Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Pretty cocky for a guy that turned a prized clone, male, on his first organic grow attempt.
I spat my drink reading that with laughter 🤣 no Azi there’s nothing girlish about those words!

Thanks @Keffka! And lmao! I want all sides and perspectives here. I take in all comers, do my research, and decide for myself what I want to do
Yep and you got the whole gang together, Gee, Keffka, Azi and Shed. They ain’t no chumps!
ish! Still, I don't think 5ml of 2-0-0 is going to throw off the numbers.
Agree, its like so tiny not to matter.

I say not to self promote but we have nearly finished our new 3 tent setup, a video of it in my Graduation and Dissertation journals. there’s a bunch that might be of interest to you there on electrics and irrigation for your new Philly build. Feel free ping me any questions. Its a bit long but that song!

-ish! Still, I don't think 5ml of 2-0-0 is going to throw off the numbers.
Fair enough. But you have to add it with coco. If you don’t by now I’d be battling. In soil I would lose the ish and not use it until the plant showed a need.
I spat my drink reading that with laughter 🤣 no Azi there’s nothing girlish about those words!

Yep and you got the whole gang together, Gee, Keffka, Azi and Shed. They ain’t no chumps!

Agree, its like so tiny not to matter.

I say not to self promote but we have nearly finished our new 3 tent setup, a video of it in my Graduation and Dissertation journals. there’s a bunch that might be of interest to you there on electrics and irrigation for your new Philly build. Feel free ping me any questions. Its a bit long but that song!

Self promote away Nick, and thanks!
When Daddy has a stash as big as yours, anything is possible.

I saw on CNN today that 2 East Coast drug lords known as Jon and Stone have successfully cornered the global market on weed this year🤣.

Apparently theres none left for anyone else!🤣
Well, at least we weren’t on Fox…
Cherry Pie

How you like me now?!!!

Duh. AirPots have lots of uses. Employ them. I had somehow looked at this plant every day and not remembered this til today. Oy. Stoner idiot.

But boy is she improved with that hill spread out as best I can. Only took two branches there’s so much side branching. The canopy is a lot closer to legit.

I assume we all do this from time to time with the AirPots?





Cherry Pie

How you like me now?!!!

Duh. AirPots have lots of uses. Employ them. I had somehow looked at this plant every day and not remembered this til today. Oy. Stoner idiot.

But boy is she improved with that hill spread out as best I can. Only took two branches there’s so much side branching. The canopy is a lot closer to legit.

I assume we all do this from time to time with the AirPots?





Correction: it took three. Now that she’s back in place you can see it much better.


420h/Blurple Closet

Had to bring the Blackberry Moonrocks down a few inches. What a plant, so majestic. Lots of color coming on with the Strawberry Gorilla. Everyone is happy.





Strawberry Gorilla

As you can see, I foxtailed the buds on the Strawberry Gorilla a bit. Obviously they aren’t really supposed to have those tubes on top. The plant was a little too close to the reds/whites in early flower and her ppfd was too high. I have arrested it now, and it’s more of a visual issue than anything else. If you care. I don’t. I don’t like them or want them, but I can certainly deal with this. I also often find that the foxtail parts themselves are denser than the rest of the bud. Sometimes I just snip the foxtails when I trim so the bud looks right and smoke the foxies. Lol. And when you consider that some folks actually foxtail their buds on purpose to try and increase yield, to me it’s really no big deal other than I won’t enter a foxtail in a bud contest.

This shows it pretty clearly.

Strawberry Gorilla

As you can see, I foxtailed the buds on the Strawberry Gorilla a bit. Obviously they aren’t really supposed to have those tubes on top. The plant was a little too close to the reds/whites in early flower and her ppfd was too high. I have arrested it now, and it’s more of a visual issue than anything else. If you care. I don’t. I don’t like them or want them, but I can certainly deal with this. I also often find that the foxtail parts themselves are denser than the rest of the bud. Sometimes I just snip the foxtails when I trim so the bud looks right and smoke the foxies. Lol. And when you consider that some folks actually foxtail their buds on purpose to try and increase yield, to me it’s really no big deal other than I won’t enter a foxtail in a bud contest.

This shows it pretty clearly.

Is that a bit of nitrogen curl?
Cherry Pie

There be budlets here!!! At long last, she’s legitimately in flower. I was starting to wonder if she was just a genetic miscue and was going to stay in her flower holding pattern forever.


Is that a bit of nitrogen curl?
Hey @Absorber, another Monday morning. Yes indeed it is. Slightly more than a bit. I would normally have attended to it by adjusting the feed. However, both @InTheShed and I are very curious to see what happens when you use @Remo Nutrients by the book, with no feed chart variation and no additives except calmag. All the autos have gotten fed in this manner. And she’s the only one showing the N curl. It has not gone beyond what you see in any way, they’re just permanently curled down. My hope is that with the full flower feed she has been getting for a while (less N by a lot), at least the sugars will be right, and so far that seems to be the case. The plant is within my range of acceptably messed up a little. If it were to have progressed to the next step, when all sorts of bad shit happens, lol, I would have adjusted despite the goal - I’m not sacrificing a plant at this point for the experiment. But as I said, it’s not that big a deal.
420h Closet

Note the name of the closet has changed. This morning my prized Maxsisun Blurple died. My first ever grow light. I got many hours of joy from that 10-watt LED having beauty. For a blurple it was surprisingly good - wish I could have showed you my very first grow, before I was here. Two of them powered a 5x5 very successfully. Awesome purple light every time you look. Post my first grow I used them more for supplemental lighting, and in that regard they were great. I will miss the blurples.

Anyway, blurple eulogy aside, that forced me to slightly rearrange the position of the 420h. I have turned it 90 degrees and centered it for the most part, with a nod to the prize of the grow, the Blackberry Moonrocks. She gets anything she needs and wants, the other two, while lovely, take a back seat to this girl.

So here’s the “new” setup and arrangement, and we are budding like crazy on the BM. A couple Double Grape cola shots too.





Yup. Dialed in.
Hehe - if you it is then 100% I trust!
My first ever grow light.
Ooh - not even thought about how I feel when my first ones go! Sad I reckon!

So the Blueberry Moonrocks, I’m not sure? You like the plant or not?


Looking boss as ever!
Hehe - if you it is then 100% I trust!

Ooh - not even thought about how I feel when my first ones go! Sad I reckon!

So the Blueberry Moonrocks, I’m not sure? You like the plant or not?


Looking boss as ever!
Lmao! Correction: Blackberry.
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