Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Hey @Gee64, here’s a question for you. My base soil for the Skywalker is FFOF. Which is what I was going to use for anything I create in the LOS vein until I have enough mulch. I see most who do that seem to use the FFOF. Even Keiffka. :rofl: But I was wondering, what about using a bagged LOS, like a Sohum or something in that vein, as the base instead? Then add the dolomite and bird shit and all the crap to that. Wouldn’t that give the plants a better ‘crobe base to begin? Or would adding all the LOS ingredients to a bagged LOS make it too “hot?”
If it's a "supersoil for cannabis" and I use that term loosely, I would grow it out with spikes and layers and ewc to get most likely a great plant, and then I would rebuild it to make it properly "hot". If it's a mix for bedding plants then I would ammend it 1st.

A good bag of cannabis supersoil with spikes and layers will grow a really nice plant, but you need to have myco, fish ferts, calmag, ewc, and molasses handy just in case, and a mineral/ewc top dressing for flower, but if you plan to rebuild it, you will need the minerals for your mix too so you will be buying them anyways.

My advice is to buy the best supersoil you can get and grow it out. You will be happy, the product will be excellent, and it will only get better as you rebuild it.

I'm in Canada, so Foxfarm and Stoningtons soils are foreign to me, but they seem to work well.

I use Bluesky Supersoil, if you want to google that. I will take a picture later from the bag showing ingredients.
If it's a "supersoil for cannabis" and I use that term loosely, I would grow it out with spikes and layers and ewc to get most likely a great plant, and then I would rebuild it to make it properly "hot". If it's a mix for bedding plants then I would ammend it 1st.

A good bag of cannabis supersoil with spikes and layers will grow a really nice plant, but you need to have myco, fish ferts, calmag, ewc, and molasses handy just in case, and a mineral/ewc top dressing for flower, but if you plan to rebuild it, you will need the minerals for your mix too so you will be buying them anyways.

My advice is to buy the best supersoil you can get and grow it out. You will be happy, the product will be excellent, and it will only get better as you rebuild it.

I'm in Canada, so Foxfarm and Stoningtons soils are foreign to me, but they seem to work well.

I use Bluesky Supersoil, if you want to google that. I will take a picture later from the bag showing ingredients.
Ah! Thanks! So I was approximately on the right track. I’m going to do some research and see what’s available round these parts. Lmao. Cuz I’ve used Sohum, yes it is one of those, and imho it blows.
Ah! Thanks! So I was approximately on the right track. I’m going to do some research and see what’s available round these parts. Lmao. Cuz I’ve used Sohum, yes it is one of those, and imho it blows.
Compare it to the bluesky soil. I can poke 4 spikes into a 10gal pot of bluesky and grow a really decent plant. A newbie would be ecstatic with it, so if you can find something similar that would be a great start, or go totally opposite, buy a good organic potting mix, and get it cooking.

The real key is the ewc. If you can buy nice fresh ewc, then that's pretty convenient. I wanted more control and a mineral processor, so I got my own worm farm, but good bagged ewc is DaBomb for sure.

And fish ferts must be hydrolysed ferts, not hydrolysed emulsion. Nothing that includes the word emulsion is worth it really.
Ah! Thanks! So I was approximately on the right track. I’m going to do some research and see what’s available round these parts. Lmao. Cuz I’ve used Sohum, yes it is one of those, and imho it blows.
That fascinated me enough that I went on a search and destroy mission. Found me a 12 lb bag of California Super Soil to try on something. Check this stuff out. I was pretty impressed with the ingredients.
That fascinated me enough that I went on a search and destroy mission. Found me a 12 lb bag of California Super Soil to try on something. Check this stuff out. I was pretty impressed with the ingredients.
@Gee64 - If you think that’s decent, it’s enough for two plants I think. If you’re interested in being a contributing member of the sponsored @Dank Seeds grow about to begin, I’ll go two in coco with nutes vs two semi-organic with this stuff plus spikes and layers as you suggest. Therein would lie your side: would you be willing to be my spike/layer/pot setup guy for the grow?
Lmao! You are funny @InTheShed. I was kinda holding off for a bit. I haven’t even looked on the site at it. Nor the feed chart. When it arrives I was gonna take a dedicated hour and digest it. But if you like, fire away! Will it include the usual dire Shed warnings where necessary? :rofl:
I'll see if I can find the guaranteed analysis for each bottle and run their feed chart for you, and there will be no warnings, just recommendations. ;)
The pressure thing about it is, I get one, maybe two at most, shots at it. This kit *might* be enough for one to two plants. So not only is it pricey, I gotta get it right the first time. lol! I consider that putting a bit of pressure on myself. I work better under pressure.
I'll check the ingredients, but unless it's organic then it's probably the same salts as every other brand. :cheesygrinsmiley:
And the usual links 🔗 I hope 🤞? lol CL🍀
No links when doing calcs so I'm afraid you'll be disappointed in that one. :(
I wonder if there’s any relationship there or if it’s just timing. Probably timing.
Yay! A top grower acknowledging that timing is a possibility. :thumb:
I'll see if I can find the guaranteed analysis for each bottle and run their feed chart for you, and there will be no warnings, just recommendations. ;)

I'll check the ingredients, but unless it's organic then it's probably the same salts as every other brand. :cheesygrinsmiley:

No links when doing calcs so I'm afraid you'll be disappointed in that one. :(

Yay! A top grower acknowledging that timing is a possibility. :thumb:
Even a probability! Why, don’t people admit to that? They wanna take credit for every inconsequential move they make and suddenly it sounds like they know magic? You mean maybe it’s a little connected to ego?

Never noticed.


Top grower. Thanks! I appreciate your wrongness. Lmao.
Compare it to the bluesky soil. I can poke 4 spikes into a 10gal pot of bluesky and grow a really decent plant. A newbie would be ecstatic with it, so if you can find something similar that would be a great start, or go totally opposite, buy a good organic potting mix, and get it cooking.

The real key is the ewc. If you can buy nice fresh ewc, then that's pretty convenient. I wanted more control and a mineral processor, so I got my own worm farm, but good bagged ewc is DaBomb for sure.

And fish ferts must be hydrolysed ferts, not hydrolysed emulsion. Nothing that includes the word emulsion is worth it really.
Doesn't all fish remains broken down by hydroxides ultimately become an emulsion in solution? Emulsion meaning a mix of ingredients that's making the other water soluble and mix together? You have lecithin, water and oil as one example and another may be a mix of water, sodium hydroxide and fish remains?

You mean a "Fish emulsion" couldn't solely be made as a fertilizer? Do you have any actual practical examples of this? I can't even find Fish emulsion that's not solely made as a plant fertilizer? Maybe you're thinking about fermented fish sauce?

Speaking of crediting this or that, do you or your knowledgeable LOS folks know what I should do with this freebie I got at the hydro store yesterday? Apologies in advance for the potential hijack!

:thanks: in advance.
It contains 1.0% humic acid as active listed ingredients so you could use it to add humic acid to the soil increasing nutrient bioavailability and feeding the microbial life. There's many ways to add humic/fulvic acid, grain ferments is one of them.

I'll see if I can find the guaranteed analysis for each bottle and run their feed chart for you, and there will be no warnings, just recommendations. ;)

I'll check the ingredients, but unless it's organic then it's probably the same salts as every other brand. :cheesygrinsmiley:

No links when doing calcs so I'm afraid you'll be disappointed in that one. :(

Yay! A top grower acknowledging that timing is a possibility. :thumb:
I found a bit of interesting information on Irish ☘️ Whiskey 🥃 awards for this year and was very surprised to learn that you have a distillery. And here we were thinking 🤔 that you only grew nice bud. Any chance you could comp me some samples? Lmao 😂 CL🍀. :thumb: :welldone:
It contains 1.0% humic acid as active listed ingredients so you could use it to add humic acid to the soil increasing nutrient bioavailability and feeding the microbial life. There's many ways to add humic/fulvic acid, grain ferments is one of them.

I use bokashi, frass and myco as directed by @Bill284 . CL🍀
@Gee64 - If you think that’s decent, it’s enough for two plants I think. If you’re interested in being a contributing member of the sponsored @Dank Seeds grow about to begin, I’ll go two in coco with nutes vs two semi-organic with this stuff plus spikes and layers as you suggest. Therein would lie your side: would you be willing to be my spike/layer/pot setup guy for the grow?
Thats a tough one Jon. The spikes and layers should be complimentary to the soil mix. So it really depends on what soil you start with, but I will gladly give you my recipes and such.
Doesn't all fish remains broken down by hydroxides ultimately become an emulsion in solution? Emulsion meaning a mix of ingredients that's making the other water soluble and mix together? You have lecithin, water and oil as one example and another may be a mix of water, sodium hydroxide and fish remains?

You mean a "Fish emulsion" couldn't solely be made as a fertilizer? Do you have any actual practical examples of this? I can't even find Fish emulsion that's not solely made as a plant fertilizer? Maybe you're thinking about fermented fish sauce?

Fish hydrolysate is whole fish with the large bones removed mixed with water and left to sit until it's soup. If you heat that soup and syphon off all that fat to make fish oil pills, then strain the soup and take all the solids out to make fish meal from, fish emulsion is whats left. It's predominantly used as a fertilizer. Google will help you here. It's a pretty common product. Both are actually.
Thats a tough one Jon. The spikes and layers should be complimentary to the soil mix. So it really depends on what soil you start with, but I will gladly give you my recipes and such.
Understood. I was gonna make it super easy on you and simply show you the exact soil mix. And I’m not asking for custom spikes. Just standard stuff per this:

I can poke 4 spikes into a 10gal pot of bluesky and grow a really decent plant.

I have a ten. I’ll have the California soil. Let’s call it the same thing. All I need is the spikes - the what and how. Easy enough?
WTF is this?




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