Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Some other buds

Fish hydrolysate is whole fish with the large bones removed mixed with water and left to sit until it's soup. If you heat that soup and syphon off all that fat to make fish oil pills, then strain the soup and take all the solids out to make fish meal from, fish emulsion is whats left. It's predominantly used as a fertilizer. Google will help you here. It's a pretty common product. Both are actually.
So no actual practical examples of different products? Can you post any Fish emulsion not sold as fertilizer?

Not many people got the extra space and time to make their own fish emulsions to really know the difference?

So no actual practical examples of different products? Can you post any Fish emulsion not sold as fertilizer?

Not many people got the extra space and time to make their own fish emulsions to really know the difference?

You dont want fish emulsion. You want fish hydrosylate, like I said in the post, nothing with the word emulsion in it. I use a brand called Bluesky Fertalive. Fish hydrolysate is a really common product with hundreds of brands. Google it. There will be actual examples. Hundreds.
You dont want fish emulsion. You want fish hydrosylate.
And why is that and do you have any practical examples? An emulsion can contain almost anything under the sun? Doesn't it all depends on the process and what's actually in it? It's a very broad term, emulsion I mean.

Here’s the recipe for California Super Soil.
  1. Milled Epsom Salt
  2. Blood Meal
  3. Humic Acid
  4. Fish meal
  5. Worm Castings
  6. CoCo Coir
  7. Pacific Oyster Shells
  8. Bat Guano
  9. Azomite with Rare Earth Elements – Zinc, Boron, Copper, Cobalt, Iodine, Manganese
  10. Mycorrhiza
  11. Dolomite
  12. Organic Perlite
  13. Cold Water Crab Shells
  14. California Kelp
  15. Peat Moss
  16. Organic potting grow mix
  17. California Volcanic Red Rock
  18. Steamed Bone Meal
Well, what’s in it anyway. They don’t list the proportions.

Is that enough to let you know if it will work with your spikes?
The spike recipe I sent will work really well with this mix. This is a solid soil😊.
And why is that and do you have any practical examples? An emulsion can contain almost anything under the sun? Doesn't it all depends on the process and what's actually in it? It's a very broad term, emulsion I mean.

I have no idea why the industry calls one fish hydrolysate and one emulsion. You would have to ask them that.
The spike recipe I sent will work really well with this mix. This is a solid soil😊.
Thanks @Gee64 - they recommend filling the bottom third of the pot with this soil, and the top 2/3 with a good organic soil. Does that make sense to you? Why can’t I just fill a pot with this stuff and go?
I would guess that after the fish is stripped, whats left needs an emulsifier added to it so it doesn't just float on the top of the water, but thats just a guess.
I’ll ask someone in the industry (fishing and product refinements) tomorrow.

aren't they one and the same?🤣
Hey I drive a Ford and its awesome!


It’ll take 3 Co2 cylinders between the tailgate and the wheel arch snug as a bug in a rug and still hit 60mph in 7 seconds. Not that I’d do that, of course 😂
Thanks @Gee64 - they recommend filling the bottom third of the pot with this soil, and the top 2/3 with a good organic soil. Does that make sense to you? Why can’t I just fill a pot with this stuff and go?
It must be too hot for youngsters so they want the roots to find it. It's flower soil. It's an old school technique from the original supersoil days of growing, but it works quite well. To be honest, if you are going to use it, I would go with their recommendations for the 1st run. It's their product so you would like to think their instructions make it work best.
they recommend filling the bottom third of the pot with this soil, and the top 2/3 with a good organic soil. Does that make sense to you? Why can’t I just fill a pot with this stuff and go?
I know that SoHum recommends 2/3 of theirs under 1/3 regular above, so it's interesting that yours recommends the opposite. Why would they would a) not want to sell more soil and b) want 2/3 of the roots in soil without what the plants crave (like Brawndo)?
So light is the driver behind leaf temp, not air temperatures.
IR and ambient temperature is the main "drivers" for leaf temp. You can't compensate for ambient temperature by adding more light in most situations.

HID's help with a lot of IR during winter months but do very little productive during summer months.
I know that SoHum recommends 2/3 of theirs under 1/3 regular above, so it's interesting that yours recommends the opposite. Why would they would a) not want to sell more soil and b) want 2/3 of the roots in soil without what the plants crave (like Brawndo)?
@InTheShed - good question. Check out the site. They sell prefab grow bags/cloth pots you can get with the soil exactly as they prescribe. A pot with the soil already in it and ready to go — wonder how that comes packaged? Also, they sell the top soil and the super. So they try to sell you their stuff. I asked them if FFOF would be a good soil for the top, and the response was, yes, it’ll work fine, many growers use exactly that….BUT….we sell this soil that’s custom designed to pair with the supersoil. lol. I’ll use FFOH, already raped me for the supersoil, thanks. lol.
@InTheShed - good question. Check out the site. They sell prefab grow bags/cloth pots you can get with the soil exactly as they prescribe. A pot with the soil already in it and ready to go — wonder how that comes packaged? Also, they sell the top soil and the super. So they try to sell you their stuff. I asked them if FFOF would be a good soil for the top, and the response was, yes, it’ll work fine, many growers use exactly that….BUT….we sell this soil that’s custom designed to pair with the supersoil. lol. I’ll use FFOH, already raped me for the supersoil, thanks. lol.
Btw - I used Sohum right from the bag entirely by itself and it didn’t burn a thing.
So no actual practical examples of different products? Can you post any Fish emulsion not sold as fertilizer?

Not many people got the extra space and time to make their own fish emulsions to really know the difference?

My Wholly Mackerel from Fox Farms, which I’ve used as my fish ferts for the Skywalker semi/organic plant, is made from fish hydrolysate. I just checked. Is that the kind of example you’re asking for?
I know that SoHum recommends 2/3 of theirs under 1/3 regular above, so it's interesting that yours recommends the opposite. Why would they would a) not want to sell more soil and b) want 2/3 of the roots in soil without what the plants crave (like Brawndo)?
My guess on the 1/3 vs 2/3 would be exactly what Gee said in the post directly above your question.
My Wholly Mackerel from Fox Farms, which I’ve used as my fish ferts for the Skywalker semi/organic plant, is made from fish hydrolysate. I just checked. Is that the kind of example you’re asking for?
I tried to make @Gee64 realize that that the terminologies in practice are interchangeable by poking his head. Fish emulsion may contain 100% fish hydrosylate. It's what's in the mix that's important.


She’s getting kinda close-ish. She’s still the picture of health top to bottom. If I can just keep her this way for another what? 3 weeks or so? I’ll be so damn ecstatic. This is arguably my healthiest plant start to finish ever. Her only flaw is the 1/32-1/16” of tip yellow I have, which @Gee64 told me not to worry about. As he trashes his own grow for “ruining” his leaves, exactly as mine are. It’s nothing. Much. Lmao!!! I still consider her quite healthy. Her buds have packed some decent weight on, when I remove the posts, every cola goes horizontal. Btw - as much as the stakes make watering kind of a PITA, they also help me a ton with watering slowly and patiently. In the past I always watered to runoff, even in soil. This plant hasn’t run off once her whole life. Anyway, here’s the girl.


Cherry Pie

You guys ain’t gonna believe this. At least I don’t. I woke up this girl today only to find that suddenly, literally overnight last night, she has showered out another growth spurt. This is quite ridiculous as I thought we were done. The colas were already huge. But this one was so obvious a blind man couldn’t miss it. Yesterday all the buds looked final formed and starting to close up. This morning they look like this, the shower of new growth is all the real white hairs that look new. Cuz they are. It’s real obvious on the right sides of the first two buds, and everywhere on the third.

Bonkers. I’m so in love.



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