Jon705's First Attempt at Organic SuperSoil Featuring TopLED's New COB LED Panel

nice hash making method, i was pretty impressed with my gravity hash method and worked well, that bubble method sure seems easier, how many times did you work the bud through it and did you try another rinse to see if anymore was left on the trim.

so is the bubble machine just like a big tub with lots of bubbles cominh up from bottom, then do you pour the water/trich mixture through the bags, what i mean is does the bubble machine just create lots of bubbles and has something to hold the trim and the ice like a strainer type thing, then after its finished bubbling to you then pour the water through the bags,

shipping would cost a fortune to where i am so i could try making one, i got several big air pumps as i have a couple of big tropical fish tanks, so could i just use a load of air stones in the bottom of a bucket, would that work the same or does the water get aggitated as well with a pump,

plants look great but im a few pages behind so flicking back through to have a read, i got as far as the plants looking over watered, it could just be a case of transplant shock or if it is over watered then it will sort itself out, you could check the ph if you had a soil ph tester, using the digital testers can give random results when you try and ph the soil, i got several different results when i tried testing run off and tried mixing some of the soil with water then strained it through coffee filter and tested ph, each time it gave slightly different results so im thinking its not the best method to use, not that i check ph but ive got a pen and ive only used to to test my tap water and test the nutrients when i mixed them up, ive not tested anything since then and my dwc plants do ok, but if i had problems then i obviously would test it more often and possibly get an ec tester
Bubble is the type of hash it is DP, all that machine is is a countertop washing machine for clothes, say at camp or something. I ll take some pics of the inside of the tub later, im running all the different strains one at a time today. theres a simple agitator at the bottom that spins for m10 seconds one way then 10 seconds the other. Im only looking for the high quality hash so I dont run it more than twice, 25 min the first time and 10 the second, there probably wasnt much left, after the second run theres alot of green foam that I have to spray with a spray bottle and ice water, the sprayer works it through the bag until theres nothing but gold left:)
Bubble is the type of hash it is DP, all that machine is is a countertop washing machine for clothes, say at camp or something. I ll take some pics of the inside of the tub later, im running all the different strains one at a time today. theres a simple agitator at the bottom that spins for m10 seconds one way then 10 seconds the other. Im only looking for the high quality hash so I dont run it more than twice, 25 min the first time and 10 the second, there probably wasnt much left, after the second run theres alot of green foam that I have to spray with a spray bottle and ice water, the sprayer works it through the bag until theres nothing but gold left:)
sorry, 15 min the first run 10 min the second.
Awesome jon, I'm doin my first ever run bags are marked like this; 25, 37, 45, 73, 90, 120, 160, 220. It seems if I remember right there are two types of marking systems for bags. If you can tell me which bags to use for what I would appreciate it. I'm going to do a dry ice extraction first, then go into a bubble run with the same material. I have pretty good material.....a lot of chopped up bud with damage. Everything that leaves my hands is top eliminates advertisement issues...LOL.....and any questions! Thanks jon, I appreciate your we all do! I plan on 4lbs of dry ice and 30lbs. of regular ice.....and I have 10 gal. of ro.
well I suggest you run all the bags this first time you try it, the 220 and 160 are work bags, they just filter out the bunk. The 120 will be medible grad, still some green material in it, usually anyways, some indicas have huge trychrome heads and it can get caught in the 120 bag.the 90 and the 73 are your money bags, full melt goodness bro! I usually run 220,160 for workbags, then 120,75,and then either a 45 or a 20 to catch the rest, im pretty picky with this stuff, everything other than the 75 and the 90 I usually give away. Make sure you have a good spray bottle with ice water in it, when theres green in the bag with gold you can spray the green through, just keep spraying the material and spinning it around until theres nothing but gold left:)
well I suggest you run all the bags this first time you try it, the 220 and 160 are work bags, they just filter out the bunk. The 120 will be medible grad, still some green material in it, usually anyways, some indicas have huge trychrome heads and it can get caught in the 120 bag.the 90 and the 73 are your money bags, full melt goodness bro! I usually run 220,160 for workbags, then 120,75,and then either a 45 or a 20 to catch the rest, im pretty picky with this stuff, everything other than the 75 and the 90 I usually give away. Make sure you have a good spray bottle with ice water in it, when theres green in the bag with gold you can spray the green through, just keep spraying the material and spinning it around until theres nothing but gold left:)

I just watched a 45 minute utooth gig jon....what you told me put the icing on the cake and I'll have a full report tomorrow...thank you!
u should run it with trim and 100% alcohol then evaporate off alcohol. its unreal resin. just do it in well ventilated area! lol

thats what I used to do before I found this bro, a quick rinse through cheesecloth with 100% isoprophyl, the best honey oil you will ever smoke but honestly, this is much better tasting and its solventless. Im already smoking the 8bk bubble from yesterday, it taste just like the plant smelled just before they got chopped, absolutely delicious:)
You lucky bastard !! Good going

thats what I used to do before I found this bro, a quick rinse through cheesecloth with 100% isoprophyl, the best honey oil you will ever smoke but honestly, this is much better tasting and its solventless. Im already smoking the 8bk bubble from yesterday, it taste just like the plant smelled just before they got chopped, absolutely delicious:)
Heres what the 8 Ball Kush bubble looks like today, never fails matter how hard I try to keep the bags clean, I always get a couple of dog hairs in it.With 2 long haired dogs here its inevitable:)
Can / have you ever pressed bubble? I really miss those black bricks with the gold seal wrapped in red cellophane .

Heres what the 8 Ball Kush bubble looks like today, never fails matter how hard I try to keep the bags clean, I always get a couple of dog hairs in it.With 2 long haired dogs here its inevitable:)
Something about an Oz of pressed , the sound it make when you drop in on the table..THUD
I'm going to make a press out of pvc pipe til I can get one machined for myself, my bro had one made and it's awesome! All you guys wish me luck, this is what I plan to do; I'm makin dry ice hash for the first run, I'm goin to put down layers of trim and dry ice, I have a closet door that is mirrored and I'll lay it down on the dinner table. I'll let the Ice and trim freeze up real good for a few minutes, then I'll shake the bag for two minutes over one end of the mirror, then I'll move to the other end and shake it for 5 minutes. Afyer that I'll take it and shake it til it won't give........then the weed will be dried, refrozen, and when I get a minute I'll do a bubble run. I'll be using a gallon Ziploc full of really good trim. Any comments or suggestions are welcome!
Sounds like a plan , love to see the process as well as the end result. THUD , CURPLUNK

I'm going to make a press out of pvc pipe til I can get one machined for myself, my bro had one made and it's awesome! All you guys wish me luck, this is what I plan to do; I'm makin dry ice hash for the first run, I'm goin to put down layers of trim and dry ice, I have a closet door that is mirrored and I'll lay it down on the dinner table. I'll let the Ice and trim freeze up real good for a few minutes, then I'll shake the bag for two minutes over one end of the mirror, then I'll move to the other end and shake it for 5 minutes. Afyer that I'll take it and shake it til it won't give........then the weed will be dried, refrozen, and when I get a minute I'll do a bubble run. I'll be using a gallon Ziploc full of really good trim. Any comments or suggestions are welcome!
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