Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

I've been finding mostly easier with plants than people lately, & Co and L being exceptions! (plus plenty round these parts too, less so Shed, though)

Since we're all busting balls... 😆

To get back to actual growing stuff - great colours above, nice purples, eh?

We got the usual on the Seriotica, mostly purple, some reddish tints on the Strawberry AK but the standout for us was the Tropicanna Poison - really dark, almost black purple leaves. I think to bring out more colour we probably need a bigger AC in there though. Saw some refurbished look like 18,000BTU at a shop round the corner the other day. We have 12,000 now...We can't get below 19c in there over night on a normal day. 39.6c (103.3F) during the day here today. Amazed we have it to 23c now while its just drying. Hopefully a break in this frankly crazy weather is imminent.

Wow as I typed that I heard thunder!

Gonna be some tropical downpour...

You gonna miss the warm winters, mate?

Ha. No @NickHardy, I hate the sameness of the weather here. I can’t wait to see snow. For you - yeah, bigger unit sounds like the ticket. Why don’t you ask and Co. if you need a bigger unit?

I wish I had smellevision. I could broadcast the odors. So the deal is, the Strawberry Gorilla straight up STINKS. You can smell her with the tent barely opened and the garage door closed except for a foot for the AC to vent, from about 30 feet away. But I can’t get a good enough localized smell in the tent cuz the Double Grape is starting to smell a lot too. She smells sweet. Like fruity candy, at least on my fingers. Again, hard to isolate in the tent. But the SG rules. Can’t wait to get her out and isolated so I can smell her for real! If you ever grow this SG and give a shit about stealth, I would strongly suggest a tent with a filter and fan setup. Lmao!!! I guess it’s obvious maybe (?) but there seems to be a connection between super frosty and super stinky. :rofl:
I wonder if there is an actual science behind this common practice. The plant is pretty good at translocating things around its structure as needed and does so regularly. In nature the "fans shading bud sites" do not naturally fall away to allow more bud growth but rather continue to act as solar panels gathering more light than the smaller leaves on the buds themselves would be able to.

I know it's common practice and makes us feel like we are helping, but I wonder if there is actually anything to it. :hmmmm:
There's very little other than anecdotal. The only thing that really make sense is removing lowers that doesn't receive enough light indoors in flower. Regular or repeated defoliation at set dates and intervals in veg is very contra productive.

Like you mentioned the plant is very good at "translocating things around". The plant uses the leaves for armour, food source and for photosynthesis. If you haven't covered all space with vegetation covering any lowers there's very little reason or gain doing defoliation. It's better to train and letting the plant decide where it optimally receive light and not stunting it by repeatedly removing the main part for photosynthesis and growth.
There's very little other than anecdotal. The only thing that really make sense is removing lowers that doesn't receive enough light indoors in flower. Regular or repeated defoliation at set dates and intervals in veg is very contra productive.

Like you mentioned the plant is very good at "translocating things around". The plant uses the leaves for armour, food source and for photosynthesis. If you haven't covered all space with vegetation covering any lowers there's very little reason or gain doing defoliation. It's better to train and letting the plant decide where it optimally receive light and not stunting it by repeatedly removing the main part for photosynthesis and growth.
You guys, you all keep echoing exactly my thoughts too. But then I met Hafta. And though we don’t keep in touch, I would suggest that if one hasn’t tried it, nobody knows. I would encourage you all to see what Hafta gets using them, then tell me there’s nothing to it. There most definitely is. Just my opinion. Having done it or variations of it three times.
Good Evening 420 growers who may be here to see this. I would like to make an introduction to the group. Some quick background:

A little while back, @Azimuth introduced me to the young man who has become my “student” of sorts. This new friend is on his very first grow ever, and has decided to begin with a pair of autos. I talked about this when I posted his plant a few posts earlier. Up to now he has been a bit too hesitant to feel comfortable to meet people and such. But he and I have been talking, and he’s feeling pretty good and pretty confident at this point. He says he’s ready to join the fray.

So please allow me to introduce @rehabilitatora420, aka Nikolai from Bulgaria. He knows this already, but I feel this kid is a natural. (;), Nick, lol)

Here’s a very brief summary, in two pictures, that shows you me and Nikolai’s journey so far - where he was when we met, and where we are now with the same plant. One of his two autos is kind of a runt, so we are simply letting that one grow out. The focus has been on this beastly girl. He can fill in any gaps as he sees fit.

Nikolai, I am very lucky in that there are some very very good growers who stop by here sometimes. And folks who like to lend a helping hand to growers who need help. Your enthusiasm and attention to detail will serve you well. I encourage you to ask a lot of questions. Of anyone, not just me. Most everyone you’ll meet here can outgrow me in their sleep. You can’t go wrong.

So here’s where we began, the day I met Nikolai.

And here’s where he has been able to bring her to as of today! This picture includes arrows from our latest exchange, and represent my trying to teach about bullshit buds and removing them. Lol! In my opinion, this is an excellent job for a first time grower!!!

Guys, thanks so much for helping me welcome a new friend to the forum section of 420. This is a different world around these parts. And as with folks like @Kanno26, Nikolai uses the translator too I believe, just fyi.

Have at it Nick! Welcome!!!
@rehabilitatora420 !! Glad to see you goin full steam ahead!! Looks good to me!! You're in the company of some excellent cannabis growers here!!! Happy Thursday from the states! Can't wait to see your plants when ready to harvest!! @Jon .... very nice of you to share your knowledge with your friend. That's why I love this community!! 😎✌️
Colorful SG shot with Garden shot


Just like to say that after a gigantic bong hit of Platinum Mimosa Cookies sativa with a Watermelon Wedding Cake #1 kief topper, I am most definitely stoned as a bat’s ass in hell. Not to mention ready to run a marathon. (Well…lol). I went for the coke weed harvest on the PMC sativa. Coke weed is what you get when you take a ballsy sativa and harvest it when all the trichomes are nice and milky white but there’s little to no amber (this is the height of thc production and the strongest plant you can harvest, once they go amber technically they are breaking down/morphing and losing thc). Some work better than others. This one works great. Other than my nose isn’t running I would almost swear I did a small line. It SO up. And of course WWC kief doesn’t hurt either - it’s also way up. It’s interesting how you can sculpt what you want out of a plant just by choosing differing harvest times.
Using AC units in Small Tents

You guys have seen me use these AC units - in Florida they’re pretty much a must if you grow in a garage or similar hot space. I know I’m far from alone in using these. I use standard window units, which are 5000 Btu.

In a small tent it gets a bit tricky. 5x5s are easy - just toss a 5000 Btu (standard window unit) on the tent and you’re good. But in a 2x4? Or a 3x3? A standard window unit can work on these as well, (again, 5000 Btu), but it takes a little finagling. I am trying to find an appropriate smaller unit but it’s tough.

Most of these window units have a dial that gives you high/low cool, and high/low fan, and a cool to warm dial. So the high/low cool gives you your high/low AC. In a small tent I always use the low setting. But then the trick I’ve found is that you have to turn the cold down on the hot/cold dial. Even on low cool, if that other dial is at full cold, it’s almost impossible to use unless you want to flower in the 60s. But by sweeping that dial closer to halfway between hot and cold (think of it like where you set the shower dial to achieve your desired water temperature), you can blow out “warmer” cool air, ie, warmer than full cool but still dehumidified. That’s my main adjustment location when using these on smaller tents.

Between that and adjusting via opening the tent to some extent during daylight hours you can dial it in pretty well.

Two cents for a Thursday!
Using AC units in Small Tents

You guys have seen me use these AC units - in Florida they’re pretty much a must if you grow in a garage or similar hot space. I know I’m far from alone in using these. I use standard window units, which are 5000 Btu.

In a small tent it gets a bit tricky. 5x5s are easy - just toss a 5000 Btu (standard window unit) on the tent and you’re good. But in a 2x4? Or a 3x3? A standard window unit can work on these as well, (again, 5000 Btu), but it takes a little finagling. I am trying to find an appropriate smaller unit but it’s tough.

Most of these window units have a dial that gives you high/low cool, and high/low fan, and a cool to warm dial. So the high/low cool gives you your high/low AC. In a small tent I always use the low setting. But then the trick I’ve found is that you have to turn the cold down on the hot/cold dial. Even on low cool, if that other dial is at full cold, it’s almost impossible to use unless you want to flower in the 60s. But by sweeping that dial closer to halfway between hot and cold (think of it like where you set the shower dial to achieve your desired water temperature), you can blow out “warmer” cool air, ie, warmer than full cool but still dehumidified. That’s my main adjustment location when using these on smaller tents.

Between that and adjusting via opening the tent to some extent during daylight hours you can dial it in pretty well.

Two cents for a Thursday!
Have a search for Sensibo - what we use for out bedroom and Flower Room. As long as the AC has a remote it’ll work. For us in the tents its doesn’t work as that air gets vented in so the sensor (Sensibo) can’t sense and control.

Seems like yours are real old timers though? Something to think about for the next build out though?

Have a search for Sensibo - what we use for out bedroom and Flower Room. As long as the AC has a remote it’ll work. For us in the tents its doesn’t work as that air gets vented in so the sensor (Sensibo) can’t sense and control.

Seems like yours are real old timers though? Something to think about for the next build out though?

I have five brand new ones for the new space
Jesus Christ I thought my journals went long and I wrote a lot.. I didn’t realize this journal was started in August. If you knew your organics better I’d be a little jealous by your depth of content 😂
Lmao! Ah @Keffka, thanks for overstating the case. All I do is over post, take too many pictures, and show you guys what I do. I’m not sure about “depth of content,” lol. Most of the depth here to my eyes comes from the help I get in the thread.
Don't do it @Keffka , at least not before seeing a CV first!
Better yet, just don’t do it! Lol. Or, here’s an idea - if you really want to try a nute system and you’re serious about it, get a really good one, like Cyto, and go to town on an auto or two! I use autos as a living lab. Since they’re autos, it’s simply impossible for me to give them the same credit I give to photos, no matter how good I can make them. It’s like - it’s only an auto. If it goes down big deal. So they’re the perfect labs to try new things on, like a nute system, and I also believe that you can do a decent amount of extrapolating. Meaning if you grow auto strain X, it will tell you a little bit about what the photo version might be like. Ish. Lol.
Strawberry Gorilla

She’s still not ready, but I have something I just found on this plant that I’ve heard about before but never seen in anyone’s pictures….

I got purple trichomes!!!! My jaw is on the floor.


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