Jon's New Pared Down Setup Soil Grow: 3 Photo & 1 Auto With New Dedicated Auto Rig

It's LED light and yes I forgot to press translate
Lol. I figured and I figured. Good deal. What language is it? Where are you? I'm guessing Iceland or someplace similar?
I am from the Czech Republic and the language is Czech. Right next to Germany Central Europe
Welcome @Kanno26 to Jon's thread, I mean 420magazine my friend.
Hope you are well Amogo.
How are the growing laws there?
Stay safe.
Díky za přivítání, máme zákony na prd. Snažím se zůstat v bezpečí díky
Oh no you forgot translate button again sorry.
Stay safe.
I still have a question when do you start bending plants and what do you use for that?
Hey Kanno - Why bend plants? Bending plants is the one of the basic skill sets of Low Stress Training, ie, LST. If you grow a plant and do nothing to it, just let it grow however it grows with zero training, that plant, 99.9% of the time, is going to turn into a tallish plant with one large main cola and however many side branches. That's how many buds you'll get from that plant - one per branch plus the main center cola. You can do fine that way, a lot of people do just that.

OR - you can learn how to maximize your yield. One way to do that is through LST. When you bend a branch and make it horizontal instead of vertical, the little new growth at the new nodes grows straight UP. Each one becomes a new branch with it's own bud that can also get as big as any other bud on the plant. If you DON'T do that and just let it grow, those new growth just become part of the bud of that branch, or a little bud that's maybe not even legit.

It's a way to increase the number of bud sites on the plant. Which increases your yield. That's the simplest way to say it.

I do a fairly extensive demo of my training method I used on the tent photos in this journal if you go back a ways. That might help you a little if you feel like going back and searching....I tried to use the word Demo in the banners for any posts related to that.

There are also a TON of people on here who are much much better than I am at training a plant via this type of LST training. I would encourage you to look at a bunch of journals and find the people who train in this fashion, there's tons of them, and check out what they do and why.

That's what I did. Much of my skill set is due to being on this forum actively and looking around for stuff I want to emulate, then seeking that person out directly and asking them a bunch of questions. I find most everyone on here is going to do their best to help you. But check out guys like Rexer, Stone Otter, Virgin Ground, Bill284, Michael Hunt, Carcass, and a bunch of others. All of these guys are among the many who have taught me here, and can 100% guarantee you that if you start say there, and begin looking at these guys and anyone else you see who you say, "damn, I want to do that," your learning curve will accelerate dramatically.

Use the site! It's amazing and is far far more extensive and useful than it seems at first. It is literally my most important tool.

And I will always do my best to answer any question you may ask, but please understand you're talking to a guy on his fourth grow, and all the people I mentioned have years and years of experience on me.
I still have a question when do you start bending plants and what do you use for that?
Kanno - I just reread your question and realize I didn't answer exactly what you asked me. Sorry! Lol. I gave you a brief primer which you likely don't need. To directly answer your ACTUAL question (:rofl: - sorry again, Black Raspberry, damnit!), WHEN do I start bending plants, and WHAT do I use?

WHEN: As soon as possible, the earlier the better, assuming I'm going all out. Otherwise whenever it's appropriate for the methodology I'm using on that plant. But generally the sooner the better, and with autos, sooner is 100% essential.
WHAT: I use bamboo skewers like you'd use to spear shrimp for a grill and then tape firmly to those a twist tie for most of my training. I use real short ones for early work when the branches are small, like the kind you'd use for canapes or hors d'oeuvres, also with a twist tie wrapped around and taped, and then for larger stuff when the plant is bigger I use thin bamboo stakes cut to whatever length I need, again with tape and twist tie. I wrap the twist tie around the stake near the top, then tape the wrap firmly with a small piece of duct tape. It works amazingly well. And when you pull them out you reuse them forever. They're super cheap and I get them at the grocery store in the grilling section.

Better? Lol.
Here's Two Things that got me WAY EXCITED

1. Today's mail. My set is now complete, I have a full bottle of every ingredient in the chart. I can now use the system exactly as it was intended, and I plan to do exactly that on the coco photos in the outdoor grow, which are Fox Farms nutes plants anyway and right now on week 3 which is when all these ingredients first come into play. PERFECT timing. So they'll get the full Fox Farms system treatment, and this is indeed exciting.

2. This made me even HAPPIER. I betcha you guys can figure out why. I did some environmental control tweaking this morning and went back and checked the girls at the hottest part of the day today and this is what I found. This, my friends, is what Jon calls the exact, very definition of DIALED THE FU-- IN FOR FINAL FLOWERING WEEKS. It is precisely and exactly where I want them during the day.


Fox Farms nute set COMPLETED.jpg

Environmental tweaks worked big time.jpg
Here's Two Things that got me WAY EXCITED

1. Today's mail. My set is now complete, I have a full bottle of every ingredient in the chart. I can now use the system exactly as it was intended, and I plan to do exactly that on the coco photos in the outdoor grow, which are Fox Farms nutes plants anyway and right now on week 3 which is when all these ingredients first come into play. PERFECT timing. So they'll get the full Fox Farms system treatment, and this is indeed exciting.

2. This made me even HAPPIER. I betcha you guys can figure out why. I did some environmental control tweaking this morning and went back and checked the girls at the hottest part of the day today and this is what I found. This, my friends, is what Jon calls the exact, very definition of DIALED THE FU-- IN FOR FINAL FLOWERING WEEKS. It is precisely and exactly where I want them during the day.


Fox Farms nute set COMPLETED.jpg

Environmental tweaks worked big time.jpg
You're gonna knock this one out of the park!
I didn't know that ff made a microbes one, that is cool!
You're gonna knock this one out of the park!
I didn't know that ff made a microbes one, that is cool!
Dude that 37% Rh almost made me cum.....


Yup. The entire FF system consists of 13 ingredients. Most people do what I did and start with the first 3. Then I added the last 3. These are the 7 middle ingredients, all the tweaking magic stuff. The Flower Kiss is gonna be my first foliar spray ever. Tonight!
Very difficult to achieve where I live.
Quite understandable, me it just depends on the season. Summer, extremely hard to achieve..winter here, the air indoors is dry enough to give a nose bleed
Kanno - I just reread your question and realize I didn't answer exactly what you asked me. Sorry! Lol. I gave you a brief primer which you likely don't need. To directly answer your ACTUAL question :)19: - sorry again, Black Raspberry, damnit!), WHEN do I start bending plants, and WHAT do I use?

WHEN: As soon as possible, the earlier the better, assuming I'm going all out. Otherwise whenever it's appropriate for the methodology I'm using on that plant. But generally the sooner the better, and with autos, sooner is 100% essential.
CO: Většinu tréninku používám bambusové špejle, jaké byste použili na napichování krevet na gril a pak je pevně přilepili na kroucenou kravatu. Skutečné krátké používám pro ranou práci, kdy jsou větve malé, jako ty, které byste použili na jednohubky nebo předkrmy, také s twistovou kravatou omotanou kolem a přelepenou páskou, a pak na větší věci, když je rostlina větší I použijte tenké bambusové kolíky nařezané na jakoukoli délku, kterou potřebuji, opět s páskou a kroucenou kravatou. Omotám kroucenou kravatu kolem kolíku v horní části a poté obal pevně přilepím malým kouskem lepicí pásky. Funguje to úžasně dobře. A když je vytáhnete, budete je znovu používat navždy. Jsou super levné a seženu je v potravinách v sekci grilování.

Lepší? Lol.
Díky Jone, moc si toho vážím za vyčerpávající informace a určitě se podívám na další, které jsi doporučil. Rozumím principu LTS, na kolika uzlech v poslední době začínáte? Nedávno jsem to zkoušel a stalo se mi, že jsem ulomil tři větve na dvou rostlinách na hromotluku. Ještě jednou děkuji
Díky Jone, moc si toho vážím za vyčerpávající informace a určitě se podívám na další, které jsi doporučil. Rozumím principu LTS, na kolika uzlech v poslední době začínáte? Nedávno jsem to zkoušel a stalo se mi, že jsem ulomil tři větve na dvou rostlinách na hromotluku. Ještě jednou děkuji
Omlouvám se a děkuji Jone, toho si moc vážím za vyčerpávající informace a určitě se podívám i na ostatní, které jsi doporučil. Rozumím principu LTS, na kolika uzlech v poslední době začínáte? Nedávno jsem to zkoušel a stalo se mi, že jsem ulomil tři větve na dvou rostlinách na hromotluku. Ještě jednou děkuji
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