Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Idk @Wastei - you don’t seem to like or agree with much of anything. Got anything positive to say? Or perhaps be direct and maybe just amplify the undercurrent of “you guys are idiots” that I seem to feel from you? Nothing personal man and not trying to call you out, but how about something - anything - positive? It gets kind of old to always feel like someone is telling you you’re an idiot.

As far as Cyco, or any other nute system, hey man, nute systems are just like this journal or tv. You can always change the channel.
Someone took that to heart, that's good! I'm just trying to help you save some money and maybe you can learn something constructive along the way? You're free to judge me anyway you want. I'm just saying what's possible and how nutrient brands market their products? You're free to do whatever you want with that info, it's your grow and all the best in your endeavors!

And that thing about about being agreeable? I'm not really here to be "nice" or being liked, that's not my sole purpose of being on here. It's to give proper info and help I needed starting out.

I got punched in the face by a 6’10” Russian guy claiming to be Ukranian last night.

(He missed, “I’m lightening on my feet” - Taylor Swift, Shake It Off)

We are all from different parts of the world and the nuances of how we write to one another can be lost.

@Wastei is good peeps. I have called him “grumpy” in PM’s 😂 He’s not really, he’s just a Swedish dude with loads of growing experience trying to help people save some $$$ with stuff he learned doing it stealth for years, saw his mates get carted off to jail (its called a Spa/Sauna in Scandinavia, they take of you in jail there! 🤣

But he’s not at all a negative person imho. Anyone who has a bromance with Keith gotta be a good guy.

Apologies for my misread of the Ph band.

Jeez that poor guy took a swing at me 🤣

Doesn’t matter your 6’10” when there’s 6 Thai guys on you 🤣 He overheard me and my wife talking about her brother in law (confirmed douche!) and thought it was about him!

My point being - its hard enough hanging out with people in real life talking in for many a second language, nuances or tones get missed. I’ve spent a lot of time with Swedish people, my biggest work boss is Swedish. Just tone not sentiment.

Much love both ya ❤️

PS - don’t listen in on a husband and wife bitching about brother in laws taking out dodgy loans on said wife’s property. He faked the paperwork. 🤣
Someone took that to heart, that's good! I'm just trying to help you save some money and maybe you can learn something constructive along the way? You're free to judge me anyway you want. I'm just saying what's possible and how nutrient brands market their products? You're free to do whatever you want with that info, it's your grow and all the best in your endeavors!

And that thing about about being agreeable? I'm not really here to be "nice" or being liked, that's not my sole purpose of being on here. It's to give proper info and help I needed starting out.

Well @Wastei - here’s what you’re missing pal. I am not and did not judge you. I told you how you make me feel. Vast difference. You have the same effect on others here as well. Don’t believe me? Ask people. Hey, you wanna be a negative, disagreeable person in how you come off? Go right ahead. I know who you are and I know you used to grow to scale and I know you may have great knowledge. But none of that matters if the teacher comes off like a dick. I have a hard time hearing someone when they yell at me. I have an even harder time wanting to learn anything from someone who teaches from the perspective you seem to want to. It is possible to be here to help others and do it in a way that’s half supportive and half positive. I do it all the time and so do many many others. We’re all here for the same reason dude. Is it really that hard to relate to others in a manner that makes them want to actually hear you? Come on man. I appreciate your knowledge potentially - but your people skills could use some work.

This is as far as this goes in my journal. If you have a desire to respond please do so in DM. I have no problem speaking with you directly. Fair enough?
This is as far as this goes in my journal. If you have a desire to respond please do so in DM. I have no problem speaking with you directly. Fair enough?
That's cool.

A grown up response.

A modern day,

“get a room guys!”


I chat to you both in DM’s. Just remember one of you has zenglish as first language and the other doesn’t. Not that the other doesn’t have very good English written. Just tone can get lost.

I mean Bill is fkin Canadian and I still find a way to forgive him. Shed is an east coast betrayer now in SoCal and none of ya from Southie supporting the Sox (actually not me either but I wish 😂)

Oh wait! Its gotta be really cold in Boston right now 🤣

That's cool.

A grown up response.

A modern day,

“get a room guys!”


I chat to you both in DM’s. Just remember one of you has zenglish as first language and the other doesn’t. Not that the other doesn’t have very good English written. Just tone can get lost.

I mean Bill is fkin Canadian and I still find a way to forgive him. Shed is an east coast betrayer now in SoCal and none of ya from Southie supporting the Sox (actually not me either but I wish 😂)

Oh wait! Its gotta be really cold in Boston right now 🤣

Didn't know you owned a bong 🤣🤣🤣
That's cool.

A grown up response.

A modern day,

“get a room guys!”


I chat to you both in DM’s. Just remember one of you has zenglish as first language and the other doesn’t. Not that the other doesn’t have very good English written. Just tone can get lost.

I mean Bill is fkin Canadian and I still find a way to forgive him. Shed is an east coast betrayer now in SoCal and none of ya from Southie supporting the Sox (actually not me either but I wish 😂)

Oh wait! Its gotta be really cold in Boston right now 🤣

I wanna trade environments. That’s so fricking beautiful. And it’s all good Nick. Nothing for anyone to forgive. Just a blip. Me and Wastei are adults, we can handle it from here. Thank you, your peacemaker efforts are appreciated despite not being necessary. I’m not angry and he doesn’t seem to be either. It’s all good.
This is as far as this goes in my journal. If you have a desire to respond please do so in DM. I have no problem speaking with you directly. Fair enough?
That's cool.

A grown up response.

A modern day,

“get a room guys!”


I chat to you both in DM’s. Just remember one of you has zenglish as first language and the other doesn’t. Not that the other doesn’t have very good English written. Just tone can get lost.

I mean Bill is fkin Canadian and I still find a way to forgive him. Shed is an east coast betrayer now in SoCal and none of ya from Southie supporting the Sox (actually not me either but I wish 😂)

Oh wait! Itd gotta be really cold in Boston right now 🤣


Didn't know you owned a bong 🤣🤣🤣
WTF - my stepson breaking my bong I only bought because Jon envouraged me to is a feature for all 12 of my journals

That's cool.

A grown up response.

A modern day,

“get a room guys!”


I chat to you both in DM’s. Just remember one of you has zenglish as first language and the other doesn’t. Not that the other doesn’t have very good English written. Just tone can get lost.

I mean Bill is fkin Canadian and I still find a way to forgive him. Shed is an east coast betrayer now in SoCal and none of ya from Southie supporting the Sox (actually not me either but I wish 😂)

Oh wait! Itd gotta be really cold in Boston right now 🤣


WTF - my stepson breaking my bong I only bought because Jon envouraged me to is a feature for all 12 of my journals

Forgive me for being Canadian. :rofl:
Little chippy this morning but everyone is playing nice. :Namaste:
Morning Boys :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Oh wait! Its gotta be really cold in Boston right now 🤣
17f this morn! -8.3c
Swedes are fun! My old Swedish co-worker had sayings for every occasion.
me; How you doin Stan
Stan: Better than most, not as good as some!

Smart and stubborn as it gets too. A perfect troubleshooting teammate!
RIP Stan.
Northern Lights Auto looks nice and green so far. Think I have enough PB left to get her through veg with it. She’ll have to flower on Remo or Cyco. Her 10 colas are starting to pronounce themselves and grow past the leaves. The leaf tying trick really helps, thanks Shed. The topping shoots will be ready to go wide in a couple days. Once that process gets underway I’ll chop the two least dominant lowest branches to go from 12 to 10.

This Coco Loco seems to have its advantages and disadvantages. Advantages - holds the water a long time. Much longer than straight coco/perlite. I’m watering every third day. Saves money on nutes. Eases your workload. Seems to promote root growth as well. Disadvantage - feeding less frequently seems to slow growth a little bit maybe. She seems to be growing at approximately 2/3 my normal auto rate. I suppose she’s big enough now that I could feed daily to runoff just to feed everyday fresh, but that seems counterproductive and wasteful.

All that said, it really does seem to promote faster root development, and that’s huge. The 1 gallon starter pot I uppotted from was significantly more filled than normal at day 17. The roots were thicker and healthier looking. And as I water the NL I can see she has already spread out about 2” from the uppotted root ball. Perhaps this is the trade off in action.

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