Keffkas Coast Of Maine Line, TLO/LOS Style, Bagseed, Indoor Grow

Speaking of BP and illness.. @StoneOtter I wound up having COVID (again) that week when my BP was going crazy and I was getting dizzy but I think the real issue was I realized I was consuming approximately 500% of my daily sugar needs.. I switched over to sweet tea from Coke thinking it was healthier without realizing one 12 oz glass was 80% of my daily sugar. I drank about 30-40 ozs per day plus the candy I was eating three time a day, and all the other “food” I was consuming.

I didn’t put two and two together because I was reeling from COVID. Then one day I was eating breakfast and realized every sip of my tea made my heart start banging really hard and I could feel my neck vein pulsing. I went and looked at the jug and was shocked 😂 I’m pretty sure I almost gave myself diabetes and a stroke.

I started cutting the sweet tea 1:3 sweet tea to unsweetened tea and it went away within a couple days.

I’m chronically underweight and need to consume 6,000 calories just to put on a couple pounds but will lose it the moment I stop eating (I don’t like eating.. I view it as a chore.. I’ve always wished I could view it as a treat and that it made me feel something other than annoyance to eat.. grass is always greener). I think that coupled with my aging, COVID, and sugar intake was driving me right into the ground.

The moral of the story is, I should pay as much attention to what I put in my body as I do to what I put in my soil.

I’m almost done with my books and will be doing another knowledge drop again. I intend on each of my journals having vast amounts of information in them, then will probably do one just to centralize all of it with links to these journals.

Keeping them separated then just having one with references is similar to how I arrange stuff in my head.
Speaking of BP and illness.. @StoneOtter I wound up having COVID (again) that week when my BP was going crazy and I was getting dizzy but I think the real issue was I realized I was consuming approximately 500% of my daily sugar needs.. I switched over to sweet tea from Coke thinking it was healthier without realizing one 12 oz glass was 80% of my daily sugar. I drank about 30-40 ozs per day plus the candy I was eating three time a day, and all the other “food” I was consuming.

I didn’t put two and two together because I was reeling from COVID. Then one day I was eating breakfast and realized every sip of my tea made my heart start banging really hard and I could feel my neck vein pulsing. I went and looked at the jug and was shocked 😂 I’m pretty sure I almost gave myself diabetes and a stroke.

I started cutting the sweet tea 1:3 sweet tea to unsweetened tea and it went away within a couple days.

I’m chronically underweight and need to consume 6,000 calories just to put on a couple pounds but will lose it the moment I stop eating (I don’t like eating.. I view it as a chore.. I’ve always wished I could view it as a treat and that it made me feel something other than annoyance to eat.. grass is always greener). I think that coupled with my aging, COVID, and sugar intake was driving me right into the ground.

The moral of the story is, I should pay as much attention to what I put in my body as I do to what I put in my soil.
Yikes! Yes almost all things made for us are too high in sugar for my liking, and I prefer sugar to any substitute. Man again with covid! Did you take the covid medicine? That makes for a second coming for a lot of us.
Yikes! Yes almost all things made for us are too high in sugar for my liking, and I prefer sugar to any substitute. Man again with covid! Did you take the covid medicine? That makes for a second coming for a lot of us.

I’m almost out of veg phase and into my flower phase, gotta keep an eye on my sugars these days apparently 😂

I got jabbed which is likely why it didn’t take me out much harder.. I saw this coming when the pandemic first came around. I learned a lot about stuff like this during this CBRN (Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear) training they made me go through.

Basically the entire world needed to respond like China did, 6 months before we even knew there was a pandemic (remember all the respiratory infections people were having in the fall and winter before we even heard of COVID? That was likely COVID) to have any chance of preventing this, which was never going to happen. Instead it will bounce around for at least a decade, mutating and infecting and will likely be around for generations, if not permanently.

I have my personal opinions about COVID, and our response, but I already know there’s no way we’d be able to stop an even deadlier outbreak. Our country isn’t culturally United enough to stop a pandemic.
Quick photo update.. after the foliars the light avoidance has stopped.. node growth has slowed slightly however leaf growth is noticeable. This is likely going to be related to my watering which Im still dialing in. I’ve read In a few places that with the amount of perlite I have I shouldn’t be able to overwater. I think I’m going to begin watering one of the plants more often to see if I can see any differences. I’ll also be adding the calmag to my watering moving forward. I’ll be paying close attention to the soil. If it becomes crusty I’ll know I need to rebalance.

Here are the images:

Here’s the plants still in the solos.. there’s a vast difference in size between the transplants and the solos. 14 days is enough in the solos and I imagine I could get more root growth with more holes. This is an area I’d like to tighten up going forward

The quality on this camera is bananas.. I can’t wait until we get some trichomes so I can take pictures with this phone. I thought my other phone took good pictures but those were nothing. It’s like how I used to think DVDs looked good until I saw it side by side with HD 😂
Highya Keffka,

A little physiology with your posts! I like it. I was in the health industry for a long time. You don't read much about the body's needs and what makes you tick. I knew when I was 25 sugar wasn't good if uncontrolled! Mom had diabetes, and I swore I wouldn't! Babies look good, except one thing. Are they a little nitrogen deficient? Between veins, they look lighter in color. I do that sometimes with seedlings. I get a lot of nettles in the spring (they're the earliest, late march), put them in a jar after blending, then use liquid when needing a nitrogen (plus others) boost for seedlings. Works great. Smells a little, but goes away quickly. Happy Smokin'
I’m almost out of veg phase and into my flower phase, gotta keep an eye on my sugars these days apparently 😂

I got jabbed which is likely why it didn’t take me out much harder.. I saw this coming when the pandemic first came around. I learned a lot about stuff like this during this CBRN (Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear) training they made me go through.

Basically the entire world needed to respond like China did, 6 months before we even knew there was a pandemic (remember all the respiratory infections people were having in the fall and winter before we even heard of COVID? That was likely COVID) to have any chance of preventing this, which was never going to happen. Instead it will bounce around for at least a decade, mutating and infecting and will likely be around for generations, if not permanently.

I have my personal opinions about COVID, and our response, but I already know there’s no way we’d be able to stop an even deadlier outbreak. Our country isn’t culturally United enough to stop a pandemic.
You know 2017 they built 4 robots with AI. It killed like 26 people before the last one was stopped. And only one did that. It seen them cutting off the others and thought it was killing them. So it downloaded files to rebuild it's self while defending itself. Man going be the down fall of man. Man only.
You know 2017 they built 4 robots with AI. It killed like 26 people before the last one was stopped. And only one did that. It seen them cutting off the others and thought it was killing them. So it downloaded files to rebuild it's self while defending itself. Man going be the down fall of man. Man only.

Lol @Carmen Ray heard my opinion on this. I have no doubt we will be our own downfall and it will be billed as something revolutionary that will allow us to be free and creative and save lives. AI is likely a far greater threat to our species than nukes could ever be.

Highya Keffka,

A little physiology with your posts! I like it. I was in the health industry for a long time. You don't read much about the body's needs and what makes you tick. I knew when I was 25 sugar wasn't good if uncontrolled! Mom had diabetes, and I swore I wouldn't! Babies look good, except one thing. Are they a little nitrogen deficient? Between veins, they look lighter in color. I do that sometimes with seedlings. I get a lot of nettles in the spring (they're the earliest, late march), put them in a jar after blending, then use liquid when needing a nitrogen (plus others) boost for seedlings. Works great. Smells a little, but goes away quickly. Happy Smokin'

I believe it’s going to be Mag except for the solos. The solos have no nutrients so I’m not surprised, I do this so myco can establish. The 1 gallons have nitrogen in the soil as well as dry nutrients on the bottom and banded on the top.

This is the same issue I ran into last grow when moving under the LED.. The soil doesn’t have enough mag to make the plant happy under LED so I’ve gotta slow feed small amounts in my water. I use RO water with 0 ppm in it and the current mix just isn’t enough to leave out the calmag.
You don't read much about the body's needs and what makes you tick. I knew when I was 25 sugar wasn't good if uncontrolled! Mom had diabetes, and I swore I wouldn't!

For a long time I believed because I was skinny and could eat whatever I wanted without gaining weight I’d be fine.. As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized it’s just as detrimental being underweight and having my nutrition unbalanced as being overweight.
Ah, so that's what's being talked about with extra magnesium under LED's. Guess it takes me awhile to catch on, lol. I don't grow under lights, just outdoors. Happy Smokin'
Nitro def's are very often calcium defs causing a too high ratio of unchecked mag which locks up nitrogen. I would start with a calcium drink from the top. Is this a sip pot? If you think your nitro levels are proper then they probably are, just locked out.

Oh, great. I'll give my WCA a go. :thanks:

I was 100% really really really hoping you would say that! Im very curious about it.

Ok, I hit them with a WCA foliar  and some down the pipe in to the reservoir.

Looks like im going to have to make a new batch. This one is a bit old and had started to crystallize. It can be made with eggshells, but also Oyster and clay shells as well.
"Compaction, high NPK fertilizers, hydrogen peroxide, and, Epsom salts are all harmful to AM fungi."

A quote from Bode's link... This explains why I only saw bad things when I used Epsom salts. I thought it was me. 🤣🤣🤣

They must be a synthetic thing or possibly snake oil. They crashed my Carolina Reapers twice as well. Many seem happy with using them, but I personally used them twice and threw the rest away.
I’ve never seen any adverse reactions from using epsoms. Quite the opposite actually. Idk? I’m not planning on using in my up coming grow because of the great results I’ve seen other successful members using @Prescription Blend and @Bill284 method n I’m sure it’s all that I’ll need. CL🍀
I would have to look at the specific ingredients but it likely includes not using those as well. I avoid organic acids which is what they use in a lot of the organic nutrient lines. They make the nutrients available to the plants at absurdly high levels.

Organic like you said typically refers to sustainability or specific processes. I don’t bother with the labels and words, just the ingredients themselves.

I have been refining my analogy but I view it similar to McDonald’s.

You could sustain life on McDonald’s. However if you’re not extremely picky and particular about balancing your McDonald’s diet you will become sick, overweight and unhealthy. Same thing with chelated nutrients and organic acids.. It’s making the entire menu available to plant and shoving it down its throat. Letting the soil food web work is letting the plant be picky and choosy about what it eats.

That’s why it’s more important I know what I’m giving the soil versus having an “organic” label or process.

Thank you for the response!

Don't want to come off as an 'abusive'/overindulging parent here, but could the shoving down the throat analogy be replaced with giving a buffet that the plant can pick and choose from when it's ready? I'm a bit unfamiliar with the full nature of plants admittedly.

Ah, so that's what's being talked about with extra magnesium under LED's. Guess it takes me awhile to catch on, lol. I don't grow under lights, just outdoors. Happy Smokin'

Lol yep.. that’s what @Gee64 and @GainesvilleGreen and a couple others were talking about. Under LEDs plants seem to either struggle to take up magnesium, or it’s the lack of IR heat due to the lack of IR light in LEDs. That’s what we’re trying to figure out now.

Thank you for the response!

Don't want to come off as an 'abusive'/overindulging parent here, but could the shoving down the throat analogy be replaced with giving a buffet that the plant can pick and choose from when it's ready? I'm a bit unfamiliar with the full nature of plants admittedly.


No apologies needed that’s what the journals are all about, questions, Convos, I’m learning just as much as the next and refining my thoughts as well. Mutualism!

The buffet it can pick and choose from is similar to what I’m doing except this is a buffet with a chef at every item. The plant tells the chef exactly what it wants and boom, the chef hand delivers it.

The organic acids and chelated nutrients are like a buffet of ultra processed foods that have been put right into a feeding tube and shoved down the plants throat. Unfortunately the plant is conscious though and can only handle so much at one time and whatever it can’t take gets left on the ground to start rotting.

It would be like if someone else knew what nutrients you needed to live and they were always deciding for you what you were gonna get and when with no regard to how you feel, or what you’re craving, or whether or not you’re actually hungry. You’ll be fed and you’ll sustain, but boy you’ll likely feel like absolute garbage. Plus you never actually have to do ANYTHING to get those nutrients. That’s not good for any living organism.

Keep your questions coming, they force me to reframe and think which doesn’t happen often enough in the real world. So many are content to just follow without understanding. I already did that in basic training as a young man, and again as a Private.. I’m too old for that now 🤣
I didn’t have magnesium issues growing outdoors at all @Bode which is likely why you haven’t noticed them yourself. We’re trying to corner what it is about LEDs that does this. I’m not content with just knowing you need more magnesium under LEDs. I want to know WHY this is like this
I would like to know why mag is such a necessary additive under LED lighting too.. I’m assuming it has to do with CRI for some reason?
I grow in coco so I add cal/mag in every feeding
Looks really nice in here though Keffka !
I haven’t been by in a while and I just realized some neat things and amazing conversations have been passing so it was very nice to read up on :)
Never seen a webbed leaf before btw !!
Good morning and have a nice day mate
I would like to know why mag is such a necessary additive under LED lighting too.. I’m assuming it has to do with CRI for some reason?
I grow in coco so I add cal/mag in every feeding
Looks really nice in here though Keffka !
I haven’t been by in a while and I just realized some neat things and amazing conversations have been passing so it was very nice to read up on :)
Never seen a webbed leaf before btw !!
Good morning and have a nice day mate

HIM! Glad I could show you something you’ve never seen and you found some interesting convo!

Yeah, I don’t like not knowing the why of things, it irks something deep inside of me and I’ll never be content with “because” 😂
HIM! Glad I could show you something you’ve never seen and you found some interesting convo!

Yeah, I don’t like not knowing the why of things, it irks something deep inside of me and I’ll never be content with “because” 😂
I’m the same way, as a child I too often heard because I said so and to this day it’s ill advised to answer me with it. lol CL🍀
I watered two of the plants last night twice with non chelated calmag 1-0-0.. I water twice due to the insane amount of perlite. 100 mls of water just falls right through an entire gallon which is what I like to see. I have a suspicion my plants could be twice their size if I was watering more aggressively. Those 2 will be my experiment. I’ll post pictures again this evening. I’m gonna transplant the solos and kick the light up. It’s time to light the rockets, everyone is at least 5 nodes in.
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