Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

“Final Florida Grow & This Time I Mean It”

“Final Florida Grow - Caine and Abel”

“Final Florida Grow - First Blood”

Sucks buddy. But as others have said at least your Mom is going to be OK - maybe the warmer weather will be good for her recuperation too.

How long did it take for you to go from pissed off to planning the next grow? 30 minutes? 🤣
Are they auto's?
Nope. Photos. He sent me one extra set of seeds - one of his few autos. It’ll be in the 2x4 or the closet with a Northern Lights Auto from @SeedsMan, which is already on day 5.

So the 5x5 = 4 photos
And the 2x4 and closet = 1 auto each
Double Grape
Day 91

Say goodbye. What a weirdo. Can’t fathom still why the buds stayed so small, but they’re closed up and tight and dense and frosty as an empty freezer after six months. All are over 10% amber, and mature, dark amber at that. Even the very bottoms. She’s ready for sure, and these buds are what she gave me. They will be the biggest pain in the ass trim ever, that’s for sure. Already seen that from trimming a small tester branch. They’re SO small for finished buds. Like little dense ass pearls or something. Who wants to come down and trim three or four ounces of “Littles?” Lmao. Ever get the Littles at the dispensary when you were low on funds or whatever? I used to sometimes. I always laughed when I opened them cuz an eighth of littles is hilarious. Now I have a whole plant of them to trim. For scale, the last picture is representative of all the buds on this plant. Lmao x 1000.




“Final Florida Grow & This Time I Mean It”

“Final Florida Grow - Caine and Abel”

“Final Florida Grow - First Blood”

Sucks buddy. But as others have said at least your Mom is going to be OK - maybe the warmer weather will be good for her recuperation too.

How long did it take for you to go from pissed off to planning the next grow? 30 minutes? 🤣
Here’s the thing @NickHardy - and this is not intended as a pity thought - I lost my legs. At 51. I was still playing competitive tennis and weekend summer soccer league, after being a college-level tennis player and being active my entire life. So anything else in the entire world, with the exception of my mother dying, is pretty much peanuts to get over. I feel it, I vent, I move on. Depression? Over this? Only for a minute man. One rather large advantage for me in losing my legs is, all my guardrails are gone. I have no fear. Of anything. Have you ever experienced life with no fear? I hadn’t. Don’t think many have. But lose your legs. You’ll find fear becomes a thing of the past. Long term depression as well. What’s to be depressed about now? I’ve been as high on the peak of the depression mountain as a person can be. One step short of checking out. For a year. A year of the hardest and most intense emotional work I’ve ever put in, by necessity. But the thing is, I came out on the other side. Unscathed? Hardly. But wiser. And now - no depression, no fear, and I’ll say anything to anyone at any time if I feel the need. Good or bad. I just don’t care. I speak the truth. Bluntly at times. Everything else is garbage. The only things in the universe that matter, the two most overriding realities of any sentient species that survives long term - millions of years - are TRUTH and LOVE. And there ain’t enough of either in this world.

Wow. Went off a bit there. Heh. Ok. Hanging trim jail beckons.
Double Grape is finishing weirdly yet nicely alloted with trichs Jon!
Hey great to hear you fired up the final grow! It looks like a winner!
Thanks @StoneOtter - yeah isn’t she weird? The weed is gonna be awesome. Based on a tester bud, I won’t be surprised at all if this is the strongest (highest thc) of all the plants. It floored me from a toaster oven bud. So PITA? Sure. Lots of yield? Nope. But quality? As good as I’ve ever grown. So I’ll deal no problem. And if it’s as good as I think it will be, I’ll give the plant another shot and make maybe eight colas and see how that goes. Betcha in that scenario the buds get big. I think I just watered it down with too many colas and this wasn’t the plant for that.
Here’s the thing @NickHardy - and this is not intended as a pity thought - I lost my legs. At 51. I was still playing competitive tennis and weekend summer soccer league, after being a college-level tennis player and being active my entire life. So anything else in the entire world, with the exception of my mother dying, is pretty much peanuts to get over. I feel it, I vent, I move on. Depression? Over this? Only for a minute man. One rather large advantage for me in losing my legs is, all my guardrails are gone. I have no fear. Of anything. Have you ever experienced life with no fear? I hadn’t. Don’t think many have. But lose your legs. You’ll find fear becomes a thing of the past. Long term depression as well. What’s to be depressed about now? I’ve been as high on the peak of the depression mountain as a person can be. One step short of checking out. For a year. A year of the hardest and most intense emotional work I’ve ever put in, by necessity. But the thing is, I came out on the other side. Unscathed? Hardly. But wiser. And now - no depression, no fear, and I’ll say anything to anyone at any time if I feel the need. Good or bad. I just don’t care. I speak the truth. Bluntly at times. Everything else is garbage. The only things in the universe that matter, the two most overriding realities of any sentient species that survives long term - millions of years - are TRUTH and LOVE. And there ain’t enough of either in this world.

Wow. Went off a bit there. Heh. Ok. Hanging trim jail beckons.
I know mate - I wasn’t joking when I said thirty minutes. I’d be like fuck this Mum’s OK now lets grow some fucking plants and make the best of it. What do you think I’d be doing? Same thing.

And yeah, I’m not really into fear. Stuff I’ve done, not thrill seeking type stuff bungie jumps or skydiving type things but like travel and driving continents and living all over the world type stuff, standing up to anyone whatever the size - fear doesn’t help much there. Though the last time I was feeling a bit sad, split up with my long term girlfriend, bored, unfulfilled the next time I flew to Thailand I rented an apartment for a year and decided I’d commute between HK and here. After two months I had my biggest client ever and met & Co.

No regrets. As a tattoo I have says “Leave Nothing On The Table”
I know mate - I wasn’t joking when I said thirty minutes. I’d be like fuck this Mum’s OK now lets grow some fucking plants and make the best of it. What do you think I’d be doing? Same thing.

And yeah, I’m not really into fear. Stuff I’ve done, not thrill seeking type stuff bungie jumps or skydiving type things but like travel and driving continents and living all over the world type stuff, standing up to anyone whatever the size - fear doesn’t help much there. Though the last time I was feeling a bit sad, split up with my long term girlfriend, bored, unfulfilled the next time I flew to Thailand I rented an apartment for a year and decided I’d commute between HK and here. After two months I had my biggest client ever and met & Co.

No regrets. As a tattoo I have says “Leave Nothing On The Table”
This is why we get along. Lmao!
Some phenos just have whispy buds. I have had rogues in the past that grow nothing but larf.

Beautiful healthy plants covered in fluff.I don't even trim them. They get chopped, frozen, and crushed into meal for the worm farm.

I wonder if the worms know the difference between trim, larf, and nuggets?🤣

The fluffy ones shake well in a hash bag. Great for oil too.

Ok. Feeling better. Here’s why….I successfully got with with Jon (sic) from @Dank Seeds today. (I gotta check this handle, the company is actually spelled dank seeds, all small letters). He’s on board with us starting the dank-sponsored grow. Reason I had to get with him is, he is taking this seriously enough that he told me to get with him when I was ready and he’d send me something special for the grow. So that thing is on the way. Heh.

So there may be a few other plants in a few other locales included in this grow/journal when I get it started shortly, but the dank tent is set. I’ll be growing 2 of their signature strains, both of which are specifically the result of Jon’s extensive pheno hunting and crossing.

Jon at one time ran a 500,000 sq. ft. grow facility. He retired from that end of the business to start dank seeds and to work specifically on creating a catalog of his own work only - his masterpieces as it were. He is a pure genetics guy at heart - that apparently is where his passion lies. If you check their catalog, it is very limited. This is by design. Jon is committed to extensive refining his genetics until the final product he presents is exactly what he says it will be. Minimal phenotypic variation. Maximum everything the strain has to offer.

Jon and dank are sponsoring my 5x5 for this grow and journal, and most of the journal will focus on this tent, with one plant in the closet and one on the 2x4, don’t know what yet. The dank tent is going to feature four photos in tens. Coco synth grow by necessity, under my best light, the G8 C3. I’m going to begin all four in 2-gallon pots and uppot them to the tens.

The four plants will be (2) Cosmic Lemon Haze and (2) Sweet Tea, sponsored seeds from dank (thanks Jon!). I’m going to attempt to veg them for 60 days although in coco that’s tough.

For reference, I had already ordered the Cosmic Lemon Haze and was awaiting confirmation when I decided to reach out (unsolicited, lol) to Jon. After we talked a while we settled on this plan. The Sweet Tea was chosen by him as the best plant he had to grow side by side with the CLH. So it’s sort of a team plan, and it is very nice and very refreshing to have another sponsor who wants to be significantly involved with a sponsorship. I’m honored and very very grateful.

I should have the tent space to get started soon enough. The 5x5 gets a cleaning and the new liner put in. I have the coco, bokashi, frass, MSA, perlite #3, plenty of ph up and down, plenty of calmag, and plenty of fun additives, just need to pick a nute system.

Interestingly, I asked Jon’s suggestion on the best synthetic nutes to grow his plants with, thinking he wouldn’t have an answer, but indeed he did. A very specific one: Bio365. I’ve never heard of them but my next move is to check them out.

Anyway, that’s the sneak peek as it were. Funny how growing soothes and calms my mind. Even the planning. Lol. When I get going I’ll likely post the link in this journal. I had better success with that last time vs tagging.

NICE, congrats once again:thumb:
Double Grape
Day 91

Say goodbye. What a weirdo. Can’t fathom still why the buds stayed so small, but they’re closed up and tight and dense and frosty as an empty freezer after six months. All are over 10% amber, and mature, dark amber at that. Even the very bottoms. She’s ready for sure, and these buds are what she gave me. They will be the biggest pain in the ass trim ever, that’s for sure. Already seen that from trimming a small tester branch. They’re SO small for finished buds. Like little dense ass pearls or something. Who wants to come down and trim three or four ounces of “Littles?” Lmao. Ever get the Littles at the dispensary when you were low on funds or whatever? I used to sometimes. I always laughed when I opened them cuz an eighth of littles is hilarious. Now I have a whole plant of them to trim. For scale, the last picture is representative of all the buds on this plant. Lmao x 1000.



thats a lot of little bud i didn't realize that, your pics make them all look larger, a bit more work but will be worth it, curious on the dry weight, congrats on another chop
Cherry Pie

Now she gets the tent to herself, at least until this afternoon. Heh. Let her enjoy her few hours with the condo to herself. She can watch porn or do whatever she does when nobody’s watching, I don’t care. She’s happy, healthy, and has many a gigantic cola.



Thanks @StoneOtter - yeah isn’t she weird? The weed is gonna be awesome. Based on a tester bud, I won’t be surprised at all if this is the strongest (highest thc) of all the plants. It floored me from a toaster oven bud. So PITA? Sure. Lots of yield? Nope. But quality? As good as I’ve ever grown. So I’ll deal no problem. And if it’s as good as I think it will be, I’ll give the plant another shot and make maybe eight colas and see how that goes. Betcha in that scenario the buds get big. I think I just watered it down with too many colas and this wasn’t the plant for that.
Imagine what you could do with a really long veg time. I think you could grow something incredible. CL🍀
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