Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Blackberry Moonrocks

Still considering her for one of the plants in the contest. Her colas are so dense and long it’s silly. She smells like cotton candy. Not the most colorful plant, at least this one, but she’s gonna be off the charts good. Have until the 5th to decide. Maybe she’ll harvest by then and I’ll have a reference for her yield. To my eyes, this one is maybe 8-10 ounces. But trained to a canopy she could easily have been 12-14. Big auto.


Blackberry Moonrocks

Still considering her for one of the plants in the contest. Her colas are so dense and long it’s silly. She smells like cotton candy. Not the most colorful plant, at least this one, but she’s gonna be off the charts good. Have until the 5th to decide. Maybe she’ll harvest by then and I’ll have a reference for her yield. To my eyes, this one is maybe 8-10 ounces. But trained to a canopy she could easily have been 12-14. Big auto.


beautiful plant, i tried popping 2 seeds and they both failed to germinate for some reason 2 other strains from Blimburn germinated with no problems
beautiful plant, i tried popping 2 seeds and they both failed to germinate for some reason 2 other strains from Blimburn germinated with no problems
@con - Hmm. Well, cool you have them. Got one more at least, yes? You’ll find a spot for it. No way you go 0-3. Btw - Blimburn is excellent when it comes to custie service. If you sent a message via their site, referenced your name and order number, and said you went 0-2 (of 3 I guess?) they would more than likely send you another pack for free. It’s pretty much SOP for many seedbanks.
beautiful plant, i tried popping 2 seeds and they both failed to germinate for some reason 2 other strains from Blimburn germinated with no problems
@con, what are the other two Blimburns?
Cherry Pie Auto
Day 124

She’s as close as she can be without being *quite* ready! All her trichs are super white and milky and she has just a small smattering of amber. I want to take her as close to peak thc as I can (all white, zero amber) as she’s about a 24% plant which is a bit light for me. She’s also obviously indica leaning and so I’ll get the best of both worlds. Harvesting indicas with very little amber I have found, for me, is a great thing. It takes any of the couchlock away. She comes down tomorrow or Sunday. As will the Skywalker in all likelihood. I’ll be a bit busy. The good part is, the CP is a super easy trim, as you can probably tell just by looking at her. And the Skywalker is not a particularly leafy plant - the buds are relatively sugar leaf free and the fans are easy. She’ll be easy too. The Blackberry Moonrocks is the PITA trim of what’s left.

This will also mean I can then set the tent up for the big throw down! Boy, rarely for me does timing work out so nicely. Lol. I’ll take it.




Northern Lights Auto
More Training

Morning @rehabilitatora420 - here’s another trick for you. This plant is at the point where we want to begin to shape her. This just means attempt to even out the colas into an equally spaced ring. Sometimes (often) that means you literally turn your new branches whichever way you want them to go. Branches are flexible. You gotta be real careful, but you can pretty much do whatever you want with them. You are the boss of them, lol. So in this example I wanted to display this for you.

Here’s the girl:

This is the top two shoots from the topping. See how I made a turn on the one? It’s not quite 90 degrees but as far as I dared twist her. Be gentle. Be gradual. The turn can happen over a couple days, if need be. So here’s the turn:

And here’s why I did that. The top arrow is the turned shoot. The bottom arrow is where I wanted it to go, to fill that space between the other two colas.

See? How fun is that? You can see from the overhead that we are only days away from a perfect ring. Then it’ll really get fun. Cuz then we get to start making all these cool choices. Choices rock!

Any questions ask away!
1 of my 3 seeds have failed as well so i reseeded it pf its not good feeling
@rehabilitatora420 - Yeah, it sucks, but you’ll soon see it’s part of the game. Every seed ain’t gonna pop for you. And sometimes they’ll pop but come out all messed up. I just keep starting seeds as simple as humanly possible, and I rarely if ever have an issue. We discussed that last night in DM. You’ll see. Does the seed in the paper towel have a tail yet?
@con - Hmm. Well, cool you have them. Got one more at least, yes? You’ll find a spot for it. No way you go 0-3. Btw - Blimburn is excellent when it comes to custie service. If you sent a message via their site, referenced your name and order number, and said you went 0-2 (of 3 I guess?) they would more than likely send you another pack for free. It’s pretty much SOP for many seedbanks.
no more Blackberry moon rocks just had 2 BOGO so seen something on their web site about being excluded for replacement but did the video thing so will try to get atleast 1 replaced, the 2 that did germinate are Gelato x Purple Punch & a gorilla glue
Cherry Pie
Way Partial Harvest

I took one branch. One cola. I took the smallest one that looked the most finished. Still a bit early, but I wanted to see what I am dealing with. Yes, easy trim. Yes, incredibly dense. This plant is gonna have to be wet trimmed. This is a small bud!!!

Holy yielder Batman!

Here she is from a couple different perspectives, wet trimmed:






@rehabilitatora420 - Yeah, it sucks, but you’ll soon see it’s part of the game. Every seed ain’t gonna pop for you. And sometimes they’ll pop but come out all messed up. I just keep starting seeds as simple as humanly possible, and I rarely if ever have an issue. We discussed that last night in DM. You’ll see. Does the seed in the paper towel have a tail yet?
well beginer mistake i forget to rewater the paper and it was dryed out :D so i put it in my last pelet rly good dryed so i hope in day or two it will show up. for next time i will prep myself better for seedling part :p
well beginer mistake i forget to rewater the paper and it was dryed out :D so i put it in my last pelet rly good dryed so i hope in day or two it will show up. for next time i will prep myself better for seedling part :p
Yup. Gotta keep the paper towel wet until you see the very first tail tip. Once you see that, let the paper towel dry naturally and the tail will chase the water and get a bit longer so you can plant it.
The Pink Rozay. I don’t smoke this much. It’s a light indica, maybe 22-24%. Way too flowery/perfumey for me. Shoulda paid more attention to the specific terps. If you like the flowery thing, this weed is awesome. She’s dense and tasty in that vein, and her buzz is more hybrid than indica, maybe cuz of the relatively lowish thc for an indica. Pretty good all around buzz, smoke anytime sorta weed. But nothing about it knocks your socks off. Nice plant to grow but probably won’t again, although my people love the shit. They say, it’s the only weed I’ve gotten from you that doesn’t completely wreck me. :rofl:


From the personal non growing files….

My mom and stepdad left VA yesterday to head back here. With a stop in NC to see my stepbrother. At a rest stop in NC he went to use the bathroom. Mom got out of the van and smoked her first cigarette in a month, from a pack she sneakily bought at the previous rest stop when he was in the bathroom. It put her down. If you’ve ever tried to quit, then smoked a cigarette after several days, you know that very brief, but very intense, nicotine buzz. She undoubtedly experienced that, and she fell. Now we find out she has broken her hip. My stepdad came out of the bathroom and back to the van only to find his wife on the ground surrounded by a circle of strangers. She is in the hospital in NC on morphine (lucky bitch). Now we’re talking hip replacement surgery. Six months recovery time. Oy. Glad she’s gonna be okay and it’s not life-threatening. But from a selfish perspective, it doesn’t bode well for me getting outta here anytime soon. Fuck man. My poor mom. The idiot stepfather had ONE job on the ride - don’t let her smoke. I knew she’d sneak and try asap. I warned him. And he couldn’t stop an 80-year old invalid from getting smokes. Jesus. See what I deal with? (Not that anyone should care, we all have our shit). It suck’s to be the only competent adult in an entire family.

Thanks for the indulgence.

From the personal non growing files….

My mom and stepdad left VA yesterday to head back here. With a stop in NC to see my stepbrother. At a rest stop in NC he went to use the bathroom. Mom got out of the van and smoked her first cigarette in a month, from a pack she sneakily bought at the previous rest stop when he was in the bathroom. It put her down. If you’ve ever tried to quit, then smoked a cigarette after several days, you know that very brief, but very intense, nicotine buzz. She undoubtedly experienced that, and she fell. Now we find out she has broken her hip. My stepdad came out of the bathroom and back to the van only to find his wife on the ground surrounded by a circle of strangers. She is in the hospital in NC on morphine (lucky bitch). Now we’re talking hip replacement surgery. Six months recovery time. Oy. Glad she’s gonna be okay and it’s not life-threatening. But from a selfish perspective, it doesn’t bode well for me getting outta here anytime soon. Fuck man. My poor mom. The idiot stepfather had ONE job on the ride - don’t let her smoke. I knew she’d sneak and try asap. I warned him. And he couldn’t stop an 80-year old invalid from getting smokes. Jesus. See what I deal with? (Not that anyone should care, we all have our shit). It suck’s to be the only competent adult in an entire family.

Thanks for the indulgence.
Sorry to hear about your mom but glad she's okay in a sense, but its pretty hard to watch someone for 24/7, i go 3 days then i snap & buy a pack, smoke 1/2 pack then drown them in water & the cycle begins again, it was easier quiting a 2.5 year crack addiction than it is with cigerettes, but yeah if she went a month with out then bought a pack i'd be pissed too
Is your stepdad Thai? 😅

And I know the feeling well with that first hit, given up for in years in the last 25 years, 1, 2, 1.5, 1.5 and 2.5 so I guess that’s something. But the cigarettes I can’t do long term. Messes my mind. Any other drug, from booze to whatever. Weed. Easy. The smokes no.

So yeah I get your Mom being sneaky like that totally. But yeah she’s your Mum so I give her bonus for having native cunning like you but c’mon hubby!
Sorry to hear about your mom but glad she's okay in a sense, but its pretty hard to watch someone for 24/7, i go 3 days then i snap & buy a pack, smoke 1/2 pack then drown them in water & the cycle begins again, it was easier quiting a 2.5 year crack addiction than it is with cigerettes, but yeah if she went a month with out then bought a pack i'd be pissed too
You and I have much in our past in common, @con.
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