Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Imagine what you could do with a really long veg time. I think you could grow something incredible. CL🍀
Next grow. Dank seeds tent. 4 photos. I’ll show you. Then we won’t have to imagine. lol! And thanks CL.
Cherry Pie

Here’s a couple scale shots. The first picture is one of the giants, the second picture is the smallest cola I could find. This plant is a prime candidate for bud rot. I have a very serious fan game going on and I’m still worried about it. The branches are so thick it’s basically impossible to spread her out. I’m literally reaching in between the colas to the bottom and pulling out handfuls of small leaves to try and keep the air flowing between the buds. Besides that her buds are super dense and heavy and indica all the way, she’s also extremely leafy. Big buds + tight plant + leaves galore = serious potential for bud rot. If you grow her you’d be well served to have significant moving air and keep the rh low. As the only girl in the 5x5, I’m able to keep the rh in the upper 30s with her. Usually I’d be in the 45-55% range.


Blackberry Moonrocks

Had an almost disaster this morning. I was moving some colas around and the light slid off my boxes. Thank god I was there to catch it. Didn’t lose a single diode. So that’s the good. The bad is, one of the boxes fell all the way to the floor and took out a significant branch in doing so. Just the one pictured, but she’s a sweetie. These buds are already dense as hell, no wonder they’re starting to fall over everywhere. You can see I have several tall support posts holding her together. The weight started to hit suddenly it seemed with this girl. All of a sudden she’s falling over, and her thin stems aren’t helping. Lmao. Anyway, light fixed much better, that won’t happen again. Plant is as centralized (not colas falling over everywhere) and under the light as possible. All good.



Blackberry Moonrocks

Had an almost disaster this morning. I was moving some colas around and the light slid off my boxes. Thank god I was there to catch it. Didn’t lose a single diode. So that’s the good. The bad is, one of the boxes fell all the way to the floor and took out a significant branch in doing so. Just the one pictured, but she’s a sweetie. These buds are already dense as hell, no wonder they’re starting to fall over everywhere. You can see I have several tall support posts holding her together. The weight started to hit suddenly it seemed with this girl. All of a sudden she’s falling over, and her thin stems aren’t helping. Lmao. Anyway, light fixed much better, that won’t happen again. Plant is as centralized (not colas falling over everywhere) and under the light as possible. All good.



Apparently she has muscle too, in case she gets attacked I guess:

Apparently she has muscle too, in case she gets attacked I guess:

I also cranked the light up to let her finish with a strong amount of photonic pressure (lmao!). The tops are at 1300. Fuck it. She can handle it. Hasn’t shrugged yet when the light has been cranked in any phase of her growth.
Cherry Pie

I couldn’t live with her the way she was, as I felt my bud rot worry rising. So I did a proper defol. Pretty good timing too. She still has three times the leaves she needs to finish. And now we can all breathe easier. lol. What an auto. Christ. This plant is incredible. Bravo Blimburn. So many folks growing the Canuck Seeds version for the comparative grow, I’ll be curious to see what happens there. The Canuck version is Grand Daddy Purple x Durban Poison. Mine is Cherry Pie x The Fog (x Ruderalis). So they are two entirely different strains with the same name. However, my buds look a lot like what Canuck shows as their finished product, so idk, it will be interesting to see. Personally I like the Canuck cross better - legendary parents, it’s a guaranteed winner. I feel like I just got a lucky pheno with mine. But we’ll see.

This makes me 100x happier and is pretty fricking insane if I do say so. One of the better autos I’ve grown for sure.


Sorry @Jon your journal move so fast, it's impossible for me to follow along

Wow, just looked it up, wow.
The price definitely has sticker shock.

How di you find out and the kit?

I got it for 50% off so it was way less than $200. But yeah, it hurt a little. Hope they’re as good as the claimee says.
Double Grape Finger Hash

This little pile of finger hash (literally) is just so evil looking I haven’t been able to bring myself to smoke it yet. And this is from the trim to hang! I’m actually getting excited to trim all those damn littles. There’s a couple hundred of them. Too small to wear gloves. My fingers will be so hash covered I won’t be surprised to get a whole gram. Finger hash kicks scissor hash’s ass all over the earth. It’s my absolute favorite trim by-product. And Mephisto did mention it was and extractors dream….pretty much nailed that. I’d press this entire plant - every bud - if I had a press. Wow.

I unfortunately do not expect to get near a week or ten days on the dry. The buds are just too small. Dense or not, they’re gonna dry in like four or five days is my guess.

And now for a pre dinner finger hash bowl. Have a great night guys. lol!

With prices like that I’m sure glad I’m well stocked with PB. CL🍀. :thumb: :woohoo:
Wanna trade? I’ll send you the Cyto as soon as I get it in exchange for an equal amount of PB.
Care to look at any numbers per their feed chart? ;)
Lmao! You are funny @InTheShed. I was kinda holding off for a bit. I haven’t even looked on the site at it. Nor the feed chart. When it arrives I was gonna take a dedicated hour and digest it. But if you like, fire away! Will it include the usual dire Shed warnings where necessary? :rofl:
Lmao! You are funny @InTheShed. I was kinda holding off for a bit. I haven’t even looked on the site at it. Nor the feed chart. When it arrives I was gonna take a dedicated hour and digest it. But if you like, fire away! Will it include the usual dire Shed warnings where necessary? :rofl:
The pressure thing about it is, I get one, maybe two at most, shots at it. This kit *might* be enough for one to two plants. So not only is it pricey, I gotta get it right the first time. lol! I consider that putting a bit of pressure on myself. I work better under pressure.
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