and remove a bunch of K. It's gonna get messy. That is why I grow with salts. :thumb:

As a noob chakra enthusiast, I'm even not sure which chakra influences blood pressure. So I can't help much there. But for crying out loud, take some BP meds in the meantime.
Browsing Revs seed bank right now, KOS. The blue Thai looks nice and so does the coma cluster. I absolutely love indica, and these look pretty good. @StoneOtter and @Gee64 any details I should know before pulling the trigger? Prices are much better than I expected.. I assume it’s because they’re not feminized?
Fast photo update.. calmag was watered into two of them, first picture, plants on the left.. have a couple attitudes going around.. everyone looks vigorous which is good. There’s definitely some sativa in here.. the light green color and the internode distance is shouting it at me.

The foliar worked well on the plants on the right in the first picture.

Looks like I’ll need to increase the ppms to 80










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