Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Again, strain specific. And again it’s best case scenario for you. For what you described, you want shorter times seed to harvest. Indicas are almost always shorter. Again I will recommend the Strawberry Gorilla from FastBuds. It’s sure to stay less than four feet tall, it’s colorful and way fragrant, it has a flower time of less than 70 days, so maybe 90-100 seed to harvest max - I’ve grown six of them and not once did they approach 100 days. More like 75 - 80. The sativas take longer. In my experience, the Ruderalis addition doesn’t really change basic plant morphology if you come from photos. The sativas still get longer and take longer. It’s so close in fact, at least to my eyes, that I often use autos to determine a photo I want to grow or vice versa. A good example of comparison was, last grow I had an Apple Fritter auto and @KeithLemon had a photo of the same. His is entered in PLOTM. Mine I screwed up but she was a record breaker. They looked basically the same other than scale.
Btw - what should my Brix be on a Lady Penelope photo in organic soil on day 48 of veg if my light is putting out 750 ppfd and my environment is 78 degrees and 65% RH?

Come on. I thought you were good.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Again, strain specific. And again it’s best case scenario for you. For what you described, you want shorter times seed to harvest. Indicas are almost always shorter. Again I will recommend the Strawberry Gorilla from FastBuds. It’s sure to stay less than four feet tall, it’s colorful and way fragrant, it has a flower time of less than 70 days, so maybe 90-100 seed to harvest max - I’ve grown six of them and not once did they approach 100 days. More like 75 - 80. The sativas take longer. In my experience, the Ruderalis addition doesn’t really change basic plant morphology if you come from photos. The sativas still get longer and take longer. It’s so close in fact, at least to my eyes, that I often use autos to determine a photo I want to grow or vice versa. A good example of comparison was, last grow I had an Apple Fritter auto and @KeithLemon had a photo of the same. His is entered in PLOTM. Mine I screwed up but she was a record breaker. They looked basically the same other than scale.
OK Indica it is. I can do a 70 day grow in a 10 gallon pot I think.

Next question: How many nodes roughly until they start to alternate, or is that not a thing in autos?
Btw - what should my Brix be on a Lady Penelope photo in organic soil on day 48 of veg if my light is putting out 750 ppfd and my environment is 78 degrees and 65% RH?

Come on. I thought you were good.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
lol depends on calcium and phosphorus but 13-17 is common close to flip.
Hey @Chuckeye - you around? Dude it would be great if you feel like joining in here? You destroy me with autos. Also have grown some serious monsters!
Since I always grow four different strains I have no way of telling how big they will get ;)

Except judging by their vigor and rate of growth before flowering.....

Then I top and train sideways.

But, I tried an experiment with the Gorilla Punch, I wanted one long Massive Bud :yahoo:

She didn't look like she was going to be very tall so the only training was bud back building and she topped out @ 44", with One Long Massive Bud :love:

From a week ago...

Day 84 Gorilla Punch 13 Oct 2023.jpg

California Snow was the tallest youngster so she was topped and trained sideways. She looked promising with the lower horizontal bud sites quickly growing up to apical bud height. Then she just kinda chugged along and topped out @ 39". Herbies guesstimate was 50" but untopped I'm sure it would have been more !

From a week ago....

Day 84 California Snow 13 Oct 2023.jpg

Six Shooter I also left alone except for bud back building. She has topped out @ 48" but is the bushiest of them all with multiple spears ;)

From a week ago...

Day 84 Six Shooter 13 Oct 2023.jpg

Wedding Cheesecake was a runt anyone else would have put out of her misery !

But although tiny she was always perfectly healthy looking. Then she decided to go for it, she's 48" tall with another Foot of horizontal growth after super cropping. Herbies also suggested 50" tall.

From a week ago....

Day 84 Wedding Cheesecake 13 Oct 2023.jpg

This is a shot from the door way of my room this morning. Wedding Cheesecake dominates, in the lower left is a glimpse of the Gorilla Glue and lower far right is a couple of Spears of the Six Shooter !

Day 92 The Girls 21 Oct 2023.jpg

From this current and my past auto grows I expect 36" to 48" heights with the odd exception.

I always choose my strains with Sativa dominant in mind !

Although I do look at the breeders estimates of plant height it really is just a ball park figure.

As to the finishing times, sigh... I'm at day 92 of their guesstimate of seed to harvest of 70 days.

Three of the girls are close but the pistils of the Wedding Cheesecake and Six Shooter haven't even started to change.

Next grow is another long pure Sativa's but I Really want to try some Mephisto Genetics Autos ;)

Cheers, eh ?
Since I always grow four different strains I have no way of telling how big they will get ;)

Except judging by their vigor and rate of growth before flowering.....

Then I top and train sideways.

But, I tried an experiment with the Gorilla Punch, I wanted one long Massive Bud :yahoo:

She didn't look like she was going to be very tall so the only training was bud back building and she topped out @ 44", with One Long Massive Bud :love:

From a week ago...

Day 84 Gorilla Punch 13 Oct 2023.jpg

California Snow was the tallest youngster so she was topped and trained sideways. She looked promising with the lower horizontal bud sites quickly growing up to apical bud height. Then she just kinda chugged along and topped out @ 39". Herbies guesstimate was 50" but untopped I'm sure it would have been more !

From a week ago....

Day 84 California Snow 13 Oct 2023.jpg

Six Shooter I also left alone except for bud back building. She has topped out @ 48" but is the bushiest of them all with multiple spears ;)

From a week ago...

Day 84 Six Shooter 13 Oct 2023.jpg

Wedding Cheesecake was a runt anyone else would have put out of her misery !

But although tiny she was always perfectly healthy looking. Then she decided to go for it, she's 48" tall with another Foot of horizontal growth after super cropping. Herbies also suggested 50" tall.

From a week ago....

Day 84 Wedding Cheesecake 13 Oct 2023.jpg

This is a shot from the door way of my room this morning. Wedding Cheesecake dominates, in the lower left is a glimpse of the Gorilla Glue and lower far right is a couple of Spears of the Six Shooter !

Day 92 The Girls 21 Oct 2023.jpg

From this current and my past auto grows I expect 36" to 48" heights with the odd exception.

I always choose my strains with Sativa dominant in mind !

Although I do look at the breeders estimates of plant height it really is just a ball park figure.

As to the finishing times, sigh... I'm at day 92 of their guesstimate of seed to harvest of 70 days.

Three of the girls are close but the pistils of the Wedding Cheesecake and Six Shooter haven't even started to change.

Next grow is another long pure Sativa's but I Really want to try some Mephisto Genetics Autos ;)

Cheers, eh ?
I love those untopped ones!😍 Well all actually, but especially the untopped. Six shooter and the long cola are super cool!👍👊❤️
Since I always grow four different strains I have no way of telling how big they will get ;)

Except judging by their vigor and rate of growth before flowering.....

Then I top and train sideways.

But, I tried an experiment with the Gorilla Punch, I wanted one long Massive Bud :yahoo:

She didn't look like she was going to be very tall so the only training was bud back building and she topped out @ 44", with One Long Massive Bud :love:

From a week ago...

Day 84 Gorilla Punch 13 Oct 2023.jpg

California Snow was the tallest youngster so she was topped and trained sideways. She looked promising with the lower horizontal bud sites quickly growing up to apical bud height. Then she just kinda chugged along and topped out @ 39". Herbies guesstimate was 50" but untopped I'm sure it would have been more !

From a week ago....

Day 84 California Snow 13 Oct 2023.jpg

Six Shooter I also left alone except for bud back building. She has topped out @ 48" but is the bushiest of them all with multiple spears ;)

From a week ago...

Day 84 Six Shooter 13 Oct 2023.jpg

Wedding Cheesecake was a runt anyone else would have put out of her misery !

But although tiny she was always perfectly healthy looking. Then she decided to go for it, she's 48" tall with another Foot of horizontal growth after super cropping. Herbies also suggested 50" tall.

From a week ago....

Day 84 Wedding Cheesecake 13 Oct 2023.jpg

This is a shot from the door way of my room this morning. Wedding Cheesecake dominates, in the lower left is a glimpse of the Gorilla Glue and lower far right is a couple of Spears of the Six Shooter !

Day 92 The Girls 21 Oct 2023.jpg

From this current and my past auto grows I expect 36" to 48" heights with the odd exception.

I always choose my strains with Sativa dominant in mind !

Although I do look at the breeders estimates of plant height it really is just a ball park figure.

As to the finishing times, sigh... I'm at day 92 of their guesstimate of seed to harvest of 70 days.

Three of the girls are close but the pistils of the Wedding Cheesecake and Six Shooter haven't even started to change.

Next grow is another long pure Sativa's but I Really want to try some Mephisto Genetics Autos ;)

Cheers, eh ?
hey @Chuckeye those auto's are killer i grow autos also but not at the level i see with yours and @Jon, question for you what is bud back building ? if you don't mind, if you're looking at Mephisto check out the sativa dominate Alien vs Triangle i've seen some on other sites and they get atleast 4'
OK Indica it is. I can do a 70 day grow in a 10 gallon pot I think.

Next question: How many nodes roughly until they start to alternate, or is that not a thing in autos?
Well, it CAN be a thing if you want it to. At least five, usually seven to ten is my experience. But I think you’ll find it better to actually temporarily ignore your abhorrence for the first node, and the second. :rofl: You simply don’t have that much time to flower for anything seven or eight nodes. You’ll get there by just letting it go, but by then you’ll be in flower and it’ll be way too late to affect anything. So you can simply let one go, and that works great. Generally you’ll get a classic Christmas tree. The shape I have on the Blackberry Moonrocks is rare.

To give you a better idea of just what can be done with autos, I looked back in my photos and dug up some stuff for you.

First, here’s our current Blackberry Moonrocks. Right now. I just measured her and guess what? She’s 24” tall at her high point and 24” wide across the canopy at the widest point. Heh. I also counted, and interestingly enough, if you go by branches off the main alternating it’s node nine, but on seven and up you get alternating nodes on the colas. Hmm…

This is a classic example of a style I have entitled Dual Sombrero Training. It’s super easy, looks very cool, and keeps the vertical height of the main cola down a bit. All you do is top above node four. Let those two shoots grow straight up forever. Take the branches from the nodes below that and make a ring. Try to keep pulling the ti g wide until it is clear of the two mains. Works super well outdoors. Looks sweet. If you want Quad Sombrero, you either top the two mains again, or if you get lucky the two branches from then node below the topping will be the same height and growth rate as the two topping shoots. In that case let the four grow up and make the ring from what’s below.

So you have seen the Strawberry Gorilla. She’s an example of Ring Training plus keeping the center and you see how she looks. Advanced Ring Training you lose the center and keep a nice hollow column down the middle. Like this:

So there’s five styles that all work well with autos and are easy.
- let it go
- Ring
- Advanced Ring
- Dual Sombrero
- Quad Sombrero

And you have seen what a scrogged auto looks like in the ViparSpectra tent. So there’s some stuff to work with maybe.

Finally, just to blow your mind, here’s what they have the potential to do.

This is a montage of my record yielding auto. She was grown in a pyramid/dual coco pot up top with a 30 gallon reservoir below. First pot was three gallons, second was very wide and five more gallons, then a plate with a layer of perlite, then the res. I used Prescription Blend nutes and watered the top pots. Let the runoff fill the res and topped it as necessary. Two air stones. Two pumps. Changes the res weekly.

She yielded almost 14 ounces of perfectly trimmed and legit buds jarred plus at least two ounces of flarf. It was a pound although I only count the jarred.

This was the day I saw the roots. Heh.

The first picture was when she hit the res.

Everyone has their thing with autos. Chuckeye is really good. So are many others. It’s like defol - everyone does them differently. My shit works for me, if you find a gem, awesome!
Since I always grow four different strains I have no way of telling how big they will get ;)

Except judging by their vigor and rate of growth before flowering.....

Then I top and train sideways.

But, I tried an experiment with the Gorilla Punch, I wanted one long Massive Bud :yahoo:

She didn't look like she was going to be very tall so the only training was bud back building and she topped out @ 44", with One Long Massive Bud :love:

From a week ago...

Day 84 Gorilla Punch 13 Oct 2023.jpg

California Snow was the tallest youngster so she was topped and trained sideways. She looked promising with the lower horizontal bud sites quickly growing up to apical bud height. Then she just kinda chugged along and topped out @ 39". Herbies guesstimate was 50" but untopped I'm sure it would have been more !

From a week ago....

Day 84 California Snow 13 Oct 2023.jpg

Six Shooter I also left alone except for bud back building. She has topped out @ 48" but is the bushiest of them all with multiple spears ;)

From a week ago...

Day 84 Six Shooter 13 Oct 2023.jpg

Wedding Cheesecake was a runt anyone else would have put out of her misery !

But although tiny she was always perfectly healthy looking. Then she decided to go for it, she's 48" tall with another Foot of horizontal growth after super cropping. Herbies also suggested 50" tall.

From a week ago....

Day 84 Wedding Cheesecake 13 Oct 2023.jpg

This is a shot from the door way of my room this morning. Wedding Cheesecake dominates, in the lower left is a glimpse of the Gorilla Glue and lower far right is a couple of Spears of the Six Shooter !

Day 92 The Girls 21 Oct 2023.jpg

From this current and my past auto grows I expect 36" to 48" heights with the odd exception.

I always choose my strains with Sativa dominant in mind !

Although I do look at the breeders estimates of plant height it really is just a ball park figure.

As to the finishing times, sigh... I'm at day 92 of their guesstimate of seed to harvest of 70 days.

Three of the girls are close but the pistils of the Wedding Cheesecake and Six Shooter haven't even started to change.

Next grow is another long pure Sativa's but I Really want to try some Mephisto Genetics Autos ;)

Cheers, eh ?
BOOM!! See? Dude dusts me! Lol!! Thanks @Chuckeye!
hey @Chuckeye those auto's are killer i grow autos also but not at the level i see with yours and @Jon, question for you what is bud back building ? if you don't mind, if you're looking at Mephisto check out the sativa dominate Alien vs Triangle i've seen some on other sites and they get atleast 4'
Heh. You’ll love that shit con. I use it from time to time.
Well, it CAN be a thing if you want it to. At least five, usually seven to ten is my experience. But I think you’ll find it better to actually temporarily ignore your abhorrence for the first node, and the second. :rofl: You simply don’t have that much time to flower for anything seven or eight nodes. You’ll get there by just letting it go, but by then you’ll be in flower and it’ll be way too late to affect anything. So you can simply let one go, and that works great. Generally you’ll get a classic Christmas tree. The shape I have on the Blackberry Moonrocks is rare.

To give you a better idea of just what can be done with autos, I looked back in my photos and dug up some stuff for you.

First, here’s our current Blackberry Moonrocks. Right now. I just measured her and guess what? She’s 24” tall at her high point and 24” wide across the canopy at the widest point. Heh. I also counted, and interestingly enough, if you go by branches off the main alternating it’s node nine, but on seven and up you get alternating nodes on the colas. Hmm…

This is a classic example of a style I have entitled Dual Sombrero Training. It’s super easy, looks very cool, and keeps the vertical height of the main cola down a bit. All you do is top above node four. Let those two shoots grow straight up forever. Take the branches from the nodes below that and make a ring. Try to keep pulling the ti g wide until it is clear of the two mains. Works super well outdoors. Looks sweet. If you want Quad Sombrero, you either top the two mains again, or if you get lucky the two branches from then node below the topping will be the same height and growth rate as the two topping shoots. In that case let the four grow up and make the ring from what’s below.

So you have seen the Strawberry Gorilla. She’s an example of Ring Training plus keeping the center and you see how she looks. Advanced Ring Training you lose the center and keep a nice hollow column down the middle. Like this:

So there’s five styles that all work well with autos and are easy.
- let it go
- Ring
- Advanced Ring
- Dual Sombrero
- Quad Sombrero

And you have seen what a scrogged auto looks like in the ViparSpectra tent. So there’s some stuff to work with maybe.

Finally, just to blow your mind, here’s what they have the potential to do.

This is a montage of my record yielding auto. She was grown in a pyramid/dual coco pot up top with a 30 gallon reservoir below. First pot was three gallons, second was very wide and five more gallons, then a plate with a layer of perlite, then the res. I used Prescription Blend nutes and watered the top pots. Let the runoff fill the res and topped it as necessary. Two air stones. Two pumps. Changes the res weekly.

She yielded almost 14 ounces of perfectly trimmed and legit buds jarred plus at least two ounces of flarf. It was a pound although I only count the jarred.

This was the day I saw the roots. Heh.

The first picture was when she hit the res.

Everyone has their thing with autos. Chuckeye is really good. So are many others. It’s like defol - everyone does them differently. My shit works for me, if you find a gem, awesome!
Lol this is awesome info. Thats a rootball! 🤣.

I think I want perfect christmas trees 3.5 feet tall from the pot.

But I only need 5 nodes to manifold hehe, so you know I'm going to try that too.

I might have to have one growing in the veg tent all the time just to see.
Lol this is awesome info. Thats a rootball! 🤣.

I think I want perfect christmas trees 3.5 feet tall from the pot.

But I only need 5 nodes to manifold hehe, so you know I'm going to try that too.

I might have to have one growing in the veg tent all the time just to see.
The indicas should give you the Xmas tree you want. Sometimes the center cola doesn’t rise out as far from the rest on the indicas, but that should do it. And yes, of course you’re gonna try manifolding. Lol. So for that you gotta pick a sativa with a longer veg time. Try the Apple Fritter from Blimburn, the aforementioned Watermelon Wedding Cake (hybrid) from Growers Choice, the Cherry Pie also from Blimburn, or maybe a Pineapple Express if any of those appeal to you. All of them are longer veg times and will give you the length you need for manifolding. I’d also grow a manifold out entirely at 20/4 in the tent, unless you can get it in shape for the porch somehow. Lol. White Widow would also potentially be a good manifold candidate.
More future infrastructure….

So I have a bunch of standard FF 70/30 coco and perlite on the way for the last coco grow. But I also got one bag of this to try. FF’s other coco product. Look at all the goodies in here. So we will see. Maybe a same strain side by side. Any coco guys or gals ever tried this?


The indicas should give you the Xmas tree you want. Sometimes the center cola doesn’t rise out as far from the rest on the indicas, but that should do it. And yes, of course you’re gonna try manifolding. Lol. So for that you gotta pick a sativa with a longer veg time. Try the Apple Fritter from Blimburn, the aforementioned Watermelon Wedding Cake (hybrid) from Growers Choice, the Cherry Pie also from Blimburn, or maybe a Pineapple Express if any of those appeal to you. All of them are longer veg times and will give you the length you need for manifolding. I’d also grow a manifold out entirely at 20/4 in the tent, unless you can get it in shape for the porch somehow. Lol. White Widow would also potentially be a good manifold candidate.
Btw - I’ve never seen anyone even attempt a manifold with an auto. I want to see that so badly. I could be wrong - maybe it can be done. If it can, you would be the guy to do it.
The indicas should give you the Xmas tree you want. Sometimes the center cola doesn’t rise out as far from the rest on the indicas, but that should do it. And yes, of course you’re gonna try manifolding. Lol. So for that you gotta pick a sativa with a longer veg time. Try the Apple Fritter from Blimburn, the aforementioned Watermelon Wedding Cake (hybrid) from Growers Choice, the Cherry Pie also from Blimburn, or maybe a Pineapple Express if any of those appeal to you. All of them are longer veg times and will give you the length you need for manifolding. I’d also grow a manifold out entirely at 20/4 in the tent, unless you can get it in shape for the porch somehow. Lol. White Widow would also potentially be a good manifold candidate.
Hehe White Widow😎😎😎. Big buds😊
Btw - I’ve never seen anyone even attempt a manifold with an auto. I want to see that so badly. I could be wrong - maybe it can be done. If it can, you would be the guy to do it.
It won't happen for at least a couple months, I have my next batch of photo's narrowed down to 6 and I need 4, and only 4 of the 6 are feminized, so I got my hands full for awhile, but when those 4 vacate the veg tent in a couple months, thats when I'm thinking.
It won't happen for at least a couple months, I have my next batch of photo's narrowed down to 6 and I need 4, and only 4 of the 6 are feminized, so I got my hands full for awhile, but when those 4 vacate the veg tent in a couple months, thats when I'm thinking.
Might be perfect timing for when they hit the porch.
Might be perfect timing for when they hit the porch.
I always start with rule of thumb bases:
- use a larger pot than you think you need
- think 90 days total with 30 of veg time average
- treat them just like photos

Do that you’ll have a blast.
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