Jon's Final Florida Journal For Real

Hmm. Interesting @NickHardy. First time I’ve heard that. Sounds a bit like bro science on first read. The Cherry Pie gave me 61 days of veg in her seven. The Double Grape, also in a seven, gave me 40-some. Etc. I almost always use sevens for autos, and the flower whenever they are pre programmed genetically to flower, regardless of the size of the pot. That would be my guess. But that’s interesting enough that I’m gonna explore a little.
Its in the comments of the VPD link I posted. Name is Noah.
Hmm. Interesting @NickHardy. First time I’ve heard that. Sounds a bit like bro science on first read. The Cherry Pie gave me 61 days of veg in her seven. The Double Grape, also in a seven, gave me 40-some. Etc. I almost always use sevens for autos, and the flower whenever they are pre programmed genetically to flower, regardless of the size of the pot. That would be my guess. But that’s interesting enough that I’m gonna explore a little.
I bet this person doesn’t up pot either then. According to this assertion, the plant would begin to flower.
Jon, these autos are amazing 😍🤩😍. Many things in this thread encourage and help me along in my learning of autos. Appreciate you sharing your fine work.
Why thank you @greenmobster440, appreciate the kind words and glad you’re finding something useful. Dig your handle too. Just so I don’t look like a fool again, you’re a male human, correct? lol.
Meanwhile, it’s the coldest I’ve seen it in three years today. Right now it’s 54 degree here. For the southwest of Florida, that’s freezing. Overnight it went down to 52. I actually have the door to the garage shut all the way, so with the tent doors both opened up, and with the ACs running. This actually is keeping the plants warm right now, as I have the temp controls blowing out room temperature air or a little less. The heat from the AC exhaust is my wall against 54 degrees. Lmao.

Edit: he said, making everyone in Canada hate him…. :rofl:
Double Grape
Super Partial Harvest

I took the six branches that were horizontal to the ground. lol. Beautiful buds. Just gorgeous.


DAMN. Thanks SO much @Gee64. That was no rookie primer and I’m sure it took a while. And I actually understand it all. So my daytime temp and rh is around 82-85 degrees and about 55-60% rh. That’s the best I can do here with what I have. Remember I have no extraction fan on the 2x4 and run ambient by day, but with the AC on to lower the rh. It’s quite inventive actually if I do say so myself. Anyway, the plant seems to love that. So nighttime I never read, but I open the door immediately at lights on and it reads the same always - 75 degrees and 62% rh. That’s my overnight. Again, best I can do. So that’s all fairly close. Am I okay here? Not that it matters cuz I’ve tried everything under the sun here and this is the best I got. Seems to agree with the plant. She’s drinking a lot - recently went from watering every third day to every second. About to start bulking up. (I’m about three weeks behind your schedule). So idk. But this also explains why I seem to see more new growth in the mornings. Thanks again for the involved answer.
Yeah thats in the 7 to 10 degree spread. Assuming you have a 2 degree difference from air to leaf temp, your day vpd is 1.26-1.59, thats from 82F and 60RH to 85 and 50 RH.

1.26 is a bit low for midflower- finish, and 1.59 is a borderline high, but neither is too high and both are in the ballpark.

Take a reading 90 minutes before lights out at least 2 hours after a watering, and see what that says.

You need to find your max for the day. As long as it doesn't hit over 1.6 you are good for the long term.

I like 1.45-ish. Its plenty fast and can still handle a spike.
Ha! Love the fluffy friends, my Molly’s hair is on all my buds. Lmao! And guess what? If you look at the hair with your scope, they aren’t smooth. I started budwashing in earnest last few grows, and guess what bud washing won’t take out? Molly hair! Lmao.
You guys need to learn how to shave your pussies🤣
I read something yesterday that was interesting. Large scale commercial farmer been growing for years. Dropped in this as if it was common knowledge, its was as an aside. “Auto’s flower as soon as the roots hit resistance, so its pot sized related how big they grow”
I have a friend that grows auto's. She swears that a tall cylindrical pot will give you a bigger auto than a short wide pot of the same volume. She uses synthetics, so I'm not sure if that is part of the equation, but untopped on her deck they are all 5-6 feet tall and mainly indicas.
I have a friend that grows auto's. She swears that a tall cylindrical pot will give you a bigger auto than a short wide pot of the same volume. She uses synthetics, so I'm not sure if that is part of the equation, but untopped on her deck they are all 5-6 feet tall and mainly indicas.
Here’s what I tried: a pyramid pot. Specifically to test that exact theory. I had a three up top with the bottom cut out completely, “screwed” on top of a seven. I did it to two plants. Big autos in the past. Neither one grew any different than normal, and the roots did not make it to the bottom. Using coco and Prescription Blend. I prefer the wider cloth pots like you use for your grow. I’m using tall airpots now and there’s no difference. My plants would look the same regardless of pot style. Imo.
Thats quite the frost collection you got going on there! Wear a helmet Buddy, maybe elbow pads too🤣🤣🤣. Gorgeous!
Yeah, you can see from the closeup I am wise to wait another day, maybe two. Get those hairs integrated. They’re small, to the naked eye, gotta look close to see them not curled in.
I have a friend that grows auto's. She swears that a tall cylindrical pot will give you a bigger auto than a short wide pot of the same volume. She uses synthetics, so I'm not sure if that is part of the equation, but untopped on her deck they are all 5-6 feet tall and mainly indicas.
If you do your porch auto thing, try one in each style of the same strain, some indica you like, don’t top them, and see if there’s a difference. Better yet do two and two. It’s a start.
I have a friend that grows auto's. She swears that a tall cylindrical pot will give you a bigger auto than a short wide pot of the same volume. She uses synthetics, so I'm not sure if that is part of the equation, but untopped on her deck they are all 5-6 feet tall and mainly indicas.
I will be displaying how to grow truly gargantuan autos in the next grow in PA. I’m going off on the one auto tent. No more of this wondering what to do and going back and forth. I know how to grow giant, healthy, non-leaf-burned autos, and will display. I have been pissing myself off lately with all this auto uncertainty I’ve been showing off so proudly. I don’t have a gargantuan one in this grow. The Blackberry Moonrocks is biggish, but far from gargantuan. I’m talking pound autos. I’ve said something similar before and fell short on a lofty goal (3 autos, 3 pounds, lol - I got to 42 ounces though). That’s not too short, only 6 ounces. I sincerely believe it can and will be done. By me. Next grow.

There. I just slapped myself in the face with the gauntlet.

I will be displaying how to grow truly gargantuan autos in the next grow in PA. I’m going off on the one auto tent. No more of this wondering what to do and going back and forth. I know how to grow giant, healthy, non-leaf-burned autos, and will display. I have been pissing myself off lately with all this auto uncertainty I’ve been showing off so proudly. I don’t have a gargantuan one in this grow. The Blackberry Moonrocks is biggish, but far from gargantuan. I’m talking pound autos. I’ve said something similar before and fell short on a lofty goal (3 autos, 3 pounds, lol - I got to 42 ounces though). That’s not too short, only 6 ounces. I sincerely believe it can and will be done. By me. Next grow.

There. I just slapped myself in the face with the gauntlet.

So if auto's are on a timeline from the day they sprout until finish, are there things that can be done to hold floweing off or to speed flowering up to start sooner?

I wonder, if certain triggers effect this, if organics vs synthetics may produce 2 very different autos growing side by side, because different triggers are being activated?
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