Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Northern Lights Auto
Day 17

So I keep saying I know I can fill a ten with roots with an auto. Yet I haven’t actually attempted it. Well, now we are, with the Northern Lights Auto I have going from @SeedsMan. I will break her off into her own little one plant journal when these last three harvest. It’ll be a “will she get done or does she move to PA with me” journal, lol. A lot of what I do is based on nothing more than a feeling, believe it or not, lol. And I got the feeling that this NL is the one to prove to myself it can be done.

Here’s my prepped pot. I did it a bit differently than normal, since I’m trying the Fox Farms Coco Loco this time. The pot is a ten and contains :

- Coco Loco medium
- 1 1/2 gallons perlite #3
- 1 cup insect frass
- 1 cup bokashi
- 3 cups EWC
- Activated with 1 gallon water + Kelp Me Kelp You + Wholly Mackerel @ 2 tbsp. each

Flying a little blind here as this is the first coco medium I’ve tried that has added organic material and microbes. Yet it’s recommended for chem nutes. Very interesting. Odd. So I’m rolling with it and let’s see what happens. Here’s the girl on day 17 as well. She started week two of the PB veg chart today, by the book, sans the silicon ingredient, which I’m replacing with my 40% MSA. One way I gauge my upper body strength is by the amount of mess I make when I prep a larger pot. This is the best I’ve ever done. Lol.



She is going in the big 5x5 under the G8 C3. 550 watts in veg, 680 in flower, all to herself. I don’t think she’ll want for light.
Cherry Pie Auto

She simply won’t stop fattening. I’m blown away. This usually stopped long ago. Is she more than 10 ounces? Jeez Louise. These buds are in that realm of annoyingly dense. WAY dense. If I don’t get bud rot it’ll be a miracle. Lol.

Today is a day to smoke my gold. The very best weed from the last grow. IMO, and in the opinion of almost 100% of my friends (particularly the musicians), it beats all the other end products. I also rank it #1 from the last grow. Presently, it is the finest weed in the house. I treat it as such. Barely touch it and let it cure. It is humming so hard right now. It’s still the single best auto strain I’ve found yet. A true guarantee, or as close as you can get.

Today is a day to smoke my gold. The very best weed from the last grow. IMO, and in the opinion of almost 100% of my friends (particularly the musicians), it beats all the other end products. I also rank it #1 from the last grow. Presently, it is the finest weed in the house. I treat it as such. Barely touch it and let it cure. It is humming so hard right now. It’s still the single best auto strain I’ve found yet. A true guarantee, or as close as you can get.

So what is it?

Strain I forgot?

Or an ode to lashes? Shed?

If there’s a photo version available I’ll grow it. In a primo 5x5 setup.

If its that good.

So what is it?

Strain I forgot?

Or an ode to lashes? Shed?

If there’s a photo version available I’ll grow it. In a primo 5x5 setup.

If its that good.

It is the Watermelon Wedding Cake XXL Auto from Growers Choice. They have a UK outlet/website. They DO sell the photo version. I’ve never grown it. But the auto yields like a photo. I got my just short of 14 ounce auto from her. Her size is stupendous every time. She thrives better if let go some, vs. scrogged or the like. I’ve grown it about 8 separate times. By now, I believe her sweet spot is in the 16-20 cola range, with as long of stems as possible, ie, use the lower nodes. I got beyond photo like roots when I did her in coco/reservoir. She will take to anything and can accept any level of nute you may toss at her. The Wedding Cake side gives you the bulk and yield, the Watermelon Zkittlez side gives you the density and sweet-ass, otherworldly fruity flavors. Sativa or indica pheno, and it’s like 90/10. I’ve only gotten the indica pheno once. It’s more cheesey. Looks roughly the same. And although it’s bred as a 50/50 hybrid it has a much stronger tendency to the sativa side. Loves a lot of light. I’ve flowered her at 1300 ppfd without foxtailing her. Always a fantastic rate of growth. It’s an auto with no downside. Not that I have found yet. And tasty? Oh yes. Stinky? Most definitely. Strong? Easily in the 26-30% range. So as far as the photo, that’s your call, but if the auto is any indication, give her some room. Have fun. You’ll love it. And it’ll be as productive as anything you’ve ever grown I bet.
It is the Watermelon Wedding Cake XXL Auto from Growers Choice. They have a UK outlet/website. They DO sell the photo version. I’ve never grown it. But the auto yields like a photo. I got my just short of 14 ounce auto from her. Her size is stupendous every time. She thrives better if let go some, vs. scrogged or the like. I’ve grown it about 8 separate times. By now, I believe her sweet spot is in the 16-20 cola range, with as long of stems as possible, ie, use the lower nodes. I got beyond photo like roots when I did her in coco/reservoir. She will take to anything and can accept any level of nute you may toss at her. The Wedding Cake side gives you the bulk and yield, the Watermelon Zkittlez side gives you the density and sweet-ass, otherworldly fruity flavors. Sativa or indica pheno, and it’s like 90/10. I’ve only gotten the indica pheno once. It’s more cheesey. Looks roughly the same. And although it’s bred as a 50/50 hybrid it has a much stronger tendency to the sativa side. Loves a lot of light. I’ve flowered her at 1300 ppfd without foxtailing her. Always a fantastic rate of growth. It’s an auto with no downside. Not that I have found yet. And tasty? Oh yes. Stinky? Most definitely. Strong? Easily in the 26-30% range. So as far as the photo, that’s your call, but if the auto is any indication, give her some room. Have fun. You’ll love it. And it’ll be as productive as anything you’ve ever grown I bet.
Sounds like a dare. Obvs me growing the photo would yield more in weight and cannabinoids though?

I mean I got skills and you got the handbrake Ruderalis?

Sounds like a dare. Obvs me growing the photo would yield more in weight and cannabinoids though?

I mean I got skills and you got the handbrake Ruderalis?

Well, lol, but joking aside, I kind of feel that if I were to grow any photo version of the same auto strain, I’ll have the photo outyield the auto every time. But that’s just a matter of veg time and training. The auto wont give you a 60 day veg like the Cherry Pie, more like in the 40s. But veg this strain as a photo for 60 days in a 15 or 20? You’ll fill the 5x5 easily would be my guess.
Cherry Pie

So wild when you can see the little hole up the middle of the trichome. I have always figured this is the stem that the milk travels through to fill the heads. Does anyone know if this is true?
Well, lol, but joking aside, I kind of feel that if I were to grow any photo version of the same auto strain, I’ll have the photo outyield the auto every time. But that’s just a matter of veg time and training. The auto wont give you a 60 day veg like the Cherry Pie, more like in the 40s. But veg this strain as a photo for 60 days in a 15 or 20? You’ll fill the 5x5 easily would be my guess.
I agree - photo > auto every time

But my theory is if you want maximum yield (and maximum cannabinoids by happy coincidence) many smaller plants beats a single or even four plants in a 5x5

Stick 12 in 0.75 gallon pots and you’ll beat the yield on anything up to 4 plants in a 5x5

My 2c’s
Flower Day 61

I keep looking twice at the buds because they’re covered with these pockets of dense trichomes that makes them appear almost too white. So I got closer to make sure it wasn’t some sort of white mold I never heard of. First is the bud shot with arrows to show what I refer to. Then closer. Damn.



Flower Day 61

I keep looking twice at the buds because they’re covered with these pockets of dense trichomes that makes them appear almost too white. So I got closer to make sure it wasn’t some sort of white mold I never heard of. First is the bud shot with arrows to show what I refer to. Then closer. Damn.



Sticky as fk 🤤🤤
Oh gosh - not seen that in a while!

As sure a case of Old Silver Mine Mould as I’ve ever seen.

Sorry mate.

Kill it all immediately. I’m keen to try and solve this terrible affliction. Would you mind sending me a couple of zips, preferably trimmed (to a high standard, obvs) and I’ll try and protect others from this blight ‘pon their plants via my own rigorous testing experiments.
Oh gosh - not seen that in a while!

As sure a case of Old Silver Mine Mould as I’ve ever seen.

Sorry mate.

Kill it all immediately. I’m keen to try and solve this terrible affliction. Would you mind sending me a couple of zips, preferably trimmed (to a high standard, obvs) and I’ll try and protect others from this blight ‘pon their plants via my own rigorous testing experiments.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
@NickHardy - I’m sitting alone in my room laughing out loud like a maniac at that one. Touché! Lmao!!!!
Northern Lights Auto

I’m beginning to realize just how early the side branch nodes express their dominance, ie, which one of the two is the more dominant, better branch. This is day 18 above ground. She has branches at nodes 1,2 and 3. Here they are. I’m arguing that the branch I have arrowed is the dominant branch of each pair. You can already tell. For what that’s worth. Lol.



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