Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Why the minerals in the topdress in flower? I would think they would take way too long to break down to be of any help.
I reuse my soil, so as the plants take it out and I put it back. Every cooking, topdressing, or tray of EWC gets it.

Not much, 2 teaspoons per 10 gallon pot.

Keep it balanced.
Ah. Thanks @Keffka. I like that even more. I didn’t want to spend the coin amassing all the ingredients for this grow anyway when it’s already post stretch and fully in flower. No need to practice on the Geo girls. They look awesome. Thanks again!!!

If you ever want to have someone argue against using a tea, let me know, I’ll gladly do it 🤣 I will happily give you excuses not to purchase all that crap 😂, for a tea that is, I’ll still advise you to purchase it for amendment uses 🤣 You can accomplish much of the same with top dressing and a quarter of the work.

Unless you know for a fact you need a specifically formulated tea for your specific situation, you don’t really need one. The amount of work and cost that goes into it just isn’t worth it in most cases.

I don’t even advise teas for rescue purposes any more. A simple organic calmag and some molasses will do the same thing in a rescue with far less work.

The making of tea is a hassle in itself, then there’s the cleaning of the parts which has to be done right away. Then the application. It’s a lot.

It has its specific uses that makes it superior in specific situations, but those are very calculated/intentional situations. If you can’t tell I’m not a tea fan 🤣
If you ever want to have someone argue against using a tea, let me know, I’ll gladly do it 🤣 I will happily give you excuses not to purchase all that crap 😂, for a tea that is, I’ll still advise you to purchase it for amendment uses 🤣 You can accomplish much of the same with top dressing and a quarter of the work.

Unless you know for a fact you need a specifically formulated tea for your specific situation, you don’t really need one. The amount of work and cost that goes into it just isn’t worth it in most cases.

I don’t even advise teas for rescue purposes any more. A simple organic calmag and some molasses will do the same thing in a rescue with far less work.

The making of tea is a hassle in itself, then there’s the cleaning of the parts which has to be done right away. Then the application. It’s a lot.

It has its specific uses that makes it superior in specific situations, but those are very calculated/intentional situations. If you can’t tell I’m not a tea fan 🤣
Thanks @Keffka! And lmao! I want all sides and perspectives here. I take in all comers, do my research, and decide for myself what I want to do - usually to the end of improving on what all the chumps that came before me figured out.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Double Grape

Beginning to show a little color. Cool.

They say mix with water, so I could add it to my tea recipe, Yoda’s Tea. Even though he gave it to me for the clone, he says it’ll be great for the Sky and the Bubblegum. He also said to add bat guano to the tea. Is this for P - K? Do you agree that flower is when to add that particular type of shit? And he didn’t specify, he said to feel it out. Jerk. Lol. So any idea how much guano to add to a 5-gallon tea recipe? For a shitty comparison ( :rofl: ), the recipe calls for one cup of EWC, and one cup of humus if that is relevant. Everything else is basically 1/4 cups. Yoda said to give them the tea about every ten days to two weeks, so I think starting with the next Geo application (2 weeks) I will water it in with the tea. Then again with each application. Make sense? Last question - once I start the tea, is there any reason to discontinue consistent EWC application or watering in the Mackerel or Kelp?

Thank you sir!
I wouldn't discontinue the EWC for sure. I'm not familiar with the other products bit if they are working I would keep using them. Again, ocean products😍
Thanks @Keffka! And lmao! I want all sides and perspectives here. I take in all comers, do my research, and decide for myself what I want to do - usually to the end of improving on what all the chumps that came before me figured out.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Pretty cocky for a guy that turned a prized clone, male, on his first organic grow attempt.

Pretty cocky for a guy that turned a prized clone, male, on his first organic grow attempt.

Ha! I knew you’d have to say something on that one @Azimuth! Lmao! You know I was only joking, let’s be clear about that. I’ve screwed up more plants with my rookieness than a lot of people. Besides, I have a secret. I can tell pretty early if a plant will suck. In that case I just pull it and you never see the suck! Lol. But for the record, I did not “turn” the plant male. The plant WAS a male. Unless you really think I hermied her in like four days, while miraculously keeping the others non hermied.:rofl:
But for the record, I did not “turn” the plant male. The plant WAS a male. Unless you really think I hermied her in like four days, while miraculously keeping the others non hermied.:rofl:
Yeah, I know. I'm just busting your balls. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Jon IS the only person I've met who can make a plant switch teams🤣
It’s the ultimate goal @Gee64. Only with a woman. I know it can be done, my boy Alex in Pittsburgh has done it successfully. You know what I’m sayin’.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Bubblegum Sherbet

This is one of the happiest and healthiest plants I’ve ever grown. I am noticing (I *think*) that the early emerging buds look different on these two Geo girls than what I’m used to seeing. What I have here on both plants is little, tight, round balls. The buds are just starting, I know, but they look perfect. Just different than what I usually see. Tighter maybe. Hard to explain. Obviously. Lol.


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