Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Oh reminds me - Jon you won’t have seen this as in my OT.

But whatdaya reckon?

Really cool people - they’ve priced it with import duty and they say non commercial but can be light commercial if you maintain it properly. Totally upfront about it. Nice peeps.

Pretty cool, eh?

Their lovely wheeze is they’ll ship it from Denmark with 25% sales tax (VAT/GST etc) as its the highest in Europe. Off sets my import duty. Clever bunch.
I think you've answer this before but how many mg/day were you taking? @StoneOtter recently mentioned he got off Celebrex taking 90mg/day CBD (3x30mg) from his tested Candida oil.
CBD works for pain driven by inflammation, THC more for nerve pain as I understand it. Sometimes the two are combined as inflammation can cause pressure on nerves and lowering inflammation helps ease that pressure.

But for pure pain not caused by inflammation, THC is the go-to. They think terpines also come into play which is why sometimes a lower THC stain can help more than a high one.

Find a strain that works for you and look up its terpine profile and then look for those terpines in other strains. I think you'll find a lot of crossover.
CBD works for pain driven by inflammation, THC more for nerve pain as I understand it. Sometimes the two are combined as inflammation can cause pressure on nerves and lowering inflammation helps ease that pressure.

But for pure pain not caused by inflammation, THC is the go-to. They think terpines also come into play which is why sometimes a lower THC stain can help more than a high one.

Find a strain that works for you and look up its terpine profile and then look for those terpines in other strains. I think you'll find a lot of crossover.
But do they get you high? 🤣

But yeah like ibuprofen and paracetamol?
No, although CBD does have psychoactive effects, it doesn't hit the receptors that make you feel high. It is psychoactive in that it does cross the blood/brain barrier so it is useful in helping with mostly brain issues like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease.
Morning Devastation

This morning I’m going to show you, in one photograph, what a totally beyond devastated Jon looks like.

This is a flower off the clone.


Say goodbye. I can’t keep her to make seeds even. Nowhere to let her go. Can’t put her outside. No option but to trash this plant.

Yeah. This one hurts. Bad.

Mother Nature can go fuck herself. At the moment, until I calm down, Yoda can too.



The real kick in the ass is, for once in my life I can say that I made ZERO FUCKING MISTAKES with this plant. She never experienced the slightest stress her whole life. I did not hermie her. You guys know I ALWAYS blame myself for every plant that goes south. Not this fucking time.
The real kick in the ass is, for once in my life I can say that I made ZERO FUCKING MISTAKES with this plant. She never experienced the slightest stress her whole life. I did not hermie her. You guys know I ALWAYS blame myself for every plant that goes south. Not this fucking time.
This sucks if you know you did everything right.
Thanks, Keith. Shit happens. This is the first and only time I’ve ever said I knew I did nothing wrong.
Jon, you know your stuff so if I were you, I would just let it go and carry on. Mother nature has to win some and as you know she will.

- The two remaining girls are definitely female and in perfect shape.
- They now have a ton of space. Lol.
- I definitely got it long before any calyxes popped and started spreading bullshit pollen everywhere.
- I learned a lot about semi-organic growing with Geoflora specifically
- I brought my first ever clone back from the dead and turned it into a beautiful plant.

I’m trying.
Jon, you know your stuff so if I were you, I would just let it go and carry on. Mother nature has to win some and as you know she will.
Lol! Working on it Keith. And of course given your recent circumstances you’re going to be the first one to say let it go! :rofl: Thanks buddy, you’re the man.
The drip tray for the clone was filled with this super rich, super dark mixture of soil, EWC, nutes, and probably myco. Figured it had to be good stuff so I top dressed it onto the Bubblegum Sherbet.


Jon if I could grow like you, I would not worry about shit you cannot control.
You do grow like me Keith. You should see the outdoor plants you raised this summer. I couldn’t have grown those like that. But I hear you and thanks.
Garden Reset

So after that mess is cleaned up, here’s a front side/back side view of our two remaining plants, the Bubblegum Sherbet and the Skywalker. Both are doing extremely well. Notice how much having the doors opened cuts the pink hue in the pictures. First one doors open, second one doors closed.


420h/Blurple Closet
Blackberry Moonrocks
Strawberry Gorilla

These plants are basically the same size now. And it’s cool on the BM that two of the side branches have matched the main cola in height, giving us the triumvirate pictured. I dig that. They’re both awesome, but the BM is something special.




Ahhh, auto's ;)

First off, I really don't treat my auto's any differently than photoperiods.

I like to top, train and lollipop if the growth is there....

Another goal of mine is the least amount of time in trim jail !

Always growing four new strains each time can be a challenge, you don't know what they will do.

But my first decision on methodology is height. The tallest ones @ week 3 - 4 ish get topped.

I've also noticed auto's are Not wimps, they take roughly the same amount of food as photoperiods.

I've been fortunate that I usually get 40 - 50 days and sometimes quite a bit beyond before flowering really sets in.

Lollipopping for every one :yahoo:

I have had auto's that grow decent buds right down to the bottom but...

It dawned on me one grow I did two of one strain, the Gelato auto. Only had two seeds and they both popped so each got fed a different nutrient.

Au natural yielded 6 oz, topped was 10 3/4 oz.

But an untopped Gorilla Glue #4 auto yielded just shy of a pound o_O

Best answer, it depends. Read the plant and go with your gut :yummy:

BTW > my medium of choice is ProMix HP. I've used 3, then 4 and then 5 gallon fabric pots. Can't say the yield was any better or worse, only difference was the frequency of fertigation...

This grow is 5 gallon SIP's. It is yet to be determined how this will effect yield BUT I have never had such healthy and happy plants. I managed to not burn them and I can count on one hand how many leaves I've lost !

Love to see my girls Green right to the end !

IMHO the fade and fancy colors are simply signs of deficiencies (ducking and running now ;))

Agreed on all! Thanks!
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