Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Is your stepdad Thai? 😅

And I know the feeling well with that first hit, given up for in years in the last 25 years, 1, 2, 1.5, 1.5 and 2.5 so I guess that’s something. But the cigarettes I can’t do long term. Messes my mind. Any other drug, from booze to whatever. Weed. Easy. The smokes no.

So yeah I get your Mom being sneaky like that totally. But yeah she’s your Mum so I give her bonus for having native cunning like you but c’mon hubby!
Lol. Thanks @NickHardy - thing is, I try to be less predictable than that. I told him precisely how she’d do it. I was right every step. It was a no brainer. Oh well. Molly is jacked. I told her her buddies were on the way home. Surgery Sunday. Metal rod. A week in the hospital. Then we will see.
Accent on the word PAST.
yeah i hear ya, haven't touched that shit for 7-8 years now, my late brother was addicted for 35 years so did with him every once in a while after my 2.5 year stint , my bro was in a car accident broke his back in 2 places ripped his arm basically off & lots of nerve damage to the lowers & eventually had to amputate right leg below the knee he was technicly a quad but still able to walk ( he got a large settlement from insurance so he had a lot of cash) but it was a major player in his death, but yeah its all in the past now, once you hit rock bottom hopefully one makes the right choices no matter how painful & hard it is
yeah i hear ya, haven't touched that shit for 7-8 years now, my late brother was addicted for 35 years so did with him every once in a while after my 2.5 year stint , my bro was in a car accident broke his back in 2 places ripped his arm basically off & lots of nerve damage to the lowers & eventually had to amputate right leg below the knee he was technicly a quad but still able to walk ( he got a large settlement from insurance so he had a lot of cash) but it was a major player in his death, but yeah its all in the past now, once you hit rock bottom hopefully one makes the right choices no matter how painful & hard it is
Lol. Thanks @NickHardy - thing is, I try to be less predictable than that. I told him precisely how she’d do it. I was right every step. It was a no brainer. Oh well. Molly is jacked. I told her her buddies were on the way home. Surgery Sunday. Metal rod. A week in the hospital. Then we will see.
I don’t think it needs to go in the full rules but after I whoop your ass in our grow the only pain relief allowed on said butt-ocks is to be marijuana derived. Shed might ship you some balm you compliment him on his eyelashes!
Hey @rehabilitatora420 - one more thing for you. This is to show you just how much you can make the plant bend to your will. To be clear: this is pretty aggressive, and I specifically do NOT recommend it. I just want you to see what CAN be done. This isn’t really very extreme, but it’s fairly aggressive. You’ll see people do much more crazy things. But it is what I feel needs to happen to make the ring I want. So check it out:



Northern Lights and Saturday Humor

Here’s the girl this morning, our ring and canopy is almost there, and the second picture shows a sweeeeet cola that undoubtedly will become the best bud on the plant.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Here’s my new thing

So last grow I experimented with something a bit different. With coco I am always watering to a little bit of runoff. I decided why waste it? Let’s see if the bottom roots will take care of it. So I started letting my runoff stay in the drip pan instead of vacuuming it out. Once the roots are welll established on the bottom of your pot, they will readily draw water from the bottom through a cloth pot no problem. So I water to runoff, let it sit there, and by 1 or 2 pm (about 6-8 hours out of 20 lit up) all the water is gone. Sucked up by the bottom roots.

It seems to promote faster growth with autos at least, and using coco. It did not and has not produced a single negative effect. So I’m doing it again, like this:

As if you need that picture to understand. Lmao!
Here’s my new thing

So last grow I experimented with something a bit different. With coco I am always watering to a little bit of runoff. I decided why waste it? Let’s see if the bottom roots will take care of it. So I started letting my runoff stay in the drip pan instead of vacuuming it out. Once the roots are welll established on the bottom of your pot, they will readily draw water from the bottom through a cloth pot no problem. So I water to runoff, let it sit there, and by 1 or 2 pm (about 6-8 hours out of 20 lit up) all the water is gone. Sucked up by the bottom roots.

It seems to promote faster growth with autos at least, and using coco. It did not and has not produced a single negative effect. So I’m doing it again, like this:

As if you need that picture to understand. Lmao!
A little heads up! Salt will eventually build up on the trays if you leave them to sit in runoff. You're creating a less homogenous mix with higher nutrient concentration in the bottom part of the pot compared to the top.

A homogenous mix means less pH and EC swings and fluctuations throughout the medium. That's the main reason why people elevate their coir grown plants with saucers etc.

A little heads up! Salt will eventually build up on the trays if you leave them to sit in runoff. You're creating a less homogenous mix with higher nutrient concentration in the bottom part of the pot compared to the top.

A homogenous mix means less pH and EC swings and fluctuations throughout the medium. That's the main reason why people elevate their coir grown plants with saucers etc.

Yes, I completely understand that is conventional wisdom. That is exactly how I’ve always done it. As I said, this is experimental. And frankly, the concerns you mention are irrelevant when the roots suck it up so fast. I did it exactly this way on all five plants last grow and had nothing but positive results. You are talking to someone who would rather fail to learn something than not learn it, and also someone who thinks most conventional wisdom is either bullshit or able to be improved. I’ll take my observational data over these concerns in this particular scenario. I’ve already seen those concerns are not in play. I’m talking a 1/4 to a 1/2” of runoff. It’s nothing but some extra feed.
Yes, I completely understand that is conventional wisdom. That is exactly how I’ve always done it. As I said, this is experimental. And frankly, the concerns you mention are irrelevant when the roots suck it up so fast. I did it exactly this way on all five plants last grow and had nothing but positive results. You are talking to someone who would rather fail to learn something than not learn it, and also someone who thinks most conventional wisdom is either bullshit or able to be improved. I’ll take my observational data over these concerns in this particular scenario. I’ve already seen those concerns are not in play. I’m talking a 1/4 to a 1/2” of runoff. It’s nothing but some extra feed.
Example: this is my Northern Lights Auto. I’ve been watering her as I said for at least 2 1/2 weeks, every other day. Look at her. Her color is perfect. She hasn’t the slightest blemish, issue, or deficiency. I understand the thing you outlined will happen over time. But not with the amount of runoff I’m talking about. Even you can’t point out something wrong with this plant.
If I could inject here, I am experimenting with mixing FF Bush Dr, with Canna Coco and using less water & nutes. I only had 3 buckets 5-6 gal. runoff my last 2 grows. Usually 4-7 gals. The experimental science Freak, is stong in my grow as well. SSgrower
How much is lost to evaporation?

Downstairs I’ve been using it to manage humidity - not vacuuming during veg to keep it higher down the chain of tents (you can see a close up in the latest video in my 5x5 journal about 45 seconds in) Post flip they’ll be kept much dryer.

The tray on the bottom in the photo below was scrubbed after the last grow - its 3 grows old. Some serious salt build up. Gonna get scrubbed again tomorrow when we fill that room yay!

No comment to the impact of those salts. None of our grows have the pot bottoms in contact with a full surface, the airpots leave a gap where the sides stand proud of whatever is below as you know. The solos are held by the frames.

We did out first two plants in fabric pots. I sort of miss them. I think they might aerate the root zone better than airpots. The advantage airpots have though is the sidewall/structural support.

Ooph pots on the brain. Got 35 or so to up pot tomorrow. My wife is going to be so busy I worry if my lunch will be late 😂

If I could inject here, I am experimenting with mixing FF Bush Dr, with Canna Coco and using less water & nutes. I only had 3 buckets 5-6 gal. runoff my last 2 grows. Usually 4-7 gals. The experimental science Freak, is stong in my grow as well. SSgrower
Feel free to say and/or show whatever you want here @SSgrower. Gotta push the limits somehow, right? Lol. Cool. I love experimenting.
How much is lost to evaporation?

Downstairs I’ve been using it to manage humidity - not vacuuming during veg to keep it higher down the chain of tents (you can see a close up in the latest video in my 5x5 journal about 45 seconds in) Post flip they’ll be kept much dryer.

The tray on the bottom in the photo below was scrubbed after the last grow - its 3 grows old. Some serious salt build up. Gonna get scrubbed again tomorrow when we fill that room yay!

No comment to the impact of those salts. None of our grows have the pot bottoms in contact with a full surface, the airpots leave a gap where the sides stand proud of whatever is below as you know. The solos are held by the frames.

We did out first two plants in fabric pots. I sort of miss them. I think they might aerate the root zone better than airpots. The advantage airpots have though is the sidewall/structural support.

Ooph pots on the brain. Got 35 or so to up pot tomorrow. My wife is going to be so busy I worry if my lunch will be late 😂

I really understand the salts thing. But the way my pot is filled and with the level of runoff I’m talking about, I have zero salt buildup. Zero. I will post my pot at the end. It simply has no time. The plant sucks it up way faster than it would evaporate to answer your question.
and with the level of runoff I’m talking about
I meant to ask as well - what do you aim for?

Me as soon as all the pots have a few drips out I'm done! I don't want a minutes more nutes going out! They speed yp as it works through anyway.

I see another member trying to hit a % of pot size run off - though think they only water every few days.
I meant to ask as well - what do you aim for?

Me as soon as all the pots have a few drips out I'm done! I don't want a minutes more nutes going out! They speed yp as it works through anyway.

I see another member trying to hit a % of pot size run off - though think they only water every few days.
I runoff however much one gallon runs off. It all gets soaked up by the bottom roots. Zero waste. Zero salt buildup. Repeatedly.
I runoff however much in

I runoff however much one gallon runs off. It all gets soaked up by the bottom roots. Zero waste. Zero salt buildup. Repeatedly.
What it does is no different than any other wicking or suction based passive system. Just feeding top and bottom.
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