Funny not funny Jon/Molly story of the day....
hey @cjsbabygirl313, you may have experienced this before, I hope
Check out the picture. I do this in the mornings. It's a little bud of some different types to smoke that day. It saves me the hassle of constantly opening and closing jars to get a bonghit at a time. This tile of buds sits on my table to the left of this computer.
To the left of that is my trim table/station, currently not in use and a wide open tabletop. So I was getting ready to take Molly for a walk last night, and before we did we stopped in the grow room to do a bonghit. I stopped in for a bonghit...not Molly. A world doesn't exist where I would ever get my dog high.
So here I am sitting at my computer on this site of all places, posting away, and Molly is just quiet and seemingly chilled out as she always is on the table when I do this, which is a lot. Suddenly I see her to my left in my field of vision. Standing up. Chewing.
There's not a thing in here for her to chew on, by design.
EXCEPT.....that pile of ground up weed. You see the pile in the picture? When this happened last night that pile was twice as big.
Molly ate the difference before I could stop her and realized what was happening. BAD human!
My puppy got WASTED.
She basically ate enough that if I smoked it in a bonghit it would take four huge pulls to finish. She weighs 8.5 pounds.
This is where I have to laugh. I knew she'd get high. I knew she'd be okay too. But I had no idea what that would look like. Right after this I thought about what to do and decided there wasn't anything TO do, so I gave her some water and took her for her walk. That was fine, no problem. She sprinted 300 yards straight on the way back like we do at the end, at 6.1 mph (my wheelchair has an odometer/speed gauge display on the control). All normal stuff. Then we went back in the house, I put her down and unleashed her, and then she ALWAYS goes into play mode for about half an hour. She runs circles around the living room and kitchen, and goes nuts on her chew toys and on the humans in the rooms. It's the cutest thing ever and hilarious.
Last night when we got back inside she started to have trouble walking. She was having balance issues. Then she wouldn't even eat one nibble of her favorite treat. There is not a circumstance where this dog won't eat those treats, even if she's already full, until she bursts. She took one bite in her mouth and spit it out.
That's when I knew she was high. She got the Anti-munchies! This was followed by about a half an hour of her trying to sit up on her little living room bed thing I made for her that she loves and watch the room as she does. But she couldn't sit up straight. She kept falling over to one side. Lol. Then she was looking around all confused, but chilled about it, wondering what the hell was up.
Poté šla spát. Myslím SPÁNEK. Musel jsem ji zvednout, abych ji vzal s sebou do postele, a byla bezvládná. Sotva jsem se probudil, když jsem ji zvedl z podlahy na klín. Položil jsem ji vedle sebe do postele a ona se nehýbala. Spali jsme takhle do 5 hodin ráno, kdy jsme vstali. Stejné místo. Celou noc se nehýbala.
VYPLÝVANÉ štěně. Lol.
Už žádná tráva na stole, když je Molly v pěstírně.
Dnes je úplně normální, jako by se to nikdy nestalo.
Síla všemohoucího plevele. Lmao.
L až R, mimo jiné - Chunkadelic, rozemletý Borůvkový muffin/ananasový dort vzhůru nohama/kombo Jelly Rancher/černá malina